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Bad Company 2 Impressions: It's fun....... when it works

Today I decided it was time to download the 360 demo of Bad Company 2. So I created an account and signed it up for Xbox LIVE so I could download it (my Luchadeer account is underaged) and was literally blown away by how great the game is compared to the first one. The first thing I did after parachuting down to the game (which is a pretty cool way to respawn) was grab a four wheeler. The next thing I remember was flying down the hill at crazy speeds while bullets rained down on my from the base across the bridge. I jumped off, hid behind some boxes, and waited for teammates to arrive. The whole screen was shaking and dirt was being kicked up into the air as the machine gunners continued firing on my position. I then remembered that I had an RPG, so I took it out, aimed at the building, fired, and watched as my attackers were blown out. A few matches later, I found myself hiding with several teammates inside an almost completely destroyed building while two enemies in a helicopter rained lead down on us. A few minutes later I looked up and saw the same helicopter being chased off by an RC chopper. A few matches later, I was in a helicopter with two other guys and we were badly damaged by an RC chopper. I jumped out, and as soon as I did the entire thing exploded in a fireball of fury. As I slowly floated down in the parachute, I watched as the helicopter fell to the ground in three pieces. I mourned for my teammates, since there was no way they could have made it out. However, upon reaching the ground I saw two blue dots ahead and discovered that my partners had in fact made it out. We were deep behind enemy lines, and we linked up together and proceeded to slowly head through their base. We managed to eliminate several soldiers at their own base before one of them was smart enough to get into a tank and blow us to pieces. It's moments like these that get me very excited about this game. When it works, it's an absolute blast. Nothing is more fun than assaulting a base with your squad with snipers backing you up and choppers flying above. When the game is like this, it's the best thing ever. 

GO! GO! GO! 
GO! GO! GO! 
I'm also impressed by the technical aspects of the game. BC1 was a mess, with lots of little bugs, sluggish and clunky movement, and ridiculously underpowered weapons. I'm happy to say that almost all of the issues with the first game are resolved. The weapons feel powerful, the movement isn't slow and tedious (thankfully, it doesn't take a full second to bring your weapon up after sprinting), and the menus are also a lot easier to use (they look a lot better to). Unfortunately, the only vehicle that seems easy to use is the four wheeler, because the tanks and APCs are still difficult to control. A short while ago I tried flying a helicopter and promptly sent my teammate and I into a cliff. Maybe it's because I never bothered to fly them in the last game, or it's because the controls are god awful. The interface also looks a bit better, although I do wish they had kept the ticket/crate health bars at the top of the screen. Maybe they are located somewhere else, but I sure haven't found them yet. Oh, and the graphics are great.
To sum it all up, Bad Company 2 is looking to be a very good game. Play the demo and see for yourself. Got any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.


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Edited By natetodamax

Today I decided it was time to download the 360 demo of Bad Company 2. So I created an account and signed it up for Xbox LIVE so I could download it (my Luchadeer account is underaged) and was literally blown away by how great the game is compared to the first one. The first thing I did after parachuting down to the game (which is a pretty cool way to respawn) was grab a four wheeler. The next thing I remember was flying down the hill at crazy speeds while bullets rained down on my from the base across the bridge. I jumped off, hid behind some boxes, and waited for teammates to arrive. The whole screen was shaking and dirt was being kicked up into the air as the machine gunners continued firing on my position. I then remembered that I had an RPG, so I took it out, aimed at the building, fired, and watched as my attackers were blown out. A few matches later, I found myself hiding with several teammates inside an almost completely destroyed building while two enemies in a helicopter rained lead down on us. A few minutes later I looked up and saw the same helicopter being chased off by an RC chopper. A few matches later, I was in a helicopter with two other guys and we were badly damaged by an RC chopper. I jumped out, and as soon as I did the entire thing exploded in a fireball of fury. As I slowly floated down in the parachute, I watched as the helicopter fell to the ground in three pieces. I mourned for my teammates, since there was no way they could have made it out. However, upon reaching the ground I saw two blue dots ahead and discovered that my partners had in fact made it out. We were deep behind enemy lines, and we linked up together and proceeded to slowly head through their base. We managed to eliminate several soldiers at their own base before one of them was smart enough to get into a tank and blow us to pieces. It's moments like these that get me very excited about this game. When it works, it's an absolute blast. Nothing is more fun than assaulting a base with your squad with snipers backing you up and choppers flying above. When the game is like this, it's the best thing ever. 

