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Top 10 games. OF ALL TIME

This is a list of what I consider to be the top 10 games of all time. Due to the fact that these are all such great games, they are in no particular order (I am too indecisive for that!)
Because of the large amount of games that exist I had to come up with some type of criteria. Essentially a game can only be on my list if I can pick it up and play it again (no matter how old it is or if I have beaten it). All of these games have either garnered multiple playings or are ones I am trying to track down to play again.

List items

  • Yes I know I talk about this one a lot, however it just did not get a fair shake back in the day. Everything about this game is fantastic. The story and characters are deep emotive, it is hard not to care for these characters. The story is crafted beautifully and never throws anything at you that seems out of place (an issue I tend to see in a lot of RPGs). The art direction is wonderful, helping to create a rich believable world. The gameplay (of course we must talk about the gameplay) is one of my favorites for an RPG. Every fight is different, the increase in abilities over the course of the game really makes you feel the progression. By the time I popped that 4th disc in my old Playstation I was completely obsessed.

  • This was the first game I purchased for my Playstation (I bought it from my brother-in-law. It was so old I had to flip the system upside down for it to load games). I played through almost the entire game in 1 night. This was both due to the fact that I was completely hooked into the fantastic gameplay but also because I had no memory card (spent every time on the system and this game). Two weeks later I got a memory card and replayed and beat the game.

  • The best story of all the Resident Evils, contains the best characters of all the Resident Evils, and has the best gameplay mechanics of all the Resident Evils.

    It is the BEST of all the Resident Evils

  • Embracing both the dark mysterious film noir aspect of Batman and combining it with high action, this game providing me everything I have wanted in an action adventure game. The story was stellar, the writing and voice acting (the original Batman and Joker from the best of the Batman cartoons, seriously!) were incredible. This game reflects the thriving genre of action adventure games and is a prime example of what games can accomplish as art and entertainment

  • This game is my favorite PS3 title (assuredly to be replaced by its sequel). This game was not perfect and at times these imperfections would taint the gameplay. However, with its excellent story and voice acting I stuck with it and enjoyed the adventure thoroughly. The "twist" this game presented took me by complete surprise and brought a welcome refresher to a tried (and at times tired) genre.

  • The reason I bought an Xbox and the only game I ever played on it. Between the interestingly crafted story to the tight and fun first person shooter mechanics, this game held my attention for quite some time. Being able to connect my xbox with my buddies and host a lan party (we had been doing this with PCs but it got expensive needing a PC per person) over long 3 day weekends is one of the highlights of my senior year in high school.

  • While the gameplay was not anything new, the story was. Of all the GTA's this is the first one where I connected with the main character. His motives, his plot, everything about him resonated with me. Sure I liked Tommy from Vice City, but I never felt that he was believable. Niko is one of my favorite "anti-heroes" of all time.

  • The survival horror game has slowly moved to the action horror game. This brings a refreshing combination of both. While providing the action gamers seem to demand this game also provides the tense exploratory gamepllay I grew up with. The best of this genre this generation

  • What else can be said about the best platforming game of all time? While I don't feel this game held up over time as well as the Playstation generation of games, to deny its greatness would be a crime.

  • The only PC game to grace my list. This is the end-all-be-all of real time strategies and my first real step into online competitive multiplayer.