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Formula One series I've Played

Sony games always been ahead and advances with graphics, I give them that.

List items

  • Only two players I played, cool sound good speed.

  • Any game support 2 players on PS1, are welcome to play :)

  • One of those game I start to play it alone on PS1, I like it much than GP since GP was hard to play at that time, and I try it recently on PC to certain my memory ;)

  • I was known, this game also just a race like any other race game. Of course, now I know it calls Formula one, was in an easy game.

  • I played this one in a single-player, really cool game, and I start to understand what fun about F1 race games.

  • Best F1 in PS1, and cool graphics.

  • Just when I know there's F1 still coming to PS1, I try it, and I didn't like it, It was an average race with some balance from the F1 statute game.

  • How the F1 race pro game becomes like this! yet can't leave it without test it, to taste if the game off-road or on road. off-road!