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I really want to play Stardew Valley. I bought it and everything, just don't have time... :(

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You just need the wizard John Drake body pillow to complete the set.

Maybe next year!

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So I come home from work today to find a slightly large yet light box with my reddit secret Santa gift inside. I've gotten quite a few different custom made things over the years while doing it but this one might win over any of them! A Giant Bomb pillow and super soft blanket!!! Thought everyone here might wanna see it!

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Hey duders, I was wondering if anyone knew what song Austin and Patrick use for the Vice Gaming Podcast is called. I figured GB would oddly be the best place to ask!


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#4  Edited By mike117

Links can also be found here if you want to use something other than Soundcloud!

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Bumping, the links don't let you download them anymore

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@mirado: Thanks for linking over to that article. I've read a few different ones throughout the past few months but yours is the most informative and well put that I've seen so far. FreeNAS seems like the direction I'd be interested in going in, one because it avoids RAID, which while it is a good system, the ZFS system is more comforting to me. Second, the inner geek in me that likes to build PCs for myself, friends, and just about anyone who asks for help, wants to have a home server type box that I put my blood sweat, and eventual tears into.

Pricing of course is always the drawback to not going pre-built, it might end up being something I buy a part for once a month for six months before building to completion. Basically, my friend and I record a lot of both video and audio for a site we run and I'm finding that of course raw video and audio files take up tons of space even once you've clipped and worked on them. So, I feel like anything that's finished and doesn't need to be run on the SSD on my desktop while I'm in 'production' mode should have a long term storage area (yes I know the cloud is always an option, I'm actually fortunate enough to have unlimited Google Drive for life but I'd rather have stuff physically located near me). Up until now that long term storage solution has just been throwing it onto the HDDs within my PC since I was a crazy man who bought a MB with 10 SATA ports. So long term post-production storage would be the goal of running a FreeNAS box, hell I live at home currently and might get my Dad interested in linking is iMac with it as well and using it for his backup solutions on top on Apple's Time Machine.

The second eventual goal would be to use it to put all my media onto as either a media storage area or a media streaming facility. Sadly due to negligence on my brothers part a few years ago, a majority of my 500+ Game/DVD/CD collection was stolen, but what I have kept I am trying to decide as to whether using Handbrake to get them off the media would be a good idea for backup (and if it's even possible with many current day formats as Blu-Ray, I seem to not have had luck the last attempt or two). I accept that I'll never have enough room, it's the way the world of computing works. However, if I can have a solution that even lets me keep going for 5 years then I'll be happy.

Let me know your thoughts! Sorry if I went on ranting!

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@meierthered: yeah I wasn't planning on going towards any high end stuff since it's basically set it and forget it type device plus I also have offsite backup. I was just curious!

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@idkicarus: you're totally not alone. I'm in a very similar situation with my current place in life right now. I'm also trying to decide if I want to go into the game industry instead of continuing my current career path. However, the fact that I've basically stepped backing from the actual act of playing video games [probably 12-15 hours a month max, sometimes way way less] and just mostly follow news, this site, press events, etc, makes me worry that my disconnect for the past year or two has damaged my ability to get back into gaming.

When this generation of consoles came out I also felt super disappointed in what we were given my Microsoft and Sony, so feeling slighted by that I think pushed me away (even though by that point I had primarily moved onto PC gaming). Now it's more just life getting in the way and having to stare at a screen for 8/9 hours at work everyday makes it less appealing to sit at my desk when I get home and play video games.

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@chadj: whoa this is awesome!! I didn't think I'd be able to do live streams with the Roku app. I'd mainly use it to watch non-live videos but now I'll have this as an option for when I get home and UPF starts up.

I do wish that the Roku app remembered where I had stopped on a video like the site does. It's a pain to pull up the site on my laptop, let it tell me where I stopped on a video, then open the app, fast forward to that point, and play the video.

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