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The beginning of something grand...

Yo, hows everyone doing?

I'm going to keep it simple for my first blog (most likely since I'm still a noob to all this blogging stuff). Just wanted to say that it truly is great to be here on this awesome site. Seeing familiar faces around here brings back good memories about games and good times that will come in the future as well!

I'll always blog about what I'm currently playing so, here it is!

Ninja Gaiden II and Final Fantasy XI; drop me /tell if any one here plays ffxi i'm on the [fenrir server with the character name Sasune.] I'm having a bit too much fun with NGII so i play it in short bursts! I also am playing quite a bit of Puzzle Quest, which is just so addicting!

Also, if anyone needs a new XBOX Live friend don't hesitate to drop me a line, my gamertag is HiroSeven; I wont friend just anyone, but thats normal right? ;)

