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Looking back at Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (spoilers)

It's a funny old world eh? 
 4 Years ago (or there about) LP came out for the 360. Being a card carrying member of the 360 brigade back then (nothing worse than a reformed sinner) I was mighty interested in it. I always give Capcom a fair shake in any of their games. So, I slapped the game in and played it for a couple of days. 
I can't say I liked it much. 
At the time I thought the game was janky, clunky controls and cheap bosses. 
 I stopped at the spider mech boss on level 8?....Frustration got the better of me, and Dead Rising was calling. 
Four years later. 
I've just finished LP on my ps3...and I have to say, cheap boss fights aside, I really enjoyed it. Even the godawful storyline. 
Well to begin with I fixed the controls to something more my taste. I stopped that weird floaty targeting by turning it off (the reticule now moves like a normal TPS). 
Next the graphics were certainly helped by my HDTV, I thought it looked great. 
Is it still 'janky' (whatever that actually means) Meh...sure. Some of the animation is a bit too long, the AI of the human enemies is closer to arcade cannon fodder than modern gaming and...yes those bosses are cheap. Don't get me wrong, I have a love/hate relationship with cheap bosses. DMC is one of my favourite series. 
The controls are still clunky, but I adapted pretty quickly. I'd like to be able to use the hook more, a la Just Cause 2. They could also make dodging easier to pull off, clicking in the stick then pressing X can go awry some of the time, but otherwise I didn't have much to complain about.  
The is what it is. 
Wayne (I thought only Ice Hockey players, Footballers and some dude who works out of his basement were called Wayne) and his cohorts take on a very..Blue Gender style mission to eradicate Green Eye, the giant Akrid that..ahem...Supposedly killed Wayne's father Gale. Along the way a..erm..sort of 'conspiracy' to wipe out all living things on the planet in order to terraform EDN III becomes the main..erm..'plot'. 
As you might be able to tell, my feelings on the plot are relatively negative. It was the character interactions I enjoyed between Wayne, Yuri, Luka, Rick and SUPER JOE. 
They could have gone more into the Harmonizer and its effects on the wearer...It was a little too much Deus Ex Machina for my taste. 
Which leads me to perhaps my major gripe with most games of this mold these days. 
You're a single guy taking down millions of other guys. They really need to come up with ways where that actually makes sense. 
For instance, in this case they could have made Wayne's harmonizer a little more an active part of the game. Sure it heals you and powers stuff..but thats all passive.  
Perhaps a background which would explain his piloting abilities and shooting skills. Anything to make the Rambo act seem more realistic. 
Its a small flaw in a very flawed storyline, but sometimes thats what stands out the most. 
Anyway, I enjoyed my time with the game..which surprised me no end. I spent my time playing this instead of RDR...which may say more about my taste than the overall quality of the product. I look forward to playing LP2 to see if it deserved the lamblasting it got by critics or the praise it gets from fans. 
Off I go to learn some Arabic