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SOTC is tops and a personal top ten, if not top five game all time for me. The other two don't even rank. Even within their respective "trilogy" it's basically SOTC and then...nothing.

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I'm sure Trico lived in the end. If they wanted to kill him they had plenty of opportunities to do so and like I've said elsewhere he just shrugs everything off anyways so there isn't much reason to believe he died.

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The "it's an animal" defense is shit to me. It's shoddy A.I. and even if the former were true that doesn't make it a fun experience. It's incredibly frustrating when you know clearly what to do and Trico just won't cooperate. There is nothing fun about that. I cared far more about Agro in SOTC then I ever did about Trico in this game, both mechanically and narratively.

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It's not a bad game so far but it is just not a Final Fantasy. I've come to expect certain things from FF games over the years and this is delivering on very few of them. My favourite FF have been 7 and 10 for the large casts, interesting stories and the deep battle/upgrade systems.

FF15 has none of those things, so as an FF game it falls well short of expectations - an FF game that can be finished in under 15 hours is ridiculous.

It feels like it made the same mistake that Fallout 4 made earlier in the year. Instead of listning to fans and improving based on fan feedback they went the other way and listened to the feed back of people that dont like FF games.

They have chocobos and gil and a guy named Cid but other than that they have retained very little of what made an FF game an FF game. For people that dont like FF thats great but for me it looks like it might be the end of my favourite game series as I have known it and thats a bummer.

I'm so tired of seeing people say this. It just comes off as the most ridiculous, hollow complaint. Not just this game, but other Final Fantasy games as well. It's such a vague, nebulous statement that has no meaning. What is Final Fantasy? You're gonna get different answers from different people. Saying it really serves no purpose.

Personally I think this is a Final Fantasy ass Final Fantasy game. Chocobos, gil, Cid, classic summons, magic, Magitek, an evil empire, crystals, Tonberries, Cactuars, Behemoths, an airship (sort of), a great villain (take notes past few games) etc. if we're just talking the tropes of the series. The main cast is great (although admittedly smaller then past games), the story certainly could use more pieces, but is still enjoyable in the main beats from what's there. The ending is bar none the best in the series.

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@xpolymorphic said:

The ending was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced, like it's basically Pete's Dragon but or so much better.

Really? I just felt thankful it was over. I feel like it tried to do what Brothers did, except Brothers actually pulled it off.

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I replayed it like a year or two ago. It still holds up IMHO. Still my favorite Final Fantasy and a top five all time game for me.

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#7  Edited By kishinfoulux

Alright so just beat the game. Yeah this is a bad video game. I feel too many people are giving it's issues a pass, because they feel some sort of attachment to Trico. By the time the game was over I breathed a sigh of relief. I have a dog so I can see why people relate. Difference is I love my dog and he actually listens to me and we have fun together. This game is not my dog. Spoiler thoughts ahoy!

I had little empathy for Trico, whenever he was in harms way because there was no reason to feel that way. "Oh Trico is hurt? Toss him a barrel he'll be fine!". "Oh Trico just got mauled by Evil Trico? No biggie". "What's that? Seven Evil Tricos nearly killed him? lol just kidding". It was borderline comedic. Trico just shrugs off everything and kills what little suspense I had. Was I supposed to feel bad for it? The thing has healing powers that would make Wolverine jealous.

Dealing with the armored goons was NEVER fun. Even with Trico it was a pain in the ass, because he's super inefficient about it. He just hops around instead of mauling them. It was an exercise in frustration. The game decided it needed padding too so Trico would just get hungry at certain points, just because. Ignoring the fact that I constantly gave him barrels. Just top to bottom when the game managed to be even mildly fun, I was immediately reminded of why I did not enjoy my playthrough very much.

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It's just too long. If it were cut in half I'd be fine with it. I was actually digging it in the early goings, because it was something different. Then I kept saying "oh it'll probably end right about now right?" And then it just kept going and going.

@fugoy said:

It lasted a little long but I never really stealthed through it I just used the holy dodge to do damage so I didn't have to worry about the stealth.

Also this is totally the way to go. If you forgo stealth and just Holy spam your way through it's not nearly as bad.

