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Update time, plus my thoughts on RDR

Whew its been a while. 
Celta course has now finished, so i can actually string more than 3 words together in a comprehensible sentence....which is nice. 
This week, I've mostly been receiving in the post:  

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GOTY Edition
GOTY Edition

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and, if you're interested: 
Red Robin: The Grail (Yost is a great writer) 
Jonah Hex (first trade) 
Scalped: Dead Mothers (read this series now) 
100 Bullets (First Trade) 
and I just got Disgaea 2 off PSN. 
Im going to give a quick round up of what I think about the games of been playing recently:  
Keep in mind i have a 40gb model, and no I'm not going to upgrade it. I'll just fuck it up.
Far Cry 2: 
Nice idea, lovely scenery, god awful execution. 5gbs fucking way. 
Naruto Ninja Storm: 
OOOOOOOOOOOO pretty. okay. Fighty Fighty. Nice system. Not bad. 5gbs install. Nope. 
Yakuza 3 
Yes. This is what I'm talking about. Fantastic game. Will continue to play. 5gbs install? Totally worth it. 
Brutal Legend: thats a cool idea for an intro. Yep, thats kinda cool.....oh look its Ozzy. Yep. Gotcha. Ill come back for that. 2gbs install. Meh. 
and so..onto RDR. 
I'm on record , many times, for saying how much I dislike GTAIV. So, I wasn't much into this...but the promos won me over. 
Okay, lets deal with what I like about the game first: 
The voice acting and the script. Sensational. Best I've seen in this type of  game so far. Kudos for that. Still prefer Yakuza though.
The sky is gorgeous. 
The atmosphere is also second to none. 
For a place that is supposed to be sooo empty, it has a hell of a lot to do.  
Horses and wildlife look great.
On to my problems (I've only played an hour so far mind you) 
The controls. I don't....They're just don't work for me. Press X repeatedly to run? Why can't i just hold it? 
R1 to stick to cover? why not use square..why do you need to jump? 
my biggest problem is not allowing me to change the aiming and shooting buttons to R1 and L1. I can see why they chose otherwise, but I'd like to be able to make that decision. Why can't we customise the controls?  
Also just generally how the character moves and pivots everywhere. To me its much more pronounced than in AC2 which has a similar problem, but AC2 is much more fluid and graceful. This just feels like controlling a robot who needs a massive turning circle. 
Also..tons of pop up on my ps3, but that may just be me. Who knows. 
Most of my problems with RDR are little things that may just be how R* make games these days. I can't really fault them for what they've done, it is a just may not be MY kind of masterpiece...which is a bit sad.