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#1  Edited By Kahnero

Definitely, as it's a prequel. The considered to be the definitive game of the entire series by most critics and gamers who've managed to receive an early copy. 

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#2  Edited By Kahnero
@SeriouslyNow said:
" @Kahnero: Infinity Ward were not a rookie studio by any means, they had worked as a team and as individuals on many games prior to Modern Warefare and Bungie are not really the experts you make them out to be.  Remember, when Halo was being shopped around, neither Oni nor Marathon were titles which garnered them much support or financial success.  Myth was their only real earner at that stage.  MS tied them down and the Halo IP because it was cheap and a low risk investment due to the popularity of FPS games on PC at the time. "
Infinity Ward were still making Call of Duty titles that were published by Activision, they never any other new IPs after then. Marathon was actually financial success for Bungie at the time. It was big hit among Mac users, and almost every Mac user back in the day downloaded Marathon. Oni was actually made by a different division of Bungie, called Bungie West Studios. It was also one of their least critically successful titles. While Halo's success may have due to Microsoft's support, no one expected for Halo to be as big bacl then. Halo's E3 2001 peformance was quite poor, due to sluggish controls and the demo was very buggy. People had low expectations toward it by then. 
It wasn't until it was released, it took the gaming industry by storm. As it was a phenomenal commercial and critical success that any of their games.
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#3  Edited By Kahnero
No, I'm patient enough to wait after midnight. I've never attended to any midnight launch.
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#4  Edited By Kahnero

I have doubts that Bungie will fall into the same mistakes Infinity Ward had made with Activision. They're highly experienced and intelligent developers to fall into Activision's tropes. Infinity Ward weren't experienced as Bungie, because they were a Rookie studio by the time they made their first game published by Activision. I have faith in Bungie, they never once disappointed me. Maybe a little with Halo 2 & 3 campaign, and ODST's price tag, but they still managed to be great games. Besides, Bungie are creating a new engine for their new IP.

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#5  Edited By Kahnero

Easily Virtua Fighter. No fighting game has manage to surpass or equal the series's sheer amount of technical depth and balance.

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#6  Edited By Kahnero

No, as most games don't contain the "mainstream" appeal as other forms of mediums do. Most would dismiss games as juvenile and escapist entertainment, and they're right for the most part. However, I think that what gives video games their charm the way most John Carpenter and George R. Romero movies have. Plus, some games in the past had artistic storytelling that rival mediums such as books and novels. It's popularity as an artistic medium is actually slowly growing. As indie games such as Braid and Limbo have shown. Even a lot of mainstream games provide artistic elements into their games, especially games like BioShock, Silent Hill 2, and Grand Theft Auto IV.
However, by the way most gamers act these days, who can blame them. I'm not stereo-typing all gamers in general (I don't fall into the stereo-type), but sometimes gamers act fanatical to their beloved medium. They can very elitist to non-gamers and gamers alike. Which can breed that negative perceptions most non-games have towards others. However, most people need to learn that not everyone falls onto the "anti-social" gamer stereo-type

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#7  Edited By Kahnero
@Synthballs said:
" @Kahnero: Thats pretty much the best thing I'm going to see today. Thanks!  BAWWWWWWWWWWWWW 4/5. I read the Reviews and don't really care about the Stars. "
I don't know why people are complaining about it so much. They haven't even played the game yet. I'm sure when I play it, that I would've given it a 5 Stars, but I wouldn't moan about it. 
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#8  Edited By Kahnero

 94% of every Halo discussions on the internet.
 94% of every Halo discussions on the internet.
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#10  Edited By Kahnero
@OdinsThunder said:
" @Rockdalf said: 

As someone who owns every console that's been worth owning sense an NES (gamecube being the sad exception) I can assure you that Halo CE is definitely worthy of a 10/10 score, especially within the context of the time it was released.  I will even go out on a limb in fear of being corrected and state that the only game that's probably done more for the FPS genre as a whole is Goldeneye 64.  Halo 2 was an even more perfect multiplayer experience, however it was at that point the campaign began to lose merit in my eyes and it didn't get better than that.  Anyways, all of that to say that the only troll I see is you.  Good day, sir! "  

 LOL  You sir, know nothing. If any game has done more for the FPS genre than Halo and Goldeneye 64, it would be Ultima Underworld, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Unreal, Hexen and Half-Life.   I suggest you give up gaming and take up canoeing, where hopefully you'll capsize and drown.   "
Unreal didn't innovate anything in terms of game design, but it's engine was commonly used. Hexen was unique for it's time, but it wasn't particularly influential. Ultima Underworld isn't a first-person shooter, so it cannot be compared. If anything, you should have taken those games out, and replaced it with Tribes.