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#1  Edited By Lugixx

@Oni said:

@golguin said:

@purplethoughnotquite said:

I hate to burst your bubble, but all this biotic power and mass effect tech nonsense is space magic.

This specific argument grates me. Yes, you could argue it is space magic, but there are limits to it throughout all of the games. Sure, the explanation is technobabble, but there's still an internal logic to the mass relays and biotic powers that the game respects and doesn't break. They're not catch-all plot devices used to explain away every ridiculous plot twist (nanomachines). It has absolutely nothing in common with the deus ex machina introduced in the game's eleventh hour.

I can think of a lot of inconsistencies with the mass effect technology and moments when they break the internal logic. They may not be catch-all plot devices, but sure as hell aren't consistent with it, and every time I notice it I'm drawn out of the experience. It may not be as bad as nanomachines, but it's still pretty bad.

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#2  Edited By Lugixx

Aww, man. This would've been perfect on the go!

Oh well. At least they considered it. I actually expected it to be a flat out no as soon as it was brought up.

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#3  Edited By Lugixx

Now all you need is Pandora's Tower. There's always hope for completing the nintendo action-RPG "trilogy".

I'm just hoping us Europeans will get all those 3DS-ware games you Americans have been getting.

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#4  Edited By Lugixx

A first person shooter with a focus on a branching narrative. The player's actions would lead them to different scenarios, different areas and ,of course, different weapons not found if you play the game another way. Think of Alpha Protocol mixed with The Witcher 2, but with less RPG and more areas. And more guns. I want to make it to show that a FPS doesn't have to be a Call of Duty knock-off, and you can make a FPS have focus on narrative even without adding RPG elements.

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#5  Edited By Lugixx

@HaltIamReptar said:

Being a mild pedophile was not on my list of things-to-do for today.

Life always finds a way.

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#6  Edited By Lugixx

@Doctorchimp said:

@Lugixx said:

While I don't like what Bethesda has done with the Fallout IP, they at least did something. Interplay would've probably let the franchise fade away until it was a "hidden gem" like Arcanum. Interplay was a zombie of their former self, and I'm happy that the matters are at least settled.

Well the original guys who actually worked on Fallout 2 did New Vegas anyway.

Interplay was just the old business suits and none of the talent.

That's why I said Bethesda. I really liked New Vegas, even with all the limitations set by Bethesda.

Woops, I wrote "zombie of their former self". That's what I get for writing so late at night.

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#7  Edited By Lugixx

While I don't like what Bethesda has done with the Fallout IP, they at least did something. Interplay would've probably let the franchise fade away until it was a "hidden gem" like Arcanum. Interplay was a zombie of their former self, and I'm happy that the matters are at least settled.

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#8  Edited By Lugixx

Yeah, and they never do anything with him either. They only have him there to explain why Desmond is on Animus Island, and why he need to go through with this game, then he does NOTHING of importance. You know how they could've made Desmond interesting? By putting Subject 16 inside Desmond's head during the ending instead of having him "sacrifice" himself

It would have made Desmond infinitely more interesting, because having a little man inside your head even when you're not psychotic and after stabbing Lucy at the end of Brotherhood could amplify those trust issues everyone seems to have with Desmond. And having him screw around with Desmond's mind could lead to some interesting things from a gameplay perspective as well. But they would probably never do anything with it either. Oh well. /rant.

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#9  Edited By Lugixx

It has been a great contrast to the (honestly rather similar) HD twins of this generation. The wii was basically the only way to get some proper 3D platforming and JRPGs this gen. The low-tech in it forced developers to focus on artstyle, instead of just raw, graphical power, and sometimes you would even get a 60 fps with it. It was also a great way to introduce friends and relatives who were interested in gaming, but intimidated by all the buttons. Since giantbomb's social circle seems to consist of people who are much more interested in gaming, I don't think they realize how nice it's been to have "common ground" with someone who is interested, but not as... enthusiastic about gaming as you are.

But I don't that it would work as well if it's the only console you own. Maybe if you're being introduced to gaming, and a lot of the ideas and mechanics in games are introduced to you for the first time.

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#10  Edited By Lugixx

@Animasta said:

how to make skyrim better

get better writers

boom, done

This man speaks the truth. If they would ever make equivalent of Skyrim: New Vegas I would be overjoyed. Hopefully without such a buggy launch though.