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Rocket League is pure uncut crack

The nation's number one supplier of adrenalin soaked crack, and no it's not Mad Max: Fury Road
The nation's number one supplier of adrenalin soaked crack, and no it's not Mad Max: Fury Road

About 10 or so days ago I was made aware of this beta that was then floating around the PSN. A beta for a game called Rocket League. It's a RC car based sports arena game where you take your car and ram a ball into a goal while also trying to defend from the other team doing the same to you. It's soccer on wheels. Mini-wheels. Made by Psyonix, Inc, who also made the similar game Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars.

I got my hands on it and decided, eh, I've got nothing else to do until Witcher 3 gets here, so I might as well. Boy, to say I was blown away is an understatement. It's a very, very simple game. Simple, but endlessly fun. It's soccer, but instead of people, you control a little RC car and you have to use your momentum and limited use boosts to take control of the ball and knock it around until you get it into the other team's goal. There's really not much else. The arena you are in during this particular beta is encased in glass, giving you walls to drive on and a roof so you can keep the ball in bounds.

The modes in this beta were 1v1, a duel mode where you can go mano-a-mano and prove your Rocket League MLG status. 2v2, which is a very tactical game where setting up shots for your buddy can be crucial. 3v3, which seems to be the standard way to go and what I ended up putting the most time into. The final mode was a chaotic 4v4 game mode that was just so busy and intense that I played one game and decided, welp, I'm not good enough for that.

The controls are simple as well, R2 is forward, L2 is reverse, X is jump. Jumping into the air and pressing X again allows you to slam in any direction that you push. Forward will jet you towards whatever you are aiming at, and holding the boost button will allow you to fly a short distance, left or right is a corkscrew type maneuver. Circle is your boost, which you can refill by driving over the many boost pads that are spread out across the field. The square button is a powerslide, allowing you to quickly and rather stylishly reposition your vehicle, and triangle is your "ball cam" a camera angle you can toggle that allows you to lock your camera onto the ball at all times.

Depending on how fast you hit the ball and where, you can send it flying across the field or rather just give it a little love tap. The trick is to learn the momentum behind your vehicle and choosing your moments. Sometimes you'll fly off the handle all excitedly and only end up scoring a goal in your own post, earning the other team a big fat +1 and leaving you to the sneers of your team mates. And that timing can be tricky to nail. It seems like the players of the game Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars are right at home with this game, as ever time I was dominated, the players pointed out how they were pros at the previous game.

And it shows. In my short time with the game I went from bumbling idiot that could barely even drive right to somewhat proficient enough that I could do alright. While I was pretty good at getting goals, I was piss poor in playing defense. Those guys knocked that shit straight into our goal time after time. But honestly, the game itself is so fun losing doesn't mean much. A "GG" here, a "Nice shot!" there, regardless of the team, sent through the in-game chat system, builds a sense of camaraderie. The games biggest feat was making it feel like you're all just a group of friends sitting down to play a game together, no matter the results, no matter who wins. No enemies, no strict competitors, just a bunch of friends having some fun.

I spent countless games thinking, okay, after this I'll be done for the day. Just one more game. And then I'd look at my clock and realize it's been 4 hours and I don't know where I am. But then reality sets back in and I sit down to play just one more game.

Speaking of that, games are quick, lasting just 5 minutes. So you can continuously churn out "one more game" after "one more game" at a steady pace.

It's addicting. Getting the goals, hearing the crowd cheer during a critical goal, reacting with the ebb and flow of the game. Electrifying. This game is just a beta and yet I'm already hooked. So disappointing is it then that the beta ended a few days ago, and I can feel the withdraws already. This was a game that at first I wanted to play only because I had nothing else, but it quickly became the nightly routine of my life for about a week or so. I made a lot of friends, I certainly made a lot of enemies, and I even made an epic save or two and felt like the cock of the walk(Only to screw up and score a self goal and feel like a huge idiot for a game or two).

The full game is set to have more modes, more arenas and a ton of customization for your little cars. It doesn't have a release date yet, but they are at least planning on it being out by Summer.

I can't wait to get my hands on the game. I recommend everyone keep an ear out for this thing.

Hello, I'm N7. I write shit from time to time at my website. I usually post them to Giant Bomb as well but I felt like I was spamming the joint and got a little self conscious so I stopped. But this Rocket League game is something truly special so I thought I just had to share my thoughts with people, especially because the Rocket League page is pretty barren. So I hope you enjoy my thoughts as much as I enjoyed the beta! But probably not because my thoughts are kinda shitty and that game is kinda awesome, so it's not fair to compare them.



