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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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Am I the only one?

Seriously, why do everyone think MGS4 is such a great game? From what I can tell (and I have done anything but play it), the combat looks boring and stupid, the story is the same over-the-top-japanese-soap-opera drivel, the graphics aren't that much to brag about, and the whole thing just reeks of "look at us, we made the bestest game of all time! Because no one understands it! HAHA!"

It seems like a stupid mediocre action game, with a stupid story. And they had to put in a lot of cutscenes to really make it the best dramaqueen game ever. Which it totally is. The entire series is. And it looks like I am the only one who think this. Well, I can hate this series alone, fine by me. The only good thing that have come out of these games are these. There are tons of those there, and I love all of them. Why? Because they are so darn funny. And they are funny because they are stupid, like the game.

Metal Gear Solid sucks. There.