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#9  Edited By kishinfoulux

Yeah Alex really downplayed the controls/camera on the QL. I can deal with the framerate shit, because Ueda games and all that. The camera and controls are borderline awful. Having to deal with enemies is an exercise in frustration. I'm doing a puzzle that requires me to open a door, via pulling a chain except I have like 6 dudes after me and it's kind of impossible. This isn't fun at all.


Okay yeah fuck this game. I just did a bit where I had to cross this area. I immediately said to myself "I bet Trico could cross that!". Of course he doesn't feel like doing it so I have to do all this running around and platforming to get it done...except in the end guess what he does? He leaps across, which was basically a huge middle finger to me. He does this CONSTANTLY. You solve a puzzle and he's like "lol that's cute" and just leaps over whatever obstacle. It makes everything you do as the child feel meaningless, because ultimately Trico is just gonna give you the finger and find his own way across.

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@kishinfoulux said:

I don't think the story is bad at all. It's just missing pieces, which is unfortunate.

That's exactly what kills stories for me. Pieces can make or break the whole thing. Aeris' death is so poignant because of all the pieces in the story where you spend time with her. You remove those pieces and suddenly her death means nothing to the player. Yuna is such a wonderful character because of all the pieces where we see her grow. Without those pieces, it's like flipping a switch and suddenly Yuna morphs into a completely different character out of nowhere.

I think XV has a great framework for a story, but as a result of those missing pieces, the entire thing suffers. The lack of those connecting threads and small characters moments suck out any and all would-be emotion from events, minor to major, all throughout the story for me.

I hate to keep harping on Jared, but I'm almost tempted to say his death is the perfect example of everything I find wrong about this game. Almost a better example than Luna herself. You meet him once for about 30 seconds to a minute and he sends you off. You come back to find he was killed (off-screen no less), but then there is the 5 minute long cutscene of everyone mourning over his death as if you spent the entire game with him. The story is so proud of itself, but it's completely unearned.

But hey, don't take this as a "my opinion is right and your are wrong aaaaaaaargh" sorta thing. I'm honestly glad you enjoyed the story. I genuinely wish I could too. This was one of my most anticipated games this year and now I'm just salty as fuck lol.

No of course not. Believe me I'm right there with you on some of that stuff (praise be Jared). It does make you wonder what could've been if those pieces HAD been implemented. Like if you read around for lore or check the guidebook there's really cool stuff in there that sadly isn't in the game (Prompto stuff, Ifrit, Ardyn, etc.) The story will always be one of the biggest "what ifs?" if they had just pulled it all together. I'm just glad the game actually came out and wasn't a trainwreck like Duke Nukem Forever.

@kishinfoulux said:

Just spam Holy in Chapter 13. As more time as gone by I've realized it's not as bad as people say it is. It's more that it's just so damn long. If it was half the length it would be fine.

@silversaint said:

Look man, have you SEEN the combat, its so flashy and looks awesome with amazing graphics in it and the rest of the game in general. I mean not being able to lock on to anything while holding circle, holding square, and the occasional circle press after square along with a warp strike or two, shits deeeeep. Did you see how cool looking armiger form is, you literally just hold circle and it looks so sick. And the summons, MAN OH MAN they look so cool, thank god they are scripted into the fights otherwise you would never see them ever in the entire playthrough, glad SE made sure we could see 5/6 for sure as they look so cool.

The above is why some people consider it the best ever, because it looks awesome and feels awesome (even though you aren't really doing anything). Visually its the best FF ever and its one of the best looking games ever made, but I mean it A) is the newest FF, B) had insane resources put into the visual aspect, and C) just game out. Visuals and flashiness can really hold up games using older brands as they can easily evoke the feels, which the game is riding the FF feels coattails. Without the FF brand the game being in the 6-8 range wouldn't be so heavily debated by the people loving it.

So you haven't played the game then. Got it.

Except it's pretty clear he has as everything he said is 100% spot on, so less of the dismissive denial, eh? The game has enormous problems and its garbage, style-over-substance combat is the largest of them.

Except it's not? Cool you agree with him. I don't. That doesn't make him right. If you feel the combat is style over substance that's on you. Warp Strikes, Link Strikes, Link Attacks, Blindside attacks, Elemental weaknesses, Weapon weaknesses, crafted magic, dodging, parrying/countering, air combos, etc. But yeah style over substance am I right?