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Ironsoul's 2014 Games of the Year!


You were full of changes. Personally it's mostly been good! Got a new job and the Washington Capitals are doing pretty good in the metropolitan division, can't complain!

Gaming however was mixed. We saw the ushering in of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and with those we have a new generation of problems. Consoles running into issues, games shipping full of bugs or just straight up not working. However even with those negatives we've seen some positives. Here is a list of the top ten bright points of this year for me in gaming.

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10) WWE Super Card (IOS)

WWE Super Card, you are not a good game.

You are hardly a game.

I can NOT stop playing WWE Super Card! I'm not sure what it is about this game, if it's just my commute on the Metro to work every day, or the slow trickle of progress that keeps me coming back but I just can't let it go.

To developer Cat Daddy/2K's credit they keep updating the game. Since launch they added "King of the Ring" mode which is a sixteen player tournament, "People's Champion" mode which is a king of the hill ladder mode and the newly added "Road to Glory" mode which is beat the pro tiered challenge.

Oh... and for Christmas they added lights and snowflakes to the cards!

9) Killer Instinct: Season 2 (XONE)

I loved last years Season 1 and Iron Galaxy's takeover of the franchise seems to be even better. They've done come balance adjustments, beefed up the visuals and added some great new and classic characters. Characters are still coming out so I'm keeping this low on my list so it could go off the rails but I really have been enjoying KI.


8) Dungeon of the Endless (PC)

This is this year's FTL for me. A unique combination of a tower defense game and a turned based dungeon crawler tossed into rogue-like blender. Add a sprinkle of to a bunch of unique heroes with differing abilities and synergies that extends the re-playability and a online multiplayer mode and that is a recipe for a great game.

In addition the pixel art visuals, great art design, sci-ft trappings and chiptune inspired soundtrack and it's a super great package.

It's also hard as HELL. No joke... this game is tough. This would probably be higher on my list if it wasn't quite so hard.

7) Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PC)

The latest expansion to the Diablo franchise brought Diablo III to where most people expected it to start. While I didn't think the vanilla Diablo III was as bad as people made it out to be Reaper of Souls is fantastic.

The new Crusader class is a blast to play. The increase of level cap and new skills to the existing classes really balanced things out. The new artisan "The Mystic" helps solve the problems with making "prefect" loot drops.

Adventure mode and Rifts totally revitalized the game giving it a more compelling reason to loot grind without having to play the campaign over and over again. The addition to Seasons play post launch gives players a compelling reason to keep diving back in keeping the community active. Blizzard really put a shine on a already great game.

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6) Threes (IOS)

The OG sliding number combo game that spawned countless clones in app stores everywhere. I played the hell out of this game. I still do.

It's addicting, it's cute, utterly charming. It has some great UI, art and sound design. Perhaps on of the all time great IOS games? Maybe!

Oh, and it's out on the XBox now too.

5) The Banner Saga (PC)

I played through this game in one marathon sitting, it has been years since I've been drawn into a game to do that. Banner Saga is a mash up of genres that's sum is greater then it's parts. It's Oregon Trail mashed with a light Tactical RPG with fantastic hand drawn art work and a bleak and dire the story compels you to see it through.

Your choices feel meaningful, you fret about them worried about the consequences. People die, yet you push on. The ending is bitter sweet and exhausting. I can't wait for the recently announce sequel and see how the world ends.

4) The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Time Prison Chapter (PS3)

One of the best selling game series from the Land of the Rising Sun, otherwise know as Japan. This import holds a special place in my heart. It's probably the greatest example of legal fan fiction ever made! It's a mash up of decades of popular robot anime put into a Strategy RPG.

Probably far to high on this list objectively but my heart wants it higher. Come on, it has Simon from Gurren Lagann bro'ing out with Ryoma from Getter Robo and both of them freaking out about how awesome Noriko from Gunbuster is. How can you not love that!?

3) Transistor (PC)

- Supergiant Games second game doesn't quite hit the highs of Bastion but man, it's still fantastic. One of the best art designs of the year the game is absolutely beautiful. The world looks practically hand painted at time. The soundtrack is immersive and haunting, meshing fantastically with the visuals.

The combat system that just gets better and better as the game goes on and forces you to stop and think about your actions. The various "functions" to your attacks stack in interesting ways letting you take the game in a variety of ways depending on your play style.

The story is a bit muddled with much of the plot hidden away in the character bios that unlock as you progress. If you dive in and read everything you will get the full picture which is unfortunate.

2) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)

I don't really like open world games that much. They always feel dead to me. Too static, never changing, meaningless other then a place to run through going to missions to progress the story. The Nemesis system fixes all of that. Now the world feels alive, the random characters actually become interesting. It's perhaps the most meaningful game system created in years. You will see something like it in games for years, and all the better for it.

Beyond the Nemesis system the combat is fun and tight, the world expansive and overall the game is shined and polished unlike many games were this year. Everything just meshes into a great experience.

It would be my number one game of the year by a mile if it wasn't for...

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1) Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (PC, IOS)

Hearthstone. I love you. I've played you pretty much daily since launch. I miss you when I'm not playing you. I creepily watch you as your are played by other people on Twitch. I am pretty sure I have a bit of a problem.

All kidding aside this is a fantastic game. Free to play, Blizzard has crafted it in such a way you don't hate it for that. Constructed play is fantastic with a constantly evolving metagame, Arena mode is great and horrible and addicting.

Since launch there as been two expansions. Naxxramas was an interesting single player adventure, the reward cards shook up the meta in a much needed way. The recently added Goblin vs Gnomes expansion totally change the game making an already active game feel brand new. Available on both PC and IOS you can't escape Blizzard's clutches, those icy claws are in deep.

Hearthstone I can't quit you.


2014's best 2013 game.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PC)

NANOMACHINES SON. This game was fantastic, ridiculous and it's even better on PC. How I missed it last year I'm not sure but I am glad I played it this year. Pick it up on Steam at a deep discount if you haven't yet and let Jack the Ripper cut loose!