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Thank god it's comming late

I already set my mind on the 360-games I am going to by the coming months:

Fable 2, Farcry 2, C&C Red Alert 3, Left 4 Dead
This list has been finished for weeks now, with me only waiting for them to be released.

And then, today I just got hit hard. Like running into a speeding truck...


I have seen videos about Bionic Commando before, and I kinda knew it would be interessting. But I never saw it like that before...
The graphics and animation is smooth and sweet, the action looks crisp and the swinging ...oh, the swinging.

It's like in that one Spiderman-Game. I just loved that... 
You got to know, that if I could choose just one mutant/super ability, it would be something like that. I don't care about flight, strength or x-ray-vision (I am old enough to buy that kind of magazines *g*) ... but swinging around a cityscape. That just got to be awesome.

Gametrailers lists the release date with 31st october, which gave me a jolt. Luckily it's late, and my bionic journey will start next january. Phew... I would have hated to make my list anew ;)