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Luke's forum posts

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#1  Edited By Luke
@alternate said:
Congrats and all but if you get to be in your forties and you are still going on about how you were the first to review and 100% this game  ...  then your life has not gone to plan :D
Lol, Catherine is already making me think about quiting video games all together right now! :p  
I do wonder what life is gunna be like in my forties, hmmm... actually Jeff Gerstmann is gunna be 40 in 4 years, as of today (isn't it his 36th birthday today), right!?  Think about that for second.  
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#2  Edited By Luke
@spankingaddict said:

Awesome !  You are a special person : )  I'm looking forward to playing it...

Haha, thanks!  It's a cool/fun game, so I hope you enjoy it!   

@pwnage1232 said:

Did you feel that any parts (besides the end, as you mentioned) were overly frustrating?

No, not at all.  The game was a joy to play for me.  Honestly, right when I was feeling the feel of frustration start to occur, while trying to solve a puzzle, I solved it the next second.  The puzzles aren't that hard, but do make you think for a bit.   

Other than that, on the last level and final boss, some people I've talked with have gotten a lot more frustrated than me.  I think the final boss is actually too easy, but others have found him to be hard for some reason.  I guess it just depends on the gamer :)  
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#3  Edited By Luke
@MagikOvenMit: Oh, lol, that explains it.  Yeah, fully upgraded blaster is all I used against him too.  The last part he rams at you, so using the saw isn't really recommended, because that would be hard to get out of the way.  Maybe the scanner only highlights it because it does the most damage?... but would require an insane amount of skill and concentration to pull off, which isn't worth the effort at all.  
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#4  Edited By Luke

I was first to unlock all 200 Gamerscore on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and decided to be the first to have a full text review (that I could find) on the internet.   
I then decided to make it exclusive on Giant Bomb's User Reviews!   
I'm not barred by an embargo or anything.  If you guys are considering picking-up the game next week or haven't even heard of it before, go ahead and give my review a read here:   

Let me know what you think! :)   

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#5  Edited By Luke
@MagikOvenMit said:
Alright, I'm on the last boss right now and it's really making me mad. The final world was frustrating, but barely doable. The final boss is way, way too difficult. The first phase is easy, the second phase requires some practice (also, why can the missiles sometimes go through my laser beam?), but the final phase turns the difficulty up to a ridiculous degree. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but (without spoiling too much) it turns the game into some kind of bullet hell shooter where there are plain missiles flying outward in every direction, homing missiles constantly being launched at you, and the thing you're trying to kill constantly bum-rushing you. This is from a mostly puzzle- and exploration-focused game. I've tried it probably fifteen times and consistently die at the same part. The rest of the game is very good, but this last boss feels like it's from a different, much more combat-focused game.
This is weird.  You're the second person I've hear say this, but I've beaten the final boss twice now and I have never died on him once?  Is your ship fully upgraded completely!?  
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#6  Edited By Luke
@cinemandrew said:

@Luke said:

"There is no doubt in my mind that anyone should pass on this game!"

I'm guessing you meant for this to sound positive. It's actually quite negative.

I edited my post, I think I fixed it to say what I want now.  Damn double negatives!  I also found another grammar issue other than the one you told me about.    
@The_Hiro_Abides said:

Great shot Jeremy.

But damn, I am looking forward to this game. To hear it's a metroidvania type game with it's cool visuals has got me intrigued. I just hope it holds my attention better than Outland.

Get it!  It's definitely worth $15. 

Anyway, also, I am one of the first people to get all 200 Gamerscore on this game, which looking at things, only 3 people have ever done it!  Along with Cyrus and Infamy, us 3 were able to kill-it in multiplayer and we all got 200G at the same exact time!!!   
Giant Bomb User Review in-coming, as soon as available.  
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#7  Edited By Luke
@Scottish_Sin said:
What's the multiplayer mode exactly? Is it a co-op style thing or something else?
Pure co-op... and it actually turns-out that it's pretty fun!  
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#8  Edited By Luke
@JusticeCovert:  Haha!  Since I was so happy to be above a Gaming God, like yourself, for once... I would be more than happy to help you out, if you want.  I can think of maybe like 2 artifacts that drove me nuts and are hard to find.  
Maybe we can also even get some multiplayer going later, if you need to do that for your review, as well :)   
Just let me know!  
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#9  Edited By Luke
@Pyroph said:
It says there's music from Dimmu Borgir in it, but I don't recall hearing much of it to my memory.  Also, a lot of the stuff in that trailer isn't even in the game, haha.  I'll be online if anyone wants to play the multiplayer. 
Yeah, trailer is like 2 years old.  
Anyway, dood, we should total play multiplayer, get passed area 9 and get over 1 million!!!  I already got 2 other guys on-board, I believe.  4 player insanelyness!  :p  

I'll be on in like maybe 3 hours from now... still at work :(  
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#10  Edited By Luke
@onimonkii said:

so nobody tested it? or you did?  

In the end credits there was like 6 or 7 Testers.  I'm sure some, if not all of them have 100%'d some iteration of the game.  But I'm talking about the release version on XBLA, hooked-into the XBOX Live Leaderboards, where people have proof of their deeds :)   

@Aishan said:

How did you get a copy?  

Microsoft accidently gave it out to a few lucky souls who pre-purchased the game.  When I looked last on the Leaderboards, there was something like 244 people who had gotten to 1% or higher completion.  

@HellBrendy said:

Hows' the music?   How did you get a hold of the game?

The music wasn't very memorable in my opinion, because I can't actually recall any of the tunes right now, but it does have some Black Metal in the cutscenes, by some famous like Sweden/Norwegian Metal Band.  If I remember correctly, in many parts, it's just got a bunch of ambient sounds going-on where no music plays at all.  For your next question, Microsoft accidently gave it out to a few lucky souls who pre-purchased the game.  When I looked last on the Leaderboards, there was something like 244 people who had gotten 1% or higher completion.   
This movie isn't really representative of the final product (because it's from 2009), but is perhaps an example of the Black Metal type of music used: