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#1  Edited By ll_Exile_ll

@sterling said:

@zevvion: Those rewards fro cryptarch levels are random. Some times you get two, some times you get three. Some times all are purple, some times all are blue. Or some times is a mixed. He did give me a purple last night that turned into an exotic though. I was happy.

I would actually recommend not claiming any cryptarch packages from the postmaster until the upcoming patch hits. Any legendary engrams in your inventory will turn blue with that patch, but if you don't claim the packages until the patch any legendary engrams you get will be guaranteed legendary or better items.

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@fisk0 said:

Good to know. Kinda weird how lengthy they've made the process of switching guns or subclass if they are expecting you to switch them up for each enemy encounter rather than a per-mission basis though.

They really should have something similar to Defiance's quick loadout switch (accessed by holding down the triangle button and then using the right stick to navigate a radial menu), or the Borderlands and Elder Scrolls thing of switching between equipment presets using the d-pad.

I think the fact that you lose much of your ammo when switching weapons is an indication that they are discouraging you from switching weapons mid mission.

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@ydross said:

They made a brand new story that was not part of any of Tolkien books except for 2-3 shoehorned characters. Its barely a Lord of the Ring game.

It's not a Lord of the Rings game at all, the title is Middle Earth, not LOTR. I actually think that's cool. Not everything that happens in that world has to revolve around Frodo and the ring, and I think it will be interesting to see some other perspectives.

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Forces you to keep weapons you'd never use around , without the modifiers though any elemental damage seems to take down any shield pretty easily.

Not true. If you don't match the element of the shield you'll see it say "resist."

Also, just to note the OP the burn effects are a 300% damage increase.

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@karkarov said:

@doctordonkey: Just as an aside you understand that if you didn't have pocket infinity and weren't a defender capable of shielding yourself from all damage as needed that strike would be a crap ton harder right? Try doing it as a hunter with no pocket infinity with solar damage when you are dealing with one shotting hobgoblins and your only option to beat the encounter is to not get hit period. It is pretty hard. Defender is definitely the easiest class to solo with by far.

Defender is definitely the best class for anything in PvE, yeah. That said, both of the other classes can solo it pretty simply as well (I have also solo'd it on my warlock, also 27). A hunter can cheese a lot of the PvE content by abusing Stalker, Escape Artist and Vanish. Stacking intellect as a Sunsinger allows you to revive yourself pretty much every time you happen to die, as well as being decently tanky with Flame Shield. Soloing the bosses in this game is 80% cheesing and 20% exploiting the AI.

@zevvion said:

@doctordonkey: I have all rare gear equipped and fully upgraded. They vary from +6 to +12 Light a piece. They are all Level 20 gear. Apparently not every piece is capable of attaining +15 Light unless I am missing some other upgrade opportunity? I'm pretty sure the tech tree on the armor is the only way to upgrade it, which is to say you can do it only once, and I have. I have been playing a lot of the Strike playlist to stock up on Marks. I have enough Marks to buy equipment, just don't have the Rank 2 yet. I didn't get any better armor (by which I mean more Light stat) than I already have, taking upgrade potential into account. I have 31 Light right now and it seems 32 is what you need to hit Level 22. I just don't find any gear anywhere that gives me an additional point.

If you're rocking 6-12 light on every piece, that gear is level 18. You are looking for the level 20 blue gear, those have 14 light baseline, 15 upgraded. Far as I've come to notice, when you decrypt a blue engram, it has a 50/50 chance to become either level 18 or level 20 (I've not tested this at all, just an observation).

Only level 20 gear can have light on it, level 18 stuff has zero light. However, blue level 20 armor can range from no light to as high as 15. Basically, as you level up beyond 20 you start finding blue gear with higher light in a way that makes your climb from 20 to 25 pretty much one level at a time. You won't really come across blue armor with a potential of 15 light until your 23 or 24.

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If gamestop or some other retailer does something similar to what was offered for The Last of Us (half off with a last gen trade in), I'll probably take the plunge. Even though I liked GTA V and would be interested in playing it again and giving GTA Online another chance (this time with people I know), I'm still not willing to spend $60 that could go towards a new game on one I've already put 100 hours into.

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Since i already have a full set of legendary and exotic gear it sucks that they keep making it harder to get upgrade materials for them, but hopefully with this patch legendary items will be more common and help with that.

This will actually make it easier to get upgrade materials. Since legendary items will become easier to find, you'll have more to break down into ascendant materials to upgrade your existing stuff. Legendary engrams can also still result in ascendant materials, and those are being added to the loot tables for completion of daily story missions, weekly strikes, and the level 24 strike playlist.

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Can we at least wait until the game is out before we start with nonsense like this?

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Yeah, this update basically told me I don't need to bother the queen's stuff anymore.

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#10  Edited By ll_Exile_ll

I know it's out, but I already got what I need from it.