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It seems to be getting a ton of buzz which is fantastic, my own withdrawals have been ongoing since February, (since the PC beta finished). I'm SO ready for more. I don't own a PS4 unfortunately, so my wait will have to continue to the PC release, which is said to be after the PS4 release. :(

Very up for some sort of Giant Bomb Rocket League shenanigans once it's out!

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@fenrir said:

It seems to be getting a ton of buzz which is fantastic, my own withdrawals have been ongoing since February, (since the PC beta finished). I'm SO ready for more. I don't own a PS4 unfortunately, so my wait will have to continue to the PC release, which is said to be after the PS4 release. :(

Very up for some sort of Giant Bomb Rocket League shenanigans once it's out!

Oh yeah! I can't wait to see what the GB guys are gonna do with it. Surprised they didn't do an Unfinished with the beta, but then, there's other stuff out there right now.

I do love the buzz it's getting. It seemed to have come out of nowhere. I went from knowing nothing about this game to seeing guys post their epic saves and goals and whathaveyous all over. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least!

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Is there any sort of splitscreen multiplayer? The game looks awesome.

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Is there any sort of splitscreen multiplayer? The game looks awesome.

Yes! There is. I played with numerous people online who were splitscreening. Some of them were quite good too... suspiciously good.

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Edited By Bollard

I was introduced to Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars only recently, just before this (spiritual?) successor was announced. It changed my life forever. We played 2v2 local multiplayer, and my god was it glorious.

Played far too many hours of the beta for Rocket League. Cannot wait to have access to the additional maps, cars and leagues. Cosmetics should be fun too - I hope the free DLC is more maps and cars, would be fantastic if they supported it that way and then I wouldn't feel bad paying a little on the side for more cosmetic options, if they wanted to charge for that.

Also your last video was fantastic. I have a handful more clips I need to upload and trim, but here's a nice save I uploaded earlier:

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Edited By N7

@bollard: Indeed! I put a ton of hours into the beta. I never got to play SSARPBC but I fell in love with Rocket League. Shame I didn't discover it earlier, because that experience would have paid off!

Also, nice save! I tried not to save too many clips because after a point, crazy stuff starts happening all the time. Especially with experienced opponents, so I tried to pick and choose. Of course, if that had been me in your place, I probably would have just gotten a self-goal out of that. I did that a lot.

Isn't crack by definition "cut?" It's mixed with baking soda to turn it into rock form. :)

It sounded better than "Rocket League is preheated yellowcake FedEX Day 1 DLC delivery IHOP Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity GOTY"

Then again I don't know my drugs. :/

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This looks just like an upscale port of their first game on PS3. Which means its pure gold.

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You have an offsite blog now? Guess I should visit it sometime.

The game looks pretty cool too, looking for something to scratch that multiplayer not-football itch since Anarchy Reigns died and took the Death Ball population with it.

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@sterling: It's pretty great.

@dochaus said:

You have an offsite blog now? Guess I should visit it sometime.

The game looks pretty cool too, looking for something to scratch that multiplayer not-football itch since Anarchy Reigns died and took the Death Ball population with it.

Personally I'm still waiting for that stand alone Blitzball game, but at this point I don't think I'm ever going to get it. But at least I'll have Rocket League... when it comes out, of course.

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Edited By csl316

Micro Machines Grifball Blitzball? Hmm...

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Edited By turboman

I didn't get in on the beta until Wednesday... I then ended up playing about six hours of it in one day. I was crazy hooked to the game. First time that's happened to me in a long time.

I'm going to go full e-sports on this game when it comes out, who's with me?

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@n7 said:

@bollard: Indeed! I put a ton of hours into the beta. I never got to play SSARPBC but I fell in love with Rocket League. Shame I didn't discover it earlier, because that experience would have paid off!

Also, nice save! I tried not to save too many clips because after a point, crazy stuff starts happening all the time. Especially with experienced opponents, so I tried to pick and choose. Of course, if that had been me in your place, I probably would have just gotten a self-goal out of that. I did that a lot.

Haha yeah, if you want to see some real crazy stuff there's a fantastic montage of SARPBC in the Giant Bomb sub forums for that game. I recorded a few clips, but usually go through them and decide if they're worth keeping when I trim them down after.

And I definitely scored plenty of own goals myself :P

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Not a new idea, but seems like it's executed well.

This seems like just the type of game I'd get into.

Any idea when the full PC release date is? Bit wary of the Free to Play stuff too.

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@valeo said:

Not a new idea, but seems like it's executed well.

This seems like just the type of game I'd get into.

Any idea when the full PC release date is? Bit wary of the Free to Play stuff too.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy having my life ruined by Witcher 3.

