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Toukiden is a helluva game.

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Games I'm playing

The last run of steam deals underscored one major problem for me: I have too many games. Enough that I'll play some, then forget that I was in the middle of them, and then move on to something else. 
Anyrate, this list is more for me than anyone else, but if you're here, then, uh, hello.

List items

  • Somehow I've got it in my head that I'll 100% this thing. Or at least unlock the Minecraft dude. I don't know why I hate myself, but it appears that I do.

  • Got it on the cheap during the Black Friday deals. Don't know how far into the campaign I am, but I reckon this one'll wring a few more hours out of me, yet.

  • If anyone's looking for proof that Relic is doing something goddamn fucking SPECIAL with the RTS genre, then dig this: I abandoned the Starcraft 2 campaign I was midway through to RE-PLAY DoW II on Primarch. Mostly because I want to replay Chaos Rising on a higher difficulty level, but I still want all my toys. I keep telling myself that DoW 2 is just good practise for my micro game in SC2, but in my heart, I know the truth. By the time Retribution hits next year, I'll probably relegate myself to strictly a Starcraft 2 spectator.

  • SOOOO close to s-ranking this one.

  • Killing zambies in my underpants. Killing zambies in my underpants. Killing zambies in my underpants. Killing zambies in my underpants.

  • Just got That Gun. Now I'm just bummed out that I can't hole up in some seedy motel to get drunk all the time, mope around, and occasionally kill androids. Need to find a trench coat like, yesterday.

  • Picked this up on a whim a week or two back. Yeah, the combat is a little bit crazy, but the novelty of naming my pet pig Snowball just can't be beat. Also, killing and skinning monsters while wielding a stupidly large sword still hasn't gotten old. Overlong animations or no.

  • Never owned the N64 game, but after faffing about with this for a while, I'm definitely enjoying myself.

  • Such a vast improvement over Dark Elves edition. I don't think I'll really exhaust this one anytime soon.

  • Forever playing this. This dialogue-and-pausing-during-combat simulator is the best of its class. Never not Dialogue Tree-ing, which pretty much equates to: never not not finishing this game.

  • Found myself playing a lot more of this after I snagged a gamepad. Top-notch puzzling shooty fun. Unlocking things gives me the tingles.

  • Admittedly, I'm watching more than actually playing this already. I still haven't beaten the campaign and now my save is woefully out of date. I really want to give this more time, though, but not so much that re-playing DoW II hasn't taken priority.

  • Always playing this. Never not playing it. Afraid to play it before work or, really, whenever I have anything I need to do. (Like eat or sleep or breathe.) So I haven't booted it up in weeks. I have the FEAR, you see. (Not the F.E.A.R.)

  • Astonishingly deep Tetris-alike. More tĂȘte than 'ris. Nah mean?

  • Dragging ass through this game. Mostly playing it when I've got some spare time. Gorgeous art style, but still sticks too close to the lunar logic that adventure games always have.

  • Yeah, this was cheap from Impulse a while back. I haven't played much of it yet, but after Ryan's quick look, I've been itching to.