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Here's to the new decade

Hey fellas. Duders. Peeps. Bombers? Yeahhhh, I haven't done a blog in nearly a year now and just thinking back; it's crazy to think of where I was then and where I am now in life. I'm sure some of you know or remember what happened to my family in 2008. Very troubling and very... traumatic? It was kinda bad, and even though I feel like I practically wasted a year (August '08 - August '09) of my life in a place that I hated living in, I'm doing better now. Not 100% happy, but I feel like I'm getting there.
Ahem. ANYways, let's talk about games. Or rather, my favorite games from this past year. While I'd still say 2008 and 2007 were 'better' years (mainly because of all the cool looking '09 games that suddenly became 2010 games), it was still pretty good. You should note that I still don't have a PS3 of my own, so I haven't touched some of the bigger '09 hits like... Uncharted 2 and... InFamous. And Modern Warfare 2. Jeez...
Yeah, so here's my personal Top 6 games list for the year:

6. Punch-Out!! - While I'm probably never going to finish Title Defense Mode, playing through Punch-Out has got to be some of the most 'retro' fun I've had all year. Fighting through goofy opponent after goofy opponent and figuring out their weak spots is still, after all these years, a real joy.
5. Red Faction: Guerrilla - Don't play this game for it's 'story', cause it's totally forgettable. Play it so you can have a ton of open world fun as Mars goes "BOOM!" all around you. The "Demolition Master" side acitivies are a BLAST (hur hur) to figure out. Also, pretty good multiplayer.
4. Resident Evil 5 - If it wasn't for the 'forced' co-op aspect, I would've ranked this game higher. You need to play this with another human being, preferably one that you actually know, to really enjoy and appreciate this game. Good fun and the story was oddly satisfying to me (and I've never finished a single Resident Evil game except for this one, so... there ya go).
3. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Wait... wait wait wait... a GREAT Batman game? It's totally true and you should totally play it. Glad that it doesn't riff/steal from the current movies and relies on doing it's own thing for the story. Getting the voice actors (MARK HAMILL) from the animated series to reprise their former roles was a cool move on their part.
2. Street Fighter IV - This is easily one of my most played games of the year. From February to June, I mainly played this game and that was kinda it. I find it weird that I started off totally avoiding/hating charge characters. Yet within a month or two, I went from fighting as Cammy/Fei-Long to fighting exclusively as Vega/M. Bison (with some Guile every now and then). Too strange. Amazing game. 
1. Dragon Age: Origins
 Alistair is definitely the best video game character of 2009. I mean, come on.
 Alistair is definitely the best video game character of 2009. I mean, come on. "OOO LOOK I HAVE CHEESE"
- You know... BioWare games truly are something special. To me, at least. I can't think of too many other game developers who consistently make games that have such great writing and characters. The kind of video game characters that I can relate to and actually feel something for; almost as if they were actually real people. The gameplay is very good as well, feeling instantly familiar to those of us that have played Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Not only that, but Dragon Age continues the BioWare tradition of having an amazing story with a very satisfying ending. Did I also mention that the DLC quests are pretty damn good as well? 
It's easily my favorite game of the year and now, one of my favorite games of all time. 
Well, can you guess which game I'm most looking forward to this year? Yeah. Hard, I know.
That's all for now. Take it easy!