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I find it odd that people need to find someone to blame.

Not sure it makes sense that Jeff would sit idly by while RV screwed his friends out of the business they helped build or that those leaving would be putting on happy faces speaking about the old days. (If you look into how GB got started/Jeff's leaving GS you'll better understand why that doesn't make sense) As far as the RV as a company are concerned, it doesn't seem like they're the EA of the media world as many have implied.

All things considered there seems little to gain from popping out conspiracy theories at this point. Jeff has said he'll let us know what's going on and the others have stated they're leaving of their own volition, for their own reasons. I think it'd be respectable to accept that at face value until more is known.

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@paul_tillich: Everything you've said is based on speculation? I'm not sure anyone is accusing you of anything beyond that? (Which is kind of generous of them considering you've accused others of drinking koolaide over nothing more than them expressing positive opinions)

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Freaking heart breaking.

Hopefully their futures are as bright as their pasts.

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If I were a betting man my money would be against it getting a port.

Sony have ported three PS4 exclusives of the 60-ish availible thus far. (And none of the PS5's, of which there are still very few).

That said, I do hope they tend towards game preservation by porting older titles to the PC moving forwards. (A hope I expect will go unfulfilled, despite it not discouraging purchases of their current system while adding to overall profit).

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@sethmode: I'm not so sure he was implying that a reasonable person subscribes to all of those services.

"In that context, GB's pricing is completely fair and reasonable unless you truly get no use out of it. In which case, that person should cancel and find better things to do than spam the forums with BS." (Or maybe he was, it's unclear given the opening is about gaming but diverts quickly to video streaming services)

This thread being about subscription fee relative to the content availible is the value proposition.

I'll grant you that the conclusion arrived at was that the individual shouldn't subscribe, although disagree with your assessment that it's unfair to discuss it.

The value proposition of games and such is something the GB crew speak of often. It only seems off limits when it's discussed relative to this site. (As someone who pays the highest possible rate to support the site I really don't understand why people are so dismissive).

You make a good point in regards to the price not changing over time, but depending on where you're coming from that doesn't necessarily mean it's unfair to discuss (or a reasonable price when compared to some of the prior examples).

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I honestly don't understand the mentality of people who think discussing the value proposition of a site they use should be beyond social norms. I mean, the value proposition of games is something discussed by GB crew and the community to no end. It rarely seems an issue until GB are the subject matter.

In so far as I've read, many simply pay to support the site (which is fine, it's how I see it which is why I don't pay sale price). There are others more concerned with the base asking price. (Who have largely been told to shut up by the previously mentioned group)

I'm personally happy to pay the higher rate in support of the site but can understand why some might feel they aren't getting the most bang for their buck. (And as someone who watches little other than GB can understand why someone might bring the matter up)

I can understand why people might get upset about it (fandom/parasocial relationships often have such an effect), but also find it difficult to stomache people being told to shut up or leave over something most are indifferent to when the focus is a different company (If the discussion were regarding the value proposition of Valheim/Returnal I expect most would be a bit more understanding).

@aiomon said:

What is the point of this thread lol. Don't subscribe if you don't want to, it's as simple as that.

I'd suspect the OP wants to subscribe but feels the value proposition is off.

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@sethmode: That using companies which invest hundreds of millions into programming as a comparison for GB in a thread pertinent to the value proposition of GB doesn't make any real sense.

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#9  Edited By Kunakai

@frytup said:

@sombre said:
@frytup said:

$35/yr is couch cushion money.

Go away.

Not for everyone it's not. Please dont assume about peoples financial situations.

I'd be curious to know how anyone who has trouble coming up with an annual fee of $35 actually manages to maintain their video game hobby, but sure, I'll admit to a US-centric view in which:

  • A Twitch sub is $5/mo.
  • Netflix is $9/mo. minimum
  • A cable TV plan (or streaming equivalent) is $65/mo minimum
  • Disney+ is $8/mo
  • HBO Max is $15/mo


In that context, GB's pricing is completely fair and reasonable unless you truly get no use out of it. In which case, that person should cancel and find better things to do than spam the forums with BS.

"Netflix, which is estimated to be spending $17bn on making and licensing TV shows and films globally this year"

I don't think comparing GB to companies which spend hundreds of millions to billions on programming is a reasonable exercise.

Perhaps you should find better things to do than spam forums with BS?

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@edens_heel: We won't, but that's largely down to misrepresentation of the threads contents.