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What Happens in Vegas...

Hey, so we've been getting a handful of questions from people who have heard about the internal kerfuffle between our parent company and CNET over CNET's Best of CES awards.

I'm actually not really sure what to say about it. People are looking for me to comment on this stuff, but CNET's Lindsey Turrentine has already laid out the timeline of events over on CNET itself. It sounds like a bad situation--the kind that can only really come up when you're a part of a huge corporation that has interests all over the place. On one hand, I can understand why the folks up top wouldn't want anything popping up that would interfere with its court case. On the other, independence and integrity are the main things you expect from an editorial team. What happens when these two ideals clash? Well, that's where we are now.

Many of the questions I'm getting ask us what would happen if our parent company ended up in a lawsuit with a video game publisher. The good news is that this is a pretty unlikely scenario. The bad news is... well, see above, I guess.

For the very reasons you might expect, I won't have anything more to say on this topic for the time being. We're going to keep doing what we do because that's all we know how to do. All we can do in response to this situation is to keep reporting for duty each day in our continuing efforts to deliver an editorial product that is entertaining, informative, and trustworthy.



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Edited By jeff

Hey, so we've been getting a handful of questions from people who have heard about the internal kerfuffle between our parent company and CNET over CNET's Best of CES awards.

I'm actually not really sure what to say about it. People are looking for me to comment on this stuff, but CNET's Lindsey Turrentine has already laid out the timeline of events over on CNET itself. It sounds like a bad situation--the kind that can only really come up when you're a part of a huge corporation that has interests all over the place. On one hand, I can understand why the folks up top wouldn't want anything popping up that would interfere with its court case. On the other, independence and integrity are the main things you expect from an editorial team. What happens when these two ideals clash? Well, that's where we are now.

Many of the questions I'm getting ask us what would happen if our parent company ended up in a lawsuit with a video game publisher. The good news is that this is a pretty unlikely scenario. The bad news is... well, see above, I guess.

For the very reasons you might expect, I won't have anything more to say on this topic for the time being. We're going to keep doing what we do because that's all we know how to do. All we can do in response to this situation is to keep reporting for duty each day in our continuing efforts to deliver an editorial product that is entertaining, informative, and trustworthy.

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Edited By Podunk

It's good to see that you are addressing the concerns, and I realize you may not be able to say anything concrete given the circumstances, but if something similar were to happen to Giant Bomb (as unlikely as it may be), what kind of transparency should I, or we, be able to expect from you guys? Obviously hypothetical future circumstances are impossible to predict, but my main concern is how much you would be able to reveal - without putting your job or ability to work effectively at risk - in order to maintain that level of trust. I hope that all makes sense, and thanks for posting this.

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Edited By Rayeth

All of this would be so much less disturbing if the parent company would issue more sweeping press releases, etc. rather than shoving these sorts of deals under the rug. I mean the court cases will eventually become part of the public record so they aren't gaining anything by trying to silence things here. The lawyers who are mandating these bans or whatever they are called should put their stamp on things and let us know that there has been interference in the editorial product that I am used to. Just my 2 cents.

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Edited By Phatmac

Now I'm worried. :/

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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

It's good to see you addressing this Jeff, but this kind of thing still worries me a little. Not because I think it's that likely that something like this will happen to Giant Bomb, or even that it's that likely that there will be any kind of legal clash, but it's conceivable, and I don't like the attitude that this kind of move by CBS displays.

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Edited By RenegadeSaint

It's really a crummy situation, but I think the vast majority of people who frequent this site have great confidence in you and everyone around you. To be honest, I don't think you could fake an opinion if you tried (and I mean that as a huge compliment). Based solely on our skewed, internet-famous, weirdly-personal-yet-completely-anonymous, jar-filled relationship with you, some might say you're a man who would rather sacrifice his job than his integrity. I agree with those people. Keep doing what you do.

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Edited By thepantheon

How To Build A Bomb: REDUX. Coming soon if CBSi are ever dicks to you guys! We got your back.