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Bloodrayne for Mortal Kombat!!!

As many of you already know ever since Warner Bros. Games took over Midway and change it to NetherRealm Studios ,crossover has always been big for their games ,the first one was Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe ,then in Mortal Kombat 2011 (or some might call it MK9) Kratos from God of War and main antagonist of the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series---Freddy Krueger was guest characters in the game ,about two years ago Jim Lee redesign Scorpion as guest DLC character for DC fighting game Injustice Gods Among us ,one of NRS mobile game Batman: Arkham City Lockdown even make Kano appeared as easter egg feature ,to the most recently Jason from Friday the 13th and Predator was confirmed to be guest character of Mortal Kombat X.

Conclusion, crossover is both awesome and profitable for the game, I know some people disagree but as everyone can see it's the trend now day, and other fans of Mortal Kombat have countless thought about what else characters can be perfect fit in Mortal Kombat game same as I do, one of them stand above in my mind that is "Rayne" from "Bloodrayne" franchise.

Now before you even say it I know someone will ask

Who is Bloodrayne?

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It's not surprise that some people might not familiar with this character and that's quiet okay because compare her with other iconic female characters like Lara Croft or Sonya Blade is totally unfair ,Rayne is a dhampir born in 1915 who work for The Brimstone Society ,an organization fight against supernatural threats ,she fight Nazi ,demon ,vampires and all kind of monsters before ,she has vampire's superhuman feat and carry her signature twin blades.

You can read more here:

So why is Rayne a perfect character for Mortal Kombat to me, here is a lots of reason:

Though no one confirm whether it was inspired by the franchise or not, we can see lots of Rayne's shadow in the past of Mortal Kombat.

Example, in Bloodrayne 2 there are lots of fatality move can be perform when Rayne is feeding on her prey, in Mortal Kombat 2011 Baraka's second fatality is almost the same as one of Rayne's

Of Crouse it might be just coincidence since they both have two giant blades, so it lead to the next one.

In Mortal Kombat Deception they introduced a new fighter of Black Dragon, Kira

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Despite a new character she has the same face on Sonya Blade and her move along with Kano's ,make her like an evil clone of Sonya Blade ,but I think that's fine for I don't think I need to say this but she sure looks familiar as Rayne ,red and black outfit with red head and carry two daggers ,she looks even more like Rayne in her alternate costume ,she might not be the most popular character in Mortal Kombat but she still got some pull it seem as she was a cameo in Mortal Kombat 2011 and can be seen chained in Kahn's Arena ,it was later patching replace by Skarlet ,another character kind of similar with Rayne ,but PlayStation vista version of the game Kira was remain though

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Mortal Kombat also have a Vampire character Nitara who try to protect her race from genocide and let her realm go independent from Outworld, it would be interesting if we could see her story clash with Rayne's.

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Overall with these associativity ,Bloodrayne can be the most perfect character to fit in Mortal Kombat. Some guy said she is just female version of "Blade" from Marvel comic, and that's quiet rubbish and ignorance like say Lara Croft is just a female version of Indiana Jones or Nathan Drake is just male version of Lara Croft, Bloodrayne might not be as popular as she used to be but she still leave some influence, such as this one

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Serana from Skyrim's DLC Dawnguard, who is also a renegade vampire daughter, has father issuse, they even share the same voice actress---Laura Bailey, she is awesome by the way you can follow her twitter down here.

So far Rayne only appeared in 4 games ,one of it she was just unlockable character with no backstory in psp game "Infected" ,she has two canceled games ,BloodRayne: The Shroud for 3DS and a PSP version of game which don't have title ,making video game is getting harder and harder these days (piracy ,mobile game competitors ,and games are getting better and more expensive) ,Midway face the crisis before but thankfully Mortal Kombat's franchise survive and getting bigger than it ever was ,unfortunately the same can't say to Rayne ,her developer Terminal Reality was defunct in the end of 2013 ,from what we heard ever since the third game BloodRayne: Betrayal Majesco Entertainment (Bloodrayne's publisher) hand the game to WayForward Technologies and turn it into kinda Anime looks (I hate anime but the game don't looks that bad it looks like mix style ,though I admit I love the original more) side-scrolling action game ,Terminal Reality been trying to buy the Bloodrayne franchise from Majesco ,but they were defunct before they can even do that. Compare to other big company like Sony ,Sega or EA ,Majesco Entertainment might have trouble to make another AAA Bloodrayne game (Yes I believe back in 2000 ,Bloodrayne series can consider one of AAA games) ,but they didn't sold the franchise yet so I believe they want to keep making Bloodrayne games and keep the franchise alive ,the same thing probably happen back at Mortal Kombat when Midway was broken ,and the franchise seems to dying...the similar thing happen to Rayne right now ,one developer or another if NRS can do Rayne this favor and bring her franchise back to live it will make us Rayne's fans happy than ever ,I don't expect Rayne be the guest character in Mortal Kombat X because it was just recent release and we don't even know if there will be more DLC than 4 in Kombat Pack ,but I hope they will consider her in the next game.

So...anyone else want to see Rayne in Mortal Kombat?


Thanks for I_Stay_Puft point it out another fun fact

Both Bloodrayne in the first Bloodrayne film (Yes yes it's not the best movie ever and I knew it but we are not here to be critic) and Taja from TV series Mortal Kombat Conquest are play by the same person---Kristanna Loken ,who also play TX in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

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@skullpanda1: Sounds like saracism to me, and it's fatality you mean right?

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@ka385385: yes kinda, but I'd probably buy it.

Also yes fatility (autocorrect)

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@skullpanda1: well movie version of Rayne in not in our vision ,but you have to give them some credits ,they manage to make a not very big video game franchise into movie ,and not just one but three movies ,despite not very well made ,still impressive they can pull that out.

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I have no affinity toward Bloodrayne but I'd rather have her in an MK game than random slasher villains like Freddie and Jason.

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Edited By hassun

@ka385385: I did read it. That doesn't mean I approve, even if it is profitable.

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Edited By I_Stay_Puft

Oh god Bloodrayne, I totally forgot about the franchise.

Fun fact Kristanna Loken who played Rayne in the movies also played Taja in the Mortal Kombat television series Conquest. So this wishing of Rayne to be in Mortal Kombat has already happened back in 1998.

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Edited By ka385385

@i_stay_puft said:

Oh god Bloodrayne, I totally forgot about the franchise.

Fun fact Kristanna Loken who played Rayne in the movies also played Taja in the Mortal Kombat television series Conquest. So this wishing of Rayne to be in Mortal Kombat has already happened back in 1998.

Oh my now i remember they looks so familar ,thanks for pointing it out ,so Kristanna Loken appeared in Mortal Kombat ,Bloodrayne and Terminator ,that's awesome.

@veektarius said:

I have no affinity toward Bloodrayne but I'd rather have her in an MK game than random slasher villains like Freddie and Jason.

Though i don't have anything against they chose horror movie character in Mortal Kombat ,i agree i want character like Rayne be in the game more either ,but Jason and Freedy are both from WB and they probably have no trouble to bring them in ,which might also be a considerable factor.

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Okay it's been awhile now and this is what i was working on during these day ,May 28 is Rayne's voice actress's birthday and also this year is Rayne's 100 years anniversary (Rayne was born in 1915) ,to celebrate for her i made this one.

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The best i can manage for now ,sure hope to see her return in future.