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@giant_gamer: The Nike example isn't really a fair comparison to be honest. If you meet a stranger at a bar, start talking some about games you like and don't like, give each other a hard time but enjoy the conversation then that's one thing. But if the dude says something to reveal he's got some hateful beliefs mid-conversation there's absolutely nothing wrong with paying the tab for your beers then and there, walking away, and never talking to the guy again. Being on a gaming form doesn't mean you have to ignore everything else you learn about a poster outside of the games themselves.

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#2  Edited By MezZa

Yeah, no offense but no one is engaging in a verbal duel of wits with you over sekiro because it's not worth doing so and to be frank your discussion isn't that engaging as you seem to think it is. It's cool you don't like Sekiro, and I'm even happy that GoT seems to make you happy. I like that game too, it's pretty sweet. But we're not here to defend a game against some random poster that seems to have a year long vendetta against it. The reason that people are commenting on other things surrounding you is because your Sekiro hate just isn't that interesting. And the other thing we've now learned is, well, awful. We understood that you don't like it on page 1. Anyway, have a good day. The whole youtube channel stuff kinda killed the fun in reading your rants so I'm out.

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Man, that YouTube account is...something else. Pieces falling into place I guess. That context definitely makes the thread less amusing to read though.

@shindig said:
@efesell said:

Man here I thought you were just kind of a weirdo hootin' and hollerin' about Sekiro then you present your channel dedicated to downplaying a murder to upload barely visible gameplay proof?

This dramatic third act twist fuckin' blows.

Christ. Although I admire using a camcorder or phone to record footage on a console or PC that can do all that natively.

If the person is struggling to format messages on a forum I wouldn't be surprised if they'd didn't know the console does that.

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#4  Edited By MezZa

I feel like I remember a video where the crew explained it a long time ago. Something about during the idea phase for the site someone (or everyone) joking about how ambitious the site and going on their own was and it was going to be a giant bomb, so they made that the name. For some reason I also associate the memory of Dave making breakfast or something and it being explained around that time that they announced giant bomb being sold to CBS. It's so long ago though that I could just be filling in memory where there isn't any.

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#5  Edited By MezZa

It's been a wild ride watching how OP has gone from self proclaimed practiced martial artist who takes personal conduct very seriously and knows kendo and the katana to making an inappropriate gay joke, implying sekiro probably causes domestic abuse, and ranting about everything in the game to try to rile people up while routinely contradicting themselves in a way that makes it unclear how much of this game they've actually played.

This thread is like a train wreck I can't stop checking in on. Honestly surprised it's still unlocked this morning. Poster is either BS'ing everyone or seriously unhinged over a video game.

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Ehhh I see some people saying that mods already make the games look this good, and while they look good modded I've also seen someone post a comparison of original to the ALOT mod to legendary edition screenshots and legendary looks noticeably better side by side.

The trailer doesn't show it off very well but it's worth looking at the website to see the comparison shots of original to legendary on there.

Is that improvemrnt worth $60 on pc, I don't know. On console, for sure since you can't mod it there. ME1 getting UI changes and such is cool so maybe worth it on PC.

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#7  Edited By MezZa

I'm torn at the moment. I like the weekly release and I think it does well for the buildup they've established. However, I prefer longer episodes for weekly releases. Both WandaVision and the Expanse are weekly but I feel more satisfied after watching just one episode of the expanse because it feels like I have more time to sink my teeth in. With WandaVision it feels far too short when an episode finished and I'm left waiting a week. On the other hand though I doubt they could make the first couple sitcom parody episodes interesting for 45-60 minutes so I understand why they're the length they are.

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#8  Edited By MezZa

@ares42: They got boo'd at their show for diablo because they had been very content light on diablo for years with the fanbase riling themself up every Con that D4 is coming. They then made a (business) decision to tease a diablo announcement leading up to the Con and schedule it as the closer of the opening ceremony (typically a slot held for big game announcements and showings). When in reality the big reveal was a phone game at a convention largely populated by hardcore pc gamers. They're out of touch and driven by corporate priorities rather than fans, but I don't place my assumption of the companies ability to release games that function at the bare minimum on fan rage over a phone game.

Blizzard makes decisions to exploit and manipulate it's fanbases in ways that are extremely out of touch with the core fanbase. But that doesn't guarantee a game like WC3R comes out as broken as it is. There are plenty of companies with bad PR and bad internal management that make games that function fine and are often enjoyable past initial release problems. There's no causation here and no reason to overly fixate on the idea that everyone in the industry shouldn't be surprised or more offput by this instance.

Also, in reference to things like the errors on D3 launch: Yes that was bad but D3 recovered from it and even recovered from the initial vanilla state of the game. Past Week 1 (I'd even say past day 3) the load stabilized a bit more and people were playing the game. In my total playtime on that game I honestly haven't thought about those errors since day 2 because they were such a miniscule portion of the actual life of the game and had no impact on the enjoyment I got out of the game. Online only games should be better but high demand games that require you to hit a server to play are almost always trash fires on launch day because no one can get in. If someone says that those server errors are a sign of the roadmap to blizzards fall all I can think of is pokemon go, destiny, etc. It's more a sign that the tech world is strict about building for the average server load rather than the peak launch day server load to reserve resources. Note, I'm not saying the game doesn't deserve critique, but there were much larger issues in the life of the game then those server errors.

Personally I just feel the idea that he shouldn't be surprised is a bit of an overstatement. There's a subsection of developers out there that are shitty to consumers but still generally release games that are above average. I'd put blizzard in that. Releasing WCR3 propels them further down into the territory of developers that don't care if their games even work or not.

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#9  Edited By MezZa

I do agree with others that the signs of trouble have been there for awhile, but I do think Brad is right that it is at a critically obvious point right now. Starcraft 2 being split into 3 games to tell a crappy story that never paid off is a dumb business decision but would have been fine if the story had actually done anything worthwhile with the sheer amount of story missions that allowed for. Diablo 3 was bad but eventually got better. It's not the ideal arpg that sits on the throne of Diablo 2 but Reaper of Souls is a fun game and quite frankly amazing they even salvaged that much of 3. Overwatch is a fun game if its your thing. Hearthstone was a fun game when I played it. As was HotS. SC: Remaster is actually pretty damn good.

Previously Blizzard was still making fun games that were held back by scummy business decisions. That's hardly as gloomy and damning as straight up releasing a broken WC3 and breaking old WC3 in the process. Many of there games have fallen into the "decent to good category, but could have been better." WC3 I look at and can't say anything good about it. So while it feels smart to say "look at the signs, they've been there all along" I understand where Brad is coming from. I expect bad business decisions from blizzard and consumer manipulation through loot boxes and card packs nowadays. I don't expect completely broken products prior to this WC3 nonsense.

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#10  Edited By MezZa

Depends on the game. I'm kinda tempted to for Monster Hunter Rise because MH games are kind of a known quantity if you're a fan. Especially with the demo they put out. And there's little chance of server issues keeping me from playing the game because I like to play solo generally and I'd expect there to be an offline mode.

But just any big budget release in general? No. Too risky with delays and if it's an online game (for example i would never take off for diablo 4 when it releases) then you're almost guaranteed to spend more time dealing with issues than playing the game if its a big enough player base.