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PAX Prime 2010: Who's Going?

So, my badge just came in the mail today and it hit me that PAX 2010 is only two weeks away.  I ran into a few Giant Bomb users at PAX East, but I'm curious to see who's headed to Seattle this year.  What panels are you planning on going to (other than Giant Bomb's)?  What booth at the expo hall are you running for first? 
Here's the panel schedule... 
And here's the Expo Hall map.  It's massive this year...  
For me, I'm probably running to either Rock Band 3 or Mortal Kombat first.  Both are pretty close to where the queue room feeds into the expo hall.  And for panels, I'm currently looking at Mega64, Weekend Confirmed, and Feedback Live.  I gotta find some weird ones to go to.  Seems like an overabundance of community manager and journalism panels this year. 

 Shit just got real, son!
 Shit just got real, son!