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I'm going to predict Giant Bomb's Most Disappointing Game of 2014 as Watch Dogs.

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On Karma and the new flagging system...

For those of you that are actively flagging inappropriate threads, don't worry about your karma point count for now.  We are monitoring point levels and adjusting them down as necessary for people who are gaining bad karma by flagging things that needed to be flagged.

This is new for all of us, but we don't want you guys to feel like you're getting punished for reporting spam or porn or other offensive material or bad posts with the new Flag button. This isn't to say you can just flag with impunity - if you're found to be abusing the system by flagging posts that shouldn't be, then we will just let the karma system do it's job and you will soon find yourself unable to flag anymore until your points decay back below five at the rate of one per day.

Remember, the system is only going to work if everyone uses it! If you have any questions or have a problem with your karma, please contact a moderator and we'll help you out.