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It's me, Moosey! They/them pronouns for anyone wondering.

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I need help naming my LBP2 level. Also, Uncharted 3.

 So, as you may or may not know, one of my goals for this year was to make a LittleBigPlanet 2 level (and have it not be terrible). I'm just about done with it (aside from a few tweaks here and there), but I don't have a name. Now, the premise for the level is that you need to infiltrate this secret base on an island, and everything is crazy. Here's some ideas for the name that have been floating around my head (and I mean that literally, you know, Heavy Rain style): 
Super Crazy Fun Island Time...OF DOOM! 
Super Happy Mega Island...OF DOOM! 
Crazy Mixed Up Island...OF DOOM! 
Or in other words, I don't really have any decent ideas, other than that I want it to say island, and OF DOOM. Any suggestions would be appreciated.  
In other news, I've played a decent amount of the Uncharted 3 beta. If the beta is any indication, that game is going to be awesome. One of the maps begins with one team on a moving plane, and the other team on these moving trucks that are chasing after the plane, and everybody's shooting each other, and jumping from trucks to trucks, trucks to plane, plane to trucks...It's crazy, and awesome. But then after that they arrive at the actual level, and it's pretty standard Uncharted stuff from there on out. 
I like the stuff they've add. I think the buddy system is neat, but I'm not sure if it's totally random, or if you're playing with someone on your friends list you'd be paired with them or something. I think that'd be a good idea. And the fact that the game rewards you for high five-ing or fist bumping your buddy is great. 
Also, when you kill dudes, there's a chance that loot will drop, and a chance that said loot will be treasure, and said treasure can be used to unlock hats. But much like another multiplayer game with useless hats, getting to the hats is overly complicated and time consuming. In other words, I think it's great.  
And in other, other news, I saw Transformers 3. Now, I know a lot of people are hating on it, just like people were hating on the last ones, but I thought the movie was great. That's all I'm going to say though, for I fear that saying much more could lead to a flame war with some trolls, and I'd like to avoid that. I'm entitled to enjoy whatever movies I like, just like the trolls can hate on whatever they want.  
So that's it. I'll update this once I've finished and uploaded the level (after naming it of course), at which point I'd be pleased if people actually played it. It's not too long, and it's pretty silly and goofy.