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Bomb Should Have a Face Episode 1

It's up folks! The first exciting episode of the Giant Bomb Community Podcast, Bomb Should Have a Face (BSHAF for short) is now available for your listening pleasure. There are two ways to join the fun with MattBodega, TokyoChicken, PureRok, Disgaeamad and myself as we run through topics as serious as video game criticism being critiqued and as insane as how having Atheistium post on your blog is like sex to TokyoChicken.

(She totally posted on mine by the way. He hates that.)

The easiest way, one which should prove popular no doubt, is to hit up the iTunes Store. Either click that link or search for Bomb Should Have a Face from within iTunes itself and subscribe! You'll get Episode 1 and all future episodes will automatically download, leaving you to simply double click them to play!

Or, you can just listen to or download (Right Click>Save as) Episode 1 here.

Plus, introducing Special Edition 3rd Way, AKA "The Lazy Way"....

Just listen to it right here in this page!


It's the very first episode of Bomb Should Have A Face! Join MattBodega, TokyoChicken, JensonB, PureRok, and Disgaeamad as they highlight the community matters that matter most!
Featuring blogs by LouChou and Pepsiman!
"like they're gonna write a song about it" by Midnight Brown