GO! GO! GO! 
GO! GO! GO! 
I'm also impressed by the technical aspects of the game. BC1 was a mess, with lots of little bugs, sluggish and clunky movement, and ridiculously underpowered weapons. I'm happy to say that almost all of the issues with the first game are resolved. The weapons feel powerful, the movement isn't slow and tedious (thankfully, it doesn't take a full second to bring your weapon up after sprinting), and the menus are also a lot easier to use (they look a lot better to). Unfortunately, the only vehicle that seems easy to use is the four wheeler, because the tanks and APCs are still difficult to control. A short while ago I tried flying a helicopter and promptly sent my teammate and I into a cliff. Maybe it's because I never bothered to fly them in the last game, or it's because the controls are god awful. The interface also looks a bit better, although I do wish they had kept the ticket/crate health bars at the top of the screen. Maybe they are located somewhere else, but I sure haven't found them yet. Oh, and the graphics are great.
To sum it all up, Bad Company 2 is looking to be a very good game. Play the demo and see for yourself. Got any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
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The vehicles control great (besides the helicopter).  They actually take time to get up to speed, and they sound great.  The ATV is actually kind of lame.  The suspension doesn't even move (the wheels just go up and down) and it looks like it was made in Korea.  The  vehicle physics in the game don't seem to suit ATVs.  

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Edited By vidiot

I feel like sometimes I was the only one who really enjoyed the single player campaign for the first game. When I played multiplayer with never gave me a good impression. Played the demo for this, really like what I saw. Looking forward to this game.

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Edited By natetodamax
@vidiot: I liked the single player campaign in BC1, so you are not alone.
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Edited By DragoonKain1687

The multiplayer this time is fantastic. I reached the 4th sniper rifle in the PS3 beta, which had all the stuff available, and I loved it. 
Cant wait for it to release. I have a LE already reserved at Amazon :D

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Edited By ThePhantomnaut

I thought the helicopter controls were fine.

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Edited By dethfish

I've been playing the demo a lot, and it is awesome. I haven't even tried flying a chopper yet because I've always been bad at it. A lot of other people seem to be bad at it too. I remember in BF: Modern Combat some people would specialize as chopper pilots. There needs to be more of those guys. They can really help out a team.

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Edited By Jayross

Change the vehicle controls to the Bad company 1 settings , I find it much easier.

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Edited By MetalGearSunny
@vidiot: I loved the single player campaign also.
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Edited By Scooper

I've got to agree. I was playing it last night and pretty much had the exact same experience as you. It's soo awesome when you're running into enemy lines and shit's blowing up all around you. It's constant action in that game but the cool thing is is it's all player made action and it is really exciting to be a part of. 
I also noticed something strange while I was playing it. When I died I didn't feel angry or annoyed like I do almost all the time on MW2. Maybe it's because the game's so crazy and fun you don't mind dieing because then you can plan your next attack or defense but in MW2 I always die because someone's hiding in the same corner every round or playing with bullshit tactics and it simply makes the whole experience not fun... and I'm sick of playing games and not having fun, so I'm definantly picking BC2 up when it comes out. I don't care at all about the story but the MP was so intense and fun I owe it to myself to play it and stop playing games that just piss me off.

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Edited By Rayfield

Played the XBL demo over the weekend and liked it a lot. Never really toyed around with being a sniper online before but I had fun with this one. Crouched on top of a hill and sniped 3 dudes in a row and felt totally awesome doing it. Then some dude snuck up behind me and put a knife in my head.  
Also, planting C4 on a speeding tank and then detonating it with two enemies inside is awesome. 
I think these reasons plus the ranking up/unlocking stuff aspect will sell me on this game.
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Edited By jakob187 much Battlefield outside of Bad Company did you ever play?  I'm just curious, because this totally felt like the way a Battlefield game is - both in design and controls. 
Also, the crate indicators are now focused on your screen with the orange triangles, while the ticket counter is above the mini-map in your bottom left hand corner. 
Personally, the only issue with the game (based solely on the demo) is that you can STILL use explosives to destroy the fucking crates.  This is what ruined many matches of Bad Company, and I really wish they would get rid of that stupid shit. 
Other than that, the demo was excellent, and my copy is already pre-ordered!

