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So many games!

So, it's been a while since I've written anything significant here, so now I'm going to get everyone caught up on what's happened since the tornado. Not in terms of what's happened to the town, because everything's fine related to that. I mean in terms of games.  
So I'll start with all the stuff I've gotten off the PSN lately. And before I write about that, I should point out that I may have access to more than one account, and two of them may be from England/Japan. Although so far as I can tell the Japanese PlayStation Store still isn't working, which is odd.  

US Account: 

Wipeout HD/Fury: For those who haven't played a Wipeout game before, it's basically F-Zero, just without all the goofy characters and stuff. It's really good, but I feel like the single player stuff goes through the same courses too many times. As much fun as I've had playing it, I can't help but feel that more than anything else, it makes me wish Nintendo would make a new F-Zero game, especially with the new and more powerful Wii U on the horizon. Wipeout's great and all, but 8 racers is nothing compared to the 30 racers in F-Zero.  
Super Stardust HD: It's pretty fun. Really nice looking, especially in 1080P. When my dad was watching me play, he was amazed at how good it looked what with all the particles and junk flying around. It's kinda hard though, as I've yet to beat the forth (of five) levels. I keep dying on the boss (which is really two bosses) at the end. I'll get it eventually though. 
Killzone Liberation: So, when I was deciding what PSP games to get for free, I thought I'd get this one, because I liked Killzone 2, and IGN gave it a 9 back in the day. And I really shouldn't judge it after only playing the first level, but I don't like it very much. A 9 star PSP game in '06 is not a 9 star game PSP game is '11. It doesn't look good, the controls aren't great, and it just seems pretty lame. I dunno, maybe it'll grow on me if I give it more time.  
Pursuit Force: Now this game, on the other hand, is awesome. See, the concept is that there's this city that has so much crime that it has more crime than Detroit (that's literally what the game says) so they create the Pursuit Force, who can do whatever is necessary to stop crime. And that involves jumping from car to car Vin Diesel style and then killing the guys in the car, which of course fills up the justice meter which increases attack power and stuff. Also, the voice acting is hilariously bad. To be honest, it's not really that great, because the controls are kinda bad, and it looks kinda dated, but it's still fun.  
Braid: I got this for $3.75 with my PlayStation Plus (which I got a free month of, course). It's pretty cool. The game gets really tough and mind boggling. The "story" gets really weird in the end though. It was definitely worth the low price though, and I encourage everyone with PS+ (which is pretty much everyone with a PS3 at this moment) who hasn't played this game to buy it and play it. 
PixelJunk Shooter 2: Since I'm pretty sure there's a $5 minimum charge for buying stuff on PSN, and Braid was under $5, I got this too so I wouldn't have some money leftover. It's pretty good. It's pretty similar to the first one, which is good, because that was a great game.  
So that's it for stuff I've downloaded with my official US account. Now for this UK account that I have access to but isn't necessarily mine because Sony probably doesn't like people having more than one account:  
Dead Nation: I know this game has gotten mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it. I played through it on my own, and while I definitely thought it got kinda old by the end, it was still fun. And I've played through about half of it in co-op, and that's fun too.  
Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty: Haven't played it yet. But I downloaded it. Should be fun. 
Streets of Rage II: This was free on there for PS+ users. Some people may get some nostalgic fun from it, but that game has not aged well. But it was free, and I got a couple Trophies, so yay.  
Burnout Paradise: Yup. UK users get Burnout Paradise FOR FREE. And it's awesome. Not much else to say. Well, I do love that the soundtrack has a ton of classical and opera music in it. I turned off most of the other stuff, so I listen to that, GNR, AIC, and of course, the soundest of gardens, Soundgarden.  
So that's it for the stuff I've downloaded. Yeah, I know, it's a lot. But I've played some disc based games too. And here's my thoughts: 
Yakuza 4: This game is an awful lot like Yakuza 3. And that's a good thing, because that game was awesome. But I liked this one a whole lot more, because the story was better, there was more voice acting, and having four playable characters kept the combat fresh and exciting throughout. Also, I think it's a huge achievement that they had four likable protagonists in one game, especially since in this day and age most games don't even have one likable protagonist. So that game was great, and I cannot recommend it enough. Buy this game, because the more copies that are sold, the more likely it becomes that Sega will release Yakuza of the End in the US (so far as I know, while it has a Japanese release, they haven't announced a US one yet).  
inFAMOUS 2: While I haven't actually beaten it yet, I am pretty close to the end, and as much as I loved inFAMOUS 1, I'm afraid to say...That this one is better! Haha, fooled you there, didn't I? No? Oh, well, too bad. This game is rad. Electrifyingly so. It's shocking how much I like this game. It's like lighting struck twice. It's...Alright, I'll stop. But if you liked inFAMOUS 1, you'll like this game. Plus, if you get it soon, you can get in on the Uncharted 3 beta. Speaking of which, I need to find out when that starts.  
Red Steel 2: Yeah, I went out and bought a copy of this. It was $20 bundled with Wii Motion Plus at KMart, so I couldn't pass it up. And I think it's great. Much better than I was expecting, and I expected it to be good. It's got a great sense of style, it's fun, and more than anything else, it's nice to have something to use in my Wii. I just wish that it was in HD though, because as great as the art style it, the screen just looks blurry and stuff after playing so many games in HD. It's fun though, even if my arm feels a little sore after swinging it around so wildly (though carrying wood around after playing it didn't help).  
So that's it for games I've played lately, aside from a couple matches of MK here and there with friends. Shadows of the Damned is out next week. I really want to buy that because of how much I love Suda 51's and Shinji Mikami's games, and I think the style of the game is great. On the other hand, I'm not sold, because all the Duke Nukem-ish jokes (for example, there's a talking skull named Johnson who turns into a gun called the boner) has me worried, and I haven't seen too much of the actual gameplay. I'll play it at some point, but not sure when if the reviews aren't great.