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Red Dead Redemption-gate? Whistleblower in the wild west?

Since we've all heard about Kotaku and Konami recently, i thought this might interest (forgive me if i'm behind on this) 
 An Australian Zoo Weekly editor claims to have been fired from his position for blowing the whistle on Rockstar's attempts to influence his Red Dead Redemption review:

A magazine editor who claims he was sacked for posting part of an internal email on Facebook says he was blowing the whistle on video game companies pressuring publications for favourable coverage. Former Zoo Weekly deputy entertainment editor Toby McCasker last month posted on Facebook part of an email that seemed to show a game maker demanding a positive spin on its latest title.

The email was allegedly sent by a publicist for Rockstar Games to staff at the magazine, concerning coverage of the company's new title Red Dead Redemption.

"This is the biggest game we've done since GTA IV, and is already receiving Game of the Year 2010 nominations from specialists all around the world," it read. "Can you please ensure Toby's article reflects this — he needs to respect the huge achievement he's writing about here."

McCasker told the email was an example of growing pressure from game companies for favourable media coverage.

"I did not sign up to become a journalist to write advertorials masquerading as editorial," he said. "This 'cash for comment' culture that is fast becoming the status quo within print media bothers me a lot."   

I could be wrong but I think Zoo weekly is a 'lads mag' in the vein of a dumbed down (if thats possible) FHM. So it's hardly a gaming mag, or particularly reputable, but its interesting nevertheless. 
 Of all the games coming  out this month, I didn't think this would be necessary considering how the critics love nigh on everything Rockstar put out, even if its a piece of crap like GTA4. 
So over enthusiastic PR person, or a conspiracy of control (tin hats at the ready)?