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New Platform: PSNV

Now that the first North American Vita games have appeared in Sony's online store (even though they're only available if you search directly for them) and we've had a chance to see how they'll surface, I've made a new platform page to cover digital releases on the PlayStation Vita. It's "PlayStation Network (Vita)" or "PSNV."

This platform tag is to be used for games that appear in the PlayStation Store, whether they're available at retail or not. So, going forward, games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss will be tagged with both VITA and PSNV. Super Stardust Delta, as a digital-only release, only gets the PSNV designator. We split these platforms in order to help people who may only be interested in seeing what's available for download (in case they hate leaving the house) or, in the opposite case, people who think that entering their credit card into the Internet is a sketchy idea and prefer to buy physical things. Maybe not the worst idea in this specific case, I suppose. I will admit, it's not the most elegant data solution in the world, but it's not without its purpose.

Either way, it doesn't currently show up in the Sony colors in various lists. I'll see if I can get those dudes to correct that in the morning.

(And while I'm on the topic of platforms, IPOD is for click-wheel iPod games, not for iPod Touch games. Those just go under iPhone. Universal iOS apps get tagged as both iPad and iPhone. Cool?)