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Further thoughts on RDR and if you like RDR..take a look these

Well now, 
I'm 5 hours into it. Thats 2+ hours than GTAIV so its got to be doing something right. 
After my initial complaints, I'm getting used to the controls. I still think that tapping X to sprint is stupid as hell..but there you go. 
There was one mission, I'm sure those who have played the game know which one I'm talking about..with the Treasure hunters which is just plain broken. 
I ended up repeatedly getting off my horse and DEing them. 
Oh..and I'm playing on expert so thats why driving and shooting is a wee bit difficult. 
Anyway the storyline keeps getting better..perhaps because you begin to become invested in the characters. Getting there in time to shoot the rope is always a good feeling. 
Giving the guys who did it a severe case of lead poisoning is an even better one. 
So, yeah, RDR has currently won me round to thinking that its a pretty damn good game so far. Not the greatest by a long shot, but not half bad. If it continues to get better we may have a real winner here boys. 
okay..perhaps i've been playing it too much. Lots of cowboy lingo coming in there. 
Playing through RDR has reminded me of some great...I suppose 'exponents' of the western in the modern age. 
Thats my long winded way of saying, if you like RDR, take a gander at these: 

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Jonah Hex: by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey 
I just read the first trade. It reads as a one and done tale. Each issue stands on its own. 
Set in 1870s Jonah Hex follows..well he goes about his business. Which usually involves lots of shooting, scalping and double crossing. 
Well worth a look if it sounds like your sort of thing. 
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Scalped: by Jason Aaron. 
I'll make this one easy. 
Do you like comics?  
Do you like good stories that are well written? 
Do you like ambiguity in your heroes? 
If yes..why are you not reading this? 
If no...well, why are you not reading this? 
Scalped tells the very modern story of Dashiell Bad Horse as he returns to his Reservation 13 years after he left...WITH NUNCHUKS. 
He returns to find a Casino being built by Red Crow..the local crime boss. 
Dash starts to work for him, as a...hmmm...enforcer/cop. 
but theres (cue music) more to Dash than meets the eye. 
One of the best ongoing series since Y: The Last man. Buy it. 
In other news. 
I've been bitten by the Disgaea bug again. I've been playing D2 on my psp and..well just this afternoon blasted through a couple of levels of D3 on the ps3. 
God those are good games. Looking at the trophies on the ps3, I wonder who has had the time to do any of those...if not all. 
Madness I say. 
I had another go at SF4. I can't play it. I just can't. I don't know if its the ps3 pad which is making it so difficult, or I'm just beyond the mechanics. 
Playing as..erm...French dude who kinda looks like Cody on the EASIEST setting I can get to Seth..and then I can get no further. Whatever I do. 
I'm loath to blame a pad for my problems, but I was damn good at SFA3 and SNKvsC2. That was some time perhaps I'm just shit these days. 
Well..apart from Tats vs Capcom. I kick ass in that. Maybe I'll wait for MvC3 and buy a decent pad. 
What else. 
Well Now I've finished my CELTA (Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults thingy) I'm gonna.... 
Learn some Arabic. 
Why not eh? 
Writing right to left is going to blow my mind..but It'll be good practice for learning Japanese before I go. 
Or maybe i'll just go to Syria. Beautiful country. 
I'm off to play some more D2. 
Leave any thoughts on the line.