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Edited By EpicSteve

Your characters weight bothered me a lot. I felt very cumbersome in multiplayer matches, everything seemed to take too long This includes reloading, turning, getting out another weapons, and so on...
It's a small complaint I just have to get used to, I'm still buying BC2.

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Edited By breadfan

Some bastard flew a UAV into my chopper. I love this game.

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Edited By Donos
@jakob187 said:

"  Personally, the only issue with the game (based solely on the demo) is that you can STILL use explosives to destroy the fucking crates.  This is what ruined many matches of Bad Company, and I really wish they would get rid of that stupid shit."

Um.... no. Being able to destroy crates with explosives is what SAVES Bad Company. If you couldn't, the entire game could be won by destroying the crate building's walls and just sniping anyone who runs up to the crate. Being able to destroy the crates with weapons gives the attackers some actual options, and forces the defenders to actually play the damn game. 
Oh, and one thing I'm stil trying to figure out: Can small arms actually hurt the Apache? I've dumped entire magazines from LMGs into them and I can't see any effect. If they can't, then *rage*. That said, still buying day one.
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Edited By natetodamax
@jakob187: I spent quite a lot of time playing BF2 and 1943
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Edited By Seppli

" The vehicles control great (besides the helicopter).  They actually take time to get up to speed, and they sound great.  The ATV is actually kind of lame.  The suspension doesn't even move (the wheels just go up and down) and it looks like it was made in Korea.  The  vehicle physics in the game don't seem to suit ATVs.   "

The ATV physics were sooo much better in the PS3 beta. Looking foward to crosschecking it on the 4th or 10th or whenever the PS3 demo hits PSN.
They were squirrely and that thing powerdrifted and at full speed, it was always borderline out of control. Great times riding that wild horse. Arica Harbour is better suited for ATVs anyways. If you take care of your ATV, you can attack maptier 2 with it too. Crazy awesome roadkills to be had there. A rural town on a hillside with little stairs everywhere to drive up and jump down and squirrel all around.
Great stuff.
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Edited By meteora
@Seppli: Its even more fun riding as passenger on the back. Seriously, its a lot of fun speeding through.
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Edited By Scooper

One of the best things about the demo so far for me was parachuting out of the plane, landing ontop of a Quad Bike, driving along when my mate landed on the back then we burnt it full speed off of that sniper cliff with the massive rock at the edge and flying 30ft into some trees, rolled a couple times into the road then went full pelt along the left hand side of their base and crashed through some fence and right next to B where my mate jumped off, planted then bomb then we both drove the hell out of there running over about 3 people while the whole place was exploding around us with the enemy trying all they could to blow us to pieces.
Fucking love this game. Going to trade in my copy of MW2 and get this when it comes out.

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Edited By adziboy
@jakob187 said:
" much Battlefield outside of Bad Company did you ever play?  I'm just curious, because this totally felt like the way a Battlefield game is - both in design and controls.  Also, the crate indicators are now focused on your screen with the orange triangles, while the ticket counter is above the mini-map in your bottom left hand corner.  Personally, the only issue with the game (based solely on the demo) is that you can STILL use explosives to destroy the fucking crates.  This is what ruined many matches of Bad Company, and I really wish they would get rid of that stupid shit.  Other than that, the demo was excellent, and my copy is already pre-ordered! "

At first I was annoyed because 2 + people could get the job done easily with mics (or 2 randoms, if they're good :)) but then I realise it's actually a major part of the gameplay. Currently, people only get pissed off because people run for tanks, jeeps and helicopters and go for the kills, thus leaving the flanks for people to get to and plant explosives. So if people don't go for the vehicles ALL the time and think about winning, they should set up defenses around the crate. This way, people can't just be in vehicles and run over and defuse, once C4 is set, it's set. If there is an assault and a recon, then you are ultimately fucked: UNLESS you defend. It works very well in fact.
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Edited By immike

Hmm, did you go into detail on why it didn't work at times? I have had no problems with the game not working.

