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Quick Blog: The 'It's Snowing' & Zombie Killing Edition!


Hello Dear Reader,
So it's been a little while since I last updated this blog with anything of great interest and I hope that will change soon enough, I do enjoy writing about Videogames but I find it tough to write up another blog if it doesn't have any interesting points or views for discussion. These Quick Blogs were originally only going to be short articles and they will stay that way. Anyway, so as you'd probably guess by the title it's been snowing in dear old England. Infact it's been snowing all around the United Kingdom and it's been a bit of a disorganised mess if one can be so truthful. There is little salt on the roads and I to fell over painfully only last night while trying to take my dog for a walk. Luckily we do have a warm shed in our backgarden and I've been spending quite a bit of time lately fixing up some Xbox 360's which are suffering from the Red Ring of Death. But I believe I have spoken enough about that so I shan't go on about it in this blog. Well I've been thinking about what this blog should try and pass on to the reader and have come to the conclusion that I don't want to just talk about the latest Videogame news each week as there are already many a good blog out there that do this and do a much better job then I could ever do. There are some fantastic bloggers out there on GiantBomb so I'm just delighted when anyone takes the time to read my articles or reviews. Speaking of which, I will be playing through F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin soon enough and I shall write up a review, I have been a little slow on reviewing some titles recently. 


Ok, yes this is sort of up to the minute news but it's something worthy of discussion I think. Recently the poorly kept secret that is Dead Rising 2 was announced by Capcom and will be hitting the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC hopefully sometime this year. The sequel to this brilliant zombie killing orgy as been known about (through leaked information) for sometime now and it was no great shock to most gamers when it was announced. The original Xbox 360 exclusive title did very well financially and was a fine game that both played great and looked impressive in a time when developers still hadn't found the full potential in Microsoft's newest current generation console. Not a whole lot is known about Dead Rising 2 at this point, we do know that it will potentially feature a new main characters wearing quite a stylish new yellow and black jacket and that some sort of mouse wheel thingy will be avaliable for your Zombie Killing fun. That hamster wheel thing does infact have a real name but I can't remember it right now and to be totally honest, it doesn't matter. But what does matter is the possibility of them fixing many of Dead Rising's bugs and gameplay issues, with the main problem being that damn time limit mechanism when playing. It could vary in use but you were often forced to rescue someone within a time limit or there was even a time limit for completing the game and I personally hated it. Though many fans of the game simply said it took time to get use to, I don't personallty like to waste my time getting use to a game mechanic that only gives me a short spell of Zombie Killing time for I want endless Zombie Killing, is that to much to ask?

Gambling can be bad for you!
Gambling can be bad for you!
I really do hope this gameplay mechanic will have been removed from Dead Rising 2, or maybe even put as an extra option to switch off or on depending on your tastes. It really dampened my enjoyment of Dead Rising and I know I wasn't the only one. But saying that, Dead Rising is one of those games where you could get almost instant videogame satisfaction from just spending a short time playing. A feat many games simply can not achieve, so for that I am indeed eager to hear more on what Capcom will do with number two in the Dead Rising series. I for one still don't understand Capcom's decision to put Dead Rising on the Nintendo Wii with the poor Dead Rising: Chop Til 'You Drop which seems nothing but a way for Capcom to get a quick buck or two. But hopefully Dead Rising 2 will be the sequel worthy of our time and from the viral video it looks as if gameplay isn't going to be changing in any great way. So I think we can all rest our hearts in knowing that Dead Rising will still be Dead Rising. My only current concern is the sequels location, from the viral video it does indeed seem a casino is a playable location though I hope there will be more then that. I did enjoy the Mall a great deal though and would love to see it's branch out a little more in location variation. But whatever it shall bring, I can't wait to see what Capcom and Blue Castle Games produce when it gets released hopefully sometime this year. 


Ok, these notes have nothing to with snow but they might be of interest to those interested:

Broken Sword DC: Some of the first gameplay footage as been shown at Comic-Con NY, it looks great and I can't wait to check it out upon release in the coming months. The footage can currently be seen here

Grand Theft Auto 4: I'm busy trying to complete GTA4 at the moment, despite my many issues with it's more realistic approach I am enjoying it and looking to complete it before The Lost and Damned gets released later this month. 

Gears of War 2: A good friend of mine as recently returned to XBOX LIVE and we shall be looking to do some Gears of War 2 Co-Op action. I just hope the game still as those Co-Op Achevements like the original, maybe someone can say if they do. 

Rock Band 2: This weeks Rock Band DLC was a superb three pack from Scottish Rockers 'The Fratellis' and it's honestly three great songs that are a lot of fun to play within the game. Not to mention they are fantastic songs anyway.

That's it for now, haven't got a great deal worth talking about at the moment. Look towards a F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin review in the coming week or so when the game gets released. 
Thanks for Reading,
Joseph Bayliss (TrueEnglishGent)