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Bloggin for Blog's Sake: What I'm Playin' and Plannin' on Playin'

Sometimes, you just gotta write.  Maybe that's not the way it works with YOU persay...but that's the way it works with me, foolio!

We got BattleForge in at work.  I've been watching our manager play around with it a little, and the game has got me REALLY curious.  It's quite unique in its scope, and if all the elements of the game play out right, I think this could really be an awesome little title to have.  I'll play around with it this week sometime and throw some impressions up for y'all.

I had stated a while back (somewhere on the site, fuck knows where though) that my roommate and I were going to pick up a copy of RapeLay and check it out, then I'd post up impressions and reviews.  Well...we're not getting it.  Why?  Because the way the game handles itself is LAME!  I mean, I know that what I'm about to say is borderline crazy talk...but here goes:  why the FUCK do I wanna play a rape simulator where the girls give into the rape and are okay with gettin' fucked after a minute or two?  Moreover, why the FUCK do I wanna play a rape simulator that pixelates cooch?!  That's a fucking ripoff!  Once my roommate and I found this info out, we just couldn't bring ourselves to play it...and she was super psyched about checking it out.  So...sorry, folks.

I've been playin' a LOT of Guitar Hero: Metallica lately.  Man, it's probably the most fun I have had on a music/rhythm game since Guitar Hero II.  Maybe it's the fact that Corrosion of Conformity are FINALLY on a GH game.  Maybe it's the fact that Metallica songs are fun as Hell to play.  Maybe it's because every time you play with your friends, you are all acting like total fucking Metallica rock stars, cock of the walk badasses.  lol  There's just something fun about that game that I haven't gotten from many of the rhythm games lately.  Unfortunately, we don't have a double bass pedal here at work on the Ion Drum Rocker set, but we've got one on once we get that in, I plan on checking out the Expert + setting (which apparently only applies to the drums).  The two issues I have with the game:
  • Kirk Hammett's motion captures show just how unactive the man is on-stage
  • The exclusion of Cliff Burton and Jason Newsted is fucking horseshit

Last but not least, Dark Athena has drawn nigh, folks.  I've been waiting, I've been wanting, and now, I'll finally be able to get it.  Once I get my grubby fucking hands on that and blast through it, I'll hit up another blog with full updates.

That's all.  Nothing amazing, I know.  Piece.