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#1  Edited By K0rN
@jmrwacko said:
" @elsuperdonut said:
" @K0rN said:
" If you are planning on buying a multiplatform shooter on the PS3, you are making a mistake. "
You know, I used to feel that way, but now i actually don't mind it.  That probably has alot to do with my hate for people.  I concentrate better when I don't constantly  hear the words nigga and faggot fifteen hundred times. "
Not to mention the PS3 version has less of a thumbstick deadzone, which means more precise controls.  And there's something to be said about not having to pay for an online service that should be free. "

The controls are overly responsive which is why I generally avoid playing multiplatform games on the PS3.  Also Xbox Live is superior which is why I pay for it even though I have PSN.
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#2  Edited By K0rN
@Fr0Br0 said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Fr0Br0 said:
"Because nobody in this thread knows how to actually provide proof to an argument, here are the sales of games in 2009. 30% of the top sellers were rated M. Everything else was rated T or lower. Now take it and shove it Korn. Here are the facts.  Link. Now people, stop your bickering about the rating. Games don't need to be rated M to be great. Sure they could have added some blood and titties here and there, but it will appeal to a larger audience if the rating is lower. Now I can't say they never had a vision of this being rated M, but hopefully, nothing was edited out to suit the rating. "
A bunch of shitty Nintendo games selling very well, what else is new? "
Certainly not your will to submit to factual data. "

The main audience for those games aren't actual gamers.
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#3  Edited By K0rN
@Fr0Br0 said:
"Because nobody in this thread knows how to actually provide proof to an argument, here are the sales of games in 2009. 30% of the top sellers were rated M. Everything else was rated T or lower. Now take it and shove it Korn. Here are the facts.  Link. Now people, stop your bickering about the rating. Games don't need to be rated M to be great. Sure they could have added some blood and titties here and there, but it will appeal to a larger audience if the rating is lower. Now I can't say they never had a vision of this being rated M, but hopefully, nothing was edited out to suit the rating. "

A bunch of shitty Nintendo games selling very well, what else is new?
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#4  Edited By K0rN
@Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN:  I don't need to try to make you look bad.  You're doing a spectacular job of that on your own. "
Again you completely ignore the main point. "
The only point you've actually succeeded in making and demonstrating repeatedly is that you never had one to begin with. "
I am saying is that most blockbuster games are rated M. Don't like that? That's life. Don't like that? That's what suicide is for. So which is it gonna be? I am going to guess the former. "
Your argument is as baseless as the supposition that I'd feel like killing myself because of your demonstrated incompetence. "

If someone can't handle life then that is why the commit suicide, I just thought it was common knowledge. I guess I was wrong when it comes to idiots.
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#5  Edited By K0rN
@Atlas said:
"G. None of them because Batman is lame. "

Kevin fucking Conroy.
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#6  Edited By K0rN
@Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN:  I don't need to try to make you look bad.  You're doing a spectacular job of that on your own. "
Again you completely ignore the main point. "
The only point you've actually succeeded in making and demonstrating repeatedly is that you never had one to begin with. "

I am saying is that most blockbuster games are rated M. Don't like that? That's life. Don't like that? That's what suicide is for. So which is it gonna be? I am going to guess the former.
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#7  Edited By K0rN
@Hailinel said:
" @K0rN:  I don't need to try to make you look bad.  You're doing a spectacular job of that on your own. "

Again you completely ignore the main point.
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#8  Edited By K0rN
@Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN:   Reality. "
Well then list ALL of the games last year that sold over a million copies, then seperate them by T and M and then tell me what rating is usually on the big name games. "
No, that's not how this works.  You made the argument.  You do the research.  Better yet, research the sales stats for all games released since the ESRB rating system was implemented. "
Lol, you know your wrong and you can't admit it. "
You spelled "you're" wrong.  Also, don't make arguments you can't back up yourself.  You brought this up.  You do the legwork. "
You claim to be right and that I am wrong. If so then YOU have to prove it, or just admit that your wrong. "
You have yet to show why you're right.  Your best attempt was a stream-of-consciousness list of games that you think fulfill the requirement to be this mystical, magical status that makes them above all others and beyond reproach.  *wiggles fingers*  oooOOOOOooooooooh!  ^ | | | | This finger wiggling is basically what your argument looks like.  Why bother debunking something that's entirely baseless to begin with? "
The reason I listed those games is because they are true, the rest relied on common knowledge which apperently you have none. "
The games are true, or your argument is?  Grammar is your friend when constructing arguments. Dude, arguing with you isn't really worth the time of day, but it's fun watching you stumble over the fact that you're ignoring tenants of argument construction that anyone that paid attention in sixth grade science class should be able to understand. "

I just like the fact that you are completely ignoring the truth and trying to make me look bad, it's failing. Now give me proof or admit that your wrong.
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#10  Edited By K0rN
@Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @K0rN:   Reality. "
Well then list ALL of the games last year that sold over a million copies, then seperate them by T and M and then tell me what rating is usually on the big name games. "
No, that's not how this works.  You made the argument.  You do the research.  Better yet, research the sales stats for all games released since the ESRB rating system was implemented. "
Lol, you know your wrong and you can't admit it. "
You spelled "you're" wrong.  Also, don't make arguments you can't back up yourself.  You brought this up.  You do the legwork. "
You claim to be right and that I am wrong. If so then YOU have to prove it, or just admit that your wrong. "
You have yet to show why you're right.  Your best attempt was a stream-of-consciousness list of games that you think fulfill the requirement to be this mystical, magical status that makes them above all others and beyond reproach.  *wiggles fingers*  oooOOOOOooooooooh!  ^ | | | | This finger wiggling is basically what your argument looks like.  Why bother debunking something that's entirely baseless to begin with? "

The reason I listed those games is because they are true, the rest relied on common knowledge which apperently you have none.