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Edited By nail1080
@natetodamax said:
  Unfortunately, the only vehicle that seems easy to use is the four wheeler, because the tanks and APCs are still difficult to control
Wait what? Do you know how to even use a 360 controller?
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Edited By crunchUK
@jakob187 said:
" much Battlefield outside of Bad Company did you ever play?  I'm just curious, because this totally felt like the way a Battlefield game is - both in design and controls.  Also, the crate indicators are now focused on your screen with the orange triangles, while the ticket counter is above the mini-map in your bottom left hand corner.  Personally, the only issue with the game (based solely on the demo) is that you can STILL use explosives to destroy the fucking crates.  This is what ruined many matches of Bad Company, and I really wish they would get rid of that stupid shit.  Other than that, the demo was excellent, and my copy is already pre-ordered! "
what... Being able to destroy the crates through means other than charges is one of the few smart balancing options in the original bad company. You can't infest the building with Silenced SMGs and remote charges and camp all game because then a light tank can just blow the crate up. You can't have 12 RPGs on your team to balance that because then they'll be able to sneak round, plant charges and mow you down from a distance.
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Edited By MrKlorox
@jakob187 said:
" much Battlefield outside of Bad Company did you ever play?  I'm just curious, because this totally felt like the way a Battlefield game is - both in design and controls.
Personally, the only issue with the game (based solely on the demo) is that you can STILL use explosives to destroy the fucking crates.  This is what ruined many matches of Bad Company, and I really wish they would get rid of that stupid shit.  "
That's pretty ironic when put together because the concept of destroying an object to advance to the next part of the level came from the Titan Consoles back in BF2142 which you could only blow up with weapons.
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Edited By natetodamax
@nail1080 said:
" @natetodamax said:
  Unfortunately, the only vehicle that seems easy to use is the four wheeler, because the tanks and APCs are still difficult to control
Wait what? Do you know how to even use a 360 controller? "
Nope. My gamerscore is almost 30,000 but I still don't know how to use the controller.
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Edited By AhmadMetallic

you really made me smile man... the way you described the action and how its great when 'it works' , i couldnt agree more and i play battlefield all the time just to have those few perfect experiences with 100% teamwork in all fields that turns the battle into a fucking masterpiece war movie... 
if i get anymore excited for BC2 i might end my life with a sharp object.

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Edited By natetodamax
@immike said:
" Hmm, did you go into detail on why it didn't work at times? I have had no problems with the game not working. "
Hmm, I must have neglected to do so because it was late at night when I wrote this. Moments when the game isn't working are the moments when you're on a team of idiots and nothing is going well at all, and the game becomes frustrating.
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Edited By natetodamax
@immike said:
" Hmm, did you go into detail on why it didn't work at times? I have had no problems with the game not working. "
I must have neglected to do that because it was late at night when I wrote this. Moments when the game doesn't work are moments when you're on a team of idiots and nothing is going well, and the game becomes frustrating.
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Edited By kmdrkul
@natetodamax: Are there any noticeable improvements done to the damage modeling?  In the first game, you could blow out walls, but couldn't completely level building a'la Red Faction: Guerrilla; have they made changes in that aspect?
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Edited By natetodamax
@kmdrkul said:
" @natetodamax: Are there any noticeable improvements done to the damage modeling?  In the first game, you could blow out walls, but couldn't completely level building a'la Red Faction: Guerrilla; have they made changes in that aspect? "
I think the damage looks really good. I've only seen a building get completely leveled one time, and it was because an enemy in a tank drove right through it.  (I don't think completely leveled buildings are all that common).
Seriously, this game rocks.
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Edited By MrKlorox
@kmdrkul said:
" @natetodamax: Are there any noticeable improvements done to the damage modeling?  In the first game, you could blow out walls, but couldn't completely level building a'la Red Faction: Guerrilla; have they made changes in that aspect? "
It's somewhere between. 
Some buildings can be leveled entirely, but many are reinforced. You can chip away walls piece by piece now instead of having to demolish a whole segment at a time. This means you can shoot a hole in a wall just large enough for you to aim and fire through. Also many concrete objects are multiple layers thick, separated by steel rebar, which looks cool being tattered differently from both sides.
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Edited By Trilogy

Why haven't I downloaded the beta yet...

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Edited By kermoosh
@natetodamax: the tickets or reinforcements are located on the bottom left right above the radar
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Edited By jmrwacko

OP, where's the part of your review where you clarify what you meant by "when it works?"