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Favourite games of 2013

Some friends of mine made lists, and suggested I make my own list, so here it is.

I missed out on a few games this year, which I'm sure would be on the list if I had played them.

List items

  • Telltale are definitely getting the hang of this style of game.

    I don't know if it's the setting, or the slightly different aesthetic, but I enjoyed the first episode of The Wolf Among Us much more more than I did most of the first season of The Walking Dead.

    I can't wait for the next 4 episodes.

  • I do love a good puzzle game.

    Especially one that throws all the rules out the window.

    Best puzzle game I've played in ages.

  • I've only just gotten this recently, but despite only having played 12 hours so far, I already love this game.

  • Telltale have certainly started season two on a gruesome, heart-wrenching high note.

    And if the last season is anything to go by, it's only going to get better.

  • Got this while it was on sale, and played through the entire thing with a friend in co-op, for a whole 24 hours, and had a great time.

  • Played through this in co-op with the same friend that played Revelations with me (but not in one sitting), and once again, had a great time doing so.

  • I've played through this game multiple times, and while it doesn't get any better each time, it doesn't get any worse either.

    It's fun naming your team after your friends, or your favourite characters, and watching them kick alien butt.

  • There is a certain charm to this game that I haven't gotten from any other games for a long time.

    Despite never having played the original, there's still a sense of nostalgia for the characters.

    I still have a super old Scrooge comic, and one of the movies on video.

  • I've always liked pokemon, but the games have always been a grind for me, and I could never manage to finish them.

    I'm not sure if it was the new look (it probably was) but I certainly enjoyed this game, and it was the first pokemon game I've actually finished.

  • I loved Rayman Origins, and although I haven't played too much of Legends yet, from what I have played, it definitely gets a spot on the list.

    It would probably be higher up if I'd finished it.

  • I love the style, I love the theme, I love the hilarious moments when you're playing with friends and somebody gets spotted, so everyone goes "F*** It! Go loud!" and all the guards, and the characters are running around frantically on the screen.

  • I don't know what it is, but there's just something about this game.

    I couldn't not put it on the list.

  • While I didn't invest as much time in this one as Wings of Liberty, mainly because of my internet connection, and my computer no longer being able to run things as well, I still enjoyed it.

    Gotta love those Blizzard cinematics.

  • This won't be as high up in my list as some of my friends have it, but I did love this game, just not enough for a top 10 spot.

  • How can I not have this on the list at least somewhere?