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Flashback project #?? I lost count

Man trying to beat 10 games a month is hard when you're having trouble beating them. Busy running around trying and finally build a gaming PC and getting things done so I can get my driving permit. I seem to hit some bad luck with finishing the last part of a game, I got to the last level of Bubsy (I can't wait to talk about that mess), last part of Jak and Dex, Forza horizon I can't seem to win any races, ape escape part. I will hopefully return to those games and beat them soon. Here the last ten games I beat.

Dora the Explorer: Super Spies

Two weeks went by and I didn't beat a game so I looked for something super easy and found this. Not a bad game for kids who love the show. All you do is collect three items in each level to move on to the next, during this you will get items and spies would use like night vision goggles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Great TMNT game, for once all the turtles feel the equal but mainly because you only use one turtle for each story. Stories mostly hit each turtles weakness like Raf's anger, Mikey partying to much.

Cabbage Patch Kids: The Patch Puppy Rescue

Same reason for Dora game. Not much to the game just go to the end of the level and you saved a puppy, boring,short and super easy.

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

I didn't know about the brother before this game but I'm told he is talked about in the passed games. I feel that this didn't add anything to the story ark. In the game you find out that your brother is still alive and have to go free him.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

It has been two years since I beat a Zelda game so beat to get back to this series. I didnt enjoy this one very much. Kept getting lost and ending to me I don't get.

Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand

Looking through Gameboy advance games I saw this and played through it. It is ok, they use the enemies from the show but you mostly see two of them for most of the game. The jumping at times is odd, jump and for some reason move to the left and down.


I played this as a kid but don't remember beaten it. The is great, not going to say much because I have nothing new to add. I won't be buying the new HD vision until I see a review and someone else play it. I don't want this to end up like with Turtles in time.

Ikari III: The Rescue

Unlike one and two in three yo play most of the game using your fist, using a gun is like a power up in this. Also in this one you don't have to use A B B A.

Knights of the Round

A OK beat'em up, a bit to easy. I beat it my 2nd try, 1st try made it to the final boss. I don't understand how to beat the 2nd to last boss, cant move out of the way of its attack.

Cool Spot

I don't like 7 up soda but this game is good, not great just good. You can to go around and collect spots to be able to shoot at a cage with a friend in it. Some of levels piss me off like the one in a kid pool, fall in the water dead. Some times when jumping Spot would just stop moving left or right.

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