I don't know when the PC release date is but I'd assume they will come out at the same time, if not around the same time.

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Super excited to try this game out when it comes to PC and wonder how much it's like the UT2k4 mod Carball. I loved the shit out of Carball and this game seems to play exactly the same from what i've seen.

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Super excited to try this game out when it comes to PC and wonder how much it's like the UT2k4 mod Carball. I loved the shit out of Carball and this game seems to play exactly the same from what i've seen.

THAT IS THE GAME I WAS TRYING TO THINK OF! Thank you! Was going a bit crazy because I swear I played a mod very similar - that's it.

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This game is part of July's PS Plus!!

In the UK anyway, not sure about other regions.

Just thought I'd let you guys know as I know there's some Rocket League fans round here.

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@burt said:

This game is part of July's PS Plus!!

In the UK anyway, not sure about other regions.

Just thought I'd let you guys know as I know there's some Rocket League fans round here.

It's true for US as well. For the last several months, Sony has wisely released the same set of PS Plus titles for the UK and the US.

And yes, I'm pretty hyped for this game, and the huge community that will result due to PS Plus.

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Edited By N7

@burt said:

This game is part of July's PS Plus!!

In the UK anyway, not sure about other regions.

Just thought I'd let you guys know as I know there's some Rocket League fans round here.

Thanks for the heads up. Everyone with PS+ has no excuse to pass this up.

Not to mention there is cross-play between PS4 and PC, so everyone can play together!

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This game is now free pure uncut crack. That's how the dealers get you hooked, give you a taste and you'll be coming back for more (cosmetic DLC)!

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Edited By SpaceInsomniac

@bollard said:

This game is now free pure uncut crack. That's how the dealers get you hooked, give you a taste and you'll be coming back for more (cosmetic DLC)!

The nice thing is that it's "free" for us, but the publishers / developers of PS Plus games still get paid per download. If it's a big success, they won't even need to sell cosmetic DLC. Not that that will stop them from doing so, but at least it will be icing on the cake, rather than a necessity to make any profit.

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@bollard said:

This game is now free pure uncut crack. That's how the dealers get you hooked, give you a taste and you'll be coming back for more (cosmetic DLC)!

The nice thing is that it's "free" or us, but the publishers / developers of PS Plus games still get paid per download. If it's a big success, they won't even need to sell cosmetic DLC. Not that that will stop them from doing so, but at least it will be icing on the cake, rather than a necessity to make any profit.

Actually, they made a pretty good post on this whole thing over on their subreddit. Can't not agree with them there. Now that the game is guaranteed to reach a wider audience, they can make more DLC that will actually start generating money. It's all cosmetic and entirely optional. I believe all stadium packs will be free.

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@n7 said:
@spaceinsomniac said:
@bollard said:

This game is now free pure uncut crack. That's how the dealers get you hooked, give you a taste and you'll be coming back for more (cosmetic DLC)!

The nice thing is that it's "free" or us, but the publishers / developers of PS Plus games still get paid per download. If it's a big success, they won't even need to sell cosmetic DLC. Not that that will stop them from doing so, but at least it will be icing on the cake, rather than a necessity to make any profit.

Actually, they made a pretty good post on this whole thing over on their subreddit. Can't not agree with them there. Now that the game is guaranteed to reach a wider audience, they can make more DLC that will actually start generating money. It's all cosmetic and entirely optional. I believe all stadium packs will be free.

Yep the stadiums will all be free, only cosmetic items are paid. I have a feeling I might end up buying some car-hats, even if it's just to kick them a bit more money for getting such a great game free.

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Put me in the love boat for this game too, the fit and feel of everything is what makes it really great, the moment you start playing you start smiling.
@turboman I'm with you and this should totally become a full on e-sport it just needs a good spectator mode (at least, i don't think it has one, they could add it if necessary), it's a great game for an audience since the rules are so simple, imagine the soccer-like strategies a proper team could employ.

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Edited By Fredchuckdave

@bollard:Cool looking save but ironically not epic enough for the game's scoring system.

Here's another first touch goal, this one pretty perfect/unassisted by randomness:

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@n7: Here's a far more practical flying goal. Basically it just comes down to a decision "Can I hit this ball any other way but to go for the miraculous flight at the last instant like a legendary intrepid mastermind of godliness and magnificence?" Well that's what it felt like at least. I did get one other flying hit today, it didn't go in the goal though.

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Come on I just need one more hit baby. You know I'm good for it!

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Downloaded this for the PS4 today, man it's great. Such a simple idea but executed so brilliantly.

One of my surprises of the year for sure.

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I'll probably buy the PC version. I want STABLE 60fps but my card will run it at 120. Master...