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BombWatch: Dr. Strangelove, Battlefield, and Uncharted Trophies

Hey all!

It's about time I get back on the ball and do another BombWatch, if anyone's actually reading these things, that is. I finally have stuff to talk about this time, though. So, let's begin.

I had recorded the film "Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" a little while ago on my Verizon Fios DVR. I finally watched it last night and I loved it. The movie's over forty years old, but the humor totally holds up. The overall absurdity of the whole thing needs to be seen. It's a genuine classic and deserves all the praise it has gotten over the years. I'm not necessarily a fan of Stanley Kubrick. I don't really know what to think about "2001: A Space Odyssey", but I loved "Dr. Strangelove".

Over the last couple days, I've also been playing my brother's copy of "Battlefield: Bad Company" on 360. The demo really didn't impress me because I thought the controls were a bit strange. The default sensitivity on the look controls were way too high. I turned it all the way down, sucked it up, and played it all the way through (not in one sitting, but maybe three or four). I really enjoyed, and I'm kinda surprised. The characters were good and once I got used to it, the game played very well. It's a tad bit glitchy, but that's a worthy exchange for being able to blow a whole in just about every wall in the game. I played a single online game (mainly to get the achievement) and I liked that too. I'm not one that plays online that much, but the Bad Company online was very well done. It was easy to pick up and get into. I did well and I might go back in and play some more.

I was also happy to find that the patch had gone up for "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" that added Trophies. I played it for a couple hours now with a FAQ at my side so I can get all the different collectible treasures, as you get a new trophy every five treasures you collect. There are lots of trophies to get and I've only got about 15%. So, I'll definitely be playing that a bit more.

The last thing I have to say, which I couldn't put in the title 'cause there isn't that much space allowed, is that I got the graphic novel "Watchmen". It's really hard to find now that there's so much buzz around the film next year. I'm gonna start reading that soon.

I guess that's about it. Until next time...

See you on the boards,

>>> Met2609

PS. After my successful completion of Battlefield, I'm thinking about borrowing my brother's copy of "Skate" (after I'm finished with "Uncharted", of course).

BombWatch: On seeing The Dark Knight again...

So yeah, I totally saw it again. It was great, again.

Now that that's out of the way, I don't have anything else to talk about other than plowing through more episodes of the Hotspot and how I was wrong about Uncharted Trophies coming yesterday, as no date had been announced and I only thought they were coming that day because a friend said so.

I'm gonna go to sleep now,

>>> Met2609


BombWatch: How Shaq Fu made my life a little better...

My long journey has come to an end. I now have 1,000 points. I can thank Shaq Fu for that, at least in part. Today, I experienced the masterpiece that is Shaq Fu and uploaded an abundance of screens to the site. That, along with a couple other games, helped me reach the magic number. I took screenshots from the entire story mode of Shaq Fu, which took me between 15 and 20 minutes to complete. All I did was hold down the direction button that pointed toward my enemy and mashed the kick button. That pretty much did it. You can win almost any match with that little technique.

I also played some Madden today, on both PS3 and 360. The demo is kinda lame, but I'm glad the game runs well on both systems and the graphics look a lot better than expected. I might actually buy it.

In other news, I'm reluctant to buy PixelJunk Eden because I want to have enough money to buy BC: Rearmed, but I don't know what system I want to buy it for. If I buy it on Xbox, then I'll certainly buy Eden. Along with that, Uncharted was supposed to be updated with Trophies today. Last time I checked, they weren't up. I'll check again after I post this.

Finally, I'm going to see The Dark Knight again tomorrow. My uncle doesn't want to drive for 45 minutes to go to the IMAX theater, which is kind of a bummer, but seeing the movie on any sort of screen is enough. I'm really excited, again.

I hope you all go to the Shaq Fu page and check out the screenshots. If you take all of the screenshots as a whole, it may be my GiantBomb masterpiece.

