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Famous People

So while I was at work today (a Sam's Club in Des Plaines, IL), I had the opportunity to meet a man by the name of Andrew Cashner. I didn't fully understand who he was until one of the door greeters told me he was a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. That was only after talking to him like I would any other person in a suit- calm, collected, and semi-business like. After I found out, I just spoke to him like I was before- like any other regular Joe. Now was that very cordial of me? Not really... but I betcha he would've preferred I just spoke to him as a person rather than as a fan pining for an autograph. Now my question is this: 
If you were to meet with somebody famous, be it someone in the town you live in or somebody big from Entertainment/Politics/Etc, how would YOU react to realizing who they were?