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Dragon Age: Origins Diary Part 1 - The Adventure Begins

So I got Dragon Age: Origins today and because I haven't been keeping up a blog on the site, I decided I would do it by writting about my adventures in Dragon Age: Origins. This is Part 1. This series will obviously contain massive spoilers, and please, for the sake of all that is holy, do not spoil anything if you are going to comment. I'll stab you through the computer. 
I purchased Dragon Age today for the PC, which is strange because the only computer I have is an MSI A6000 laptop. In order to play the game, I need to turn all of the graphics settings to the lowest possible.... setting, which makes the game look like a PS2 port. I also need to play the game in a separate, smaller window instead of full screen. Despite these shortcomings, I'm really enjoying the game so far. Graphics mean almost nothing to me in RPGs. 

I like this guy
I like this guy

So I decided to play as a male Elf mage. My Origin story was hardly excited. I went on something called the Harrowing, where I talked to a spirit, conversed with a giant bear who attacked me because I got his riddle wrong, and battled a demon. Then, the mouse dude that was following me this whole time floated up into the sky. Not sure what that was about, but the Harrowing was over. This is where things got less exciting. I found myself in the large Mage's..... building, or whatever it's called. I quickly noticed how much of a jerk Greagoir was, and Irving's voice actually hurt my ears at some points. It reminded me of grinding stones. Later on, I was introduced to a gentleman named Duncan, who seems like a pretty cool guy. eh kills darkspawn and doesn't afraid of anything. 
That was a terrible reference, I know. Moving on, I decided to help my buddy Jowan escape from the Circle because I felt bad about his fate of becoming a Tranquil. Those guys bore me. I got some combat experience when searching for his phylactery (which is an amazing word, I might add. Phylactery). I got accustomed to pausing the action, assessing the situation, and casting spells at out attackers. After leaving the basement, we were confronted by (surprise!) Duncan, Irving, and Greagoir. Greagoir sentenced Jowan to death right on the spot, because apparently he has the jurisdiction to do so. Jowan then lost it and took down all three of them in a whirlwind of blood. He is indeed a Blood Mage! Despite the fact that I had helped a Blood Mage escape, which lead to the near slaughter of the three most important men in the whole place, Duncan made me a Grey Warden. I knew he was alright. 

We're gonna get a house on the hills with two large stallions that will pull us across the mountains of Ferelden...
We're gonna get a house on the hills with two large stallions that will pull us across the mountains of Ferelden...

Fast forward to where I meet Morrigan. I was disappointed that she couldn't join my part when we first met, because I already plan on wedding her and having children. Aha. After returning to town, I took part in the Joining. Poor Daveth couldn't resist the darkspawn blood, and that fat coward Jory got his when he attacked Duncan. I drank and lived, and became a Grey Warden. w00t! 
Fast forward to the epic battle of Ostagar. Alistair and I, with the help of two couragous guardsmen, fought our way to the top of the tower and lit the beacon. I eagerly awaited to see how the charge was going to turn out. Instead of getting a charge, I got a retreat. That traitor Loghain pulled all the troops back! Ostagar fell to the hands of the darkspawn! And even worse, it seems that both Duncan and the King were slain! Oh man. Luckily for me, I woke up in Morrigans house, which was awesome. After talking to her creepy witch mother, she reluctantly joined our party. I enjoyed listening to her and Alistair bicker back and forth. I can already tell this game is going to be great. 
So thus concludes the first edition of the Dragon Age: Origins Diary. I shall resume my adventure tomorrow where I will investigate the settlement of Lothering to see what it has to offer. Until next time.