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Video game coverage in my school newspaper, help me out!

I have joined my school newspaper, and have been given an entire page to dedicate to video games.  
As an aspiring video game journalists (yikes!) joining my school newspaper was a relatively easy step. Now I have to figure out what kind of coverage I should be working on. Let me give you a bit of information about the paper... 
We are having 5 issues for the year, so I will not be able to cover every game in a very timely manner. For instance, I won't be able to cover Halo: Reach as by the time the issue comes out, it would hold much relevance.  
My deadline for content is November 3rd, so I need to decide what games I should review for the November issue.


Medal of Honor: October 12th, 2010 
By the time our issue comes out, Medal of Honor will have been out for over a month. I might have a quick blurb about it, but I doubt I will do a full review. I'm also not sure what significance this game will have for the mainstream. I will have to wait until I get to play the singleplayer.
Fallout: New Vegas: October 19th, 2010 
Fallout 3 was very popular among my classmates back in 2008, so there should be some interest in New Vegas. A review 20 days later shouldn't be that bad for such a (hopefully) large game, but the gap is still rather significant. 
Fable III: October 26th, 2010 
I'll be honest: I have never played a Fable game, despite it being fairly popular with some of my friends when Fable II first came out. Given my lack of experience with the series, I'm not sure if I should review it. On the flip side, I doubt anyone reading the paper will really care about that at all. It comes out late in October, so the review should be somewhat timely.  
Rock Band 3: October 26th, 2010 
I think everyone I know is burnt out on music games. I also don't know if I want to shell out for another plastic instrument. I will probably pass on covering this for the paper. 
Black Ops and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will come out early/mid November, most likely too late for the November issue. 


I was going to have one or two highlighted reviews, most likely of Fable III and Fallout: New Vegas. I will have a blurb about Medal of Honor, maybe talking about the Taliban "controversy". 
Then, I will have a section looking forward. There I can briefly talk about Black Ops, AC: B, and maybe the World of Warcraft expansion. 

So, sound like a good start?

What do you guys think about the choice of games I will be reviewing? How about the format?  
Any tips about how to make this appealing to an average reader? 