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Gym Diary - Skipping a Gym class.

Dear Duders.

Since I started the gym about 3-4 weeks ago, I've been very consistent in my going to the Gym. My parents and friends assumed that I would stick with it for a few days and then never go back, so I was happy to prove them wrong by attending the Gym every Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday. Last night however, it was a friends leaving due so I had to skip the gym to go out, as guessed, I got extremely drunk and had a really great time. Unfortunately my body is making me pay this morning, I woke up with headache and somewhat dizzy, so I then decided I was in no shape to go to my morning gym class and just ended up playing a bunch of Rock Band Blitz and Sleeping Dogs. (Both of which are really good games)

This could be the beginning of a real downhill spiral if I am not too careful, I mean I enjoy the gym a great deal. Every time I go to the gym I get to have fun in a class of Boxercise, feel the burn in spinning or listen to a podcast while I'm in the gym. Amidst all of that I get to socialise with my other gym people and get out of the house, not to mention the good it is doing for my body. But as I was drinking at the club and playing Sleeping Dogs on my new 32 TV (I used to have a 23 but it broke on Thursday) I felt a sense of comfort. I will make sure I go tomorrow and make today my lazy day and tomorrow my do stuff day. I just hope I keep this up, I haven't been swimming in a while either due to its length away from my house, but I have a bike now so I'll start going back there.

Keep nagging me duders, I want to keep this up, how do you find the balance?