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Which beard!

Poll this fucker up!

Going to shave my face again on Thursday evening/Friday. A friend of mine requested that I should do something crazy, so he found me this chart:

Please don't choose the Super Mario... it's completely impossible.
Please don't choose the Super Mario... it's completely impossible.
I have about one more week of beard now. This took three months to grow.
I have about one more week of beard now. This took three months to grow.

Now, I have put numbers on that sucker, and will try to do whatever get the most votes. I was going to do this only on my Facebook, but I barely have any people on Facebook who cares, so I am going to let it spill over here as well. I am going to wear it like that only for the weekend, as I don't think my boss will be happy with some weird shit going on in my face. She practically fainted when I cut my hair shorter...

Oh, and some of those are kinda unrealistic for me to do, as I look somewhat like what you see on the right now. And yes, I know, I shouldn't add this to the Off-topic boards, as this is pretty stupid. However, if I just made a blogpost no-one would see it. And that wouldn't do me any good, now would it?


Winner is Hulihee. Check it out!