While you check those out, you can always find me on the boards.

I'll see you there,

>>> Met2609

P.S. Shaq Fu is actually a terrible, terrible game.


BombWatch: Thank you, thank you, thank you...

To Bizarre Creations.

Bizarre Creations has created something truly great in Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2. I totally agree with Jeff in giving it five stars. It has everything you want in a Geometry Wars game with more modes, co-op and lots and lots of colors. The game is gorgeous and it plays as good as I had hoped.

Everyone go buy that game.

This has also brought me back to the ongoing Achievements vs. Trophies discussion. GW2 has gotten me into Achievements. I want to get the Achievements in that game and it will keep me coming back until I do. I have 130/200 of the points. That breaks down into about 4 achievements left. I have to figure out what the last achievement is though, as the description is very cryptic.

I got more points today, thanks to Mortal Kombat 3. I took screens for that game and put them up. They were accepted within ten minutes.  I'm just above 600 now and I'm running out of Genesis MK games. I guess Ultimate MK3 is next. I'll search for some Genesis games that don't have a lot of screenshots next time so I can get some up there that will be worth the time spent taking them.

 I'm also looking for more games to write long, long articles on. My BioShock one was a success and I'm probably going to add to that a bit, but I also want something new. I'm sure I'll figure something out...

But, until then, I'll see you on the boards,

>>> Met2609

PS. Every moment spent reading this blog could have been used to buy Geometry Wars 2. If you haven't already, do it now.

BombWatch: The Bombcast put me to sleep...

Not really. I like to listen to my podcasts/music/anything else on my MP3 player at night. I was very tired when I turned on the Bombcast and I fell asleep before it finished.

So, how's it going? Today is a new day and I feel good.

Another one of my concepts, Games as Art, got accepted. It's pretty self explanatory. Go add some games to it that you think fit the bill. Also, my uncle wants to go see The Dark Knight and I'm gonna try to convince him to go to the closest IMAX theater, which is about 45 minutes away.

I also figured out why I like Trophies more than Achievements. It seems unusual, but I have a lot of friends with PS3s while only a few that have 360s. I've also met a lot more people online that I've put onto my friendlist on my PS3 than I have on my Xbox. Achievements and Trophies are all about bragging rights and when there's no one to brag to, it makes it useless. More friends = more interest in Trophies/Achievements. That's the best I can do in explaining that.

That's pretty much it, I'll be back for the nightly BombWatch and, as always....

I'll see you on the boards,

>>> Met2609


BombWatch: MK has done me good; or, On the PSN bandwagon

Hey everyone,

So, now I'm back at my home and I'm glad to be there. I woke up at 3:30AM so I could get on my flight (which left Savannah at 6) and we got back in Pittsburgh at around 10:30. Needless to say, it has been a long, long day for me. I was glad to come home and find that all of my MK and MK 2 screens went though, giving me upward of 160 points. My first concept page, Xtreme Naming, went through as well. That's basically a page for games like Tom Clancy's HAWX or 2 Xtreme, where the use of an X is laughable and unnecessary.

I also played some games today. Mostly it was Super Stardust. I finally got the 10x multiplier trophy, so I decided to buy one of the add on packs. I'm currently in the process of getting the trophies for that as well. I bought PixelJunk Monsters, since it's on sale for this week for 5 bucks. I'm gonna play that, eventually. I'll def. play it when they add trophy support. For some reason, I like Trophies tons more than Achievements. I have never been obsessed with getting all the achievements in a game, but I'm totally the opposite for games with Trophies. I also downloaded and played the demo for PixelJunk Eden. You really have to mess around with it a lot before you can really get into it, and I've passed that point. I'm really loving it. The visuals and the music mix together so well, and it's just plain fun.

In conclusion, I've gone PSN crazy.

...Of course, that might wear off when Geometry Wars 2 comes out.

Until then, I'll see you guys on the boards,

>>> Met2609