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Star-WTF-Craft II

At the moment there are just not enough facts about Blizzards Plans, just some quotes, lots of rants and thousands of gamers crying out loud. Well, I guess for the moment I am joining the ranks of the latter ones.

I am mildly disturbed by the news about Starcraft II being split into 3 games.
3 full-prized games coming a long within severall months? How can Blizz imagine anyone wants that? Sure tons of people are gonna buy the first one, and there will still be a lot of people that are jumping that waggon and go along the ride ... but if the Multiplay is complete with the first game, they will stop then. If Multiplay with all 3 races is not included in "Wings of Liberty", I guess they will loose quite some buyers, and many reviewers will give them harsh ratings.

I am sure Blizz is not doing that for the cash. They just don't need to milk their customers, WoW is filling their coffers with more money then they can spend.
Most likely they really are just convinced that all this content needs to be seperated into different games.
But they will have to do a lot to persuade us gamers, that it's what we want.

I was expecting SC2 to be an awesome game. I was ready to buy a new Mac when the game (or Diablo 3) is being released. But i definatly don't see myself paying about 150 Euros for 3 SC2-Games and spending all that time with it. (I am always more concerned about my time then about money).

My advice (or my appeal rather) to Blizzard: Release all 3 packs at once. Don't make me wait on the Zerg-campaign (which I am most interessted in). Offer a cheap bundle with all 3 games for the die hard-fans. And offer a Download of the extra content of the other packages, if I really want to play it all. And include the full MP-experience in the main-game. Other way you're just hurting your credibilty and user-base. No other company can claim to have such fervent fans, that love just everything you do...