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Gaming Update #13: No One Loves Me & Neither Do I

Oh, hello there. My name is natetodamax, and this is the return of my weekly blog. I said I would be back on the 20th, but I was basically without a computer at the time, so it was delayed to now! Let's get to it!

What I've Been Playing

Since my birthday was November 20th, I got two games. Modern Warfare 2 (which I actually got on the 11th) and Borderlands. Both games are FANTASTIC.
First up is Modern Warfare 2. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a game before. I remember at the beginning of the year when I saw that the release date was November, and just thinking about how far off it was. It's hard to believe that the game is now sitting in my Xbox. Modern Warfare 2 improves on Call Of Duty 4 in so many ways that, just as the great Jeffrey Gerstmann stated, the latter just seems obsolete. The single player campaign, despite facing criticism for being short and having a wonky plot, is amazing from start to finish. Anyone playing through the entire game in one sitting will likely suffer from murder exhaustion, but taking it slow like I did and doing one or two missions a day helps to enhance the experience. I do agree, however, that the plot has more holes in it than the guy I shot last match with a light machine gun. It just doesn't make any sense. However, there are several dark plot twists throughout that left me speechless, and that's a good thing. Also, Veteran difficult is MUCH easier this time around. The enemies no longer spam grenades at you every second!
So how's the multiplayer? Think of it this way: It takes everything that made CoD4 so great and enhances it in every way. It's great. 
Oh, and a few users and I are totally working on a Modern Warfare 2 Mega Guide at the moment, if you didn't already know
 Lilith wants you to play Borderlands
 Lilith wants you to play Borderlands
And next we have Borderlands. I had high hopes for this game as most of you probably know, and I am not disappointed. That game just has so much style that it's hard to not recommend. The combat feels great, and playing with a buddy over LIVE is one of the funnest things you can do. I have a blast exploring caves and busted up towns looking for loot and weapons; although most of the weapons you'll find are poor quality, it's still a great feeling looking down and seeing that stat window pop up showing you how good (or bad) said weapon is. Despite the game being a lot more fun in coop, playing solo is still entertaining. I actually spend most of my time going at it alone, due to there being some lag when playing with more than one other person. However, that could be just because we have Comcast, which is the worst internet service I've ever seen.

What I Want To Play

 Do want
 Do want
Since I have the two games I've been most excited for, it's time to take a look at the others. On my Christmas list, I have listed: Left 4 Dead 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Dragon Age: Origins. If I had to choose just two, I'd probably go with the former and the latter. AC2 looks good, but I've heard some "meh" things about it, such as the combat being not much better than the previous game's combat. This turned me off a bit, because for my the first Assassin's Creed's combat was the most frustrating aspect of the game.
I'm also excited for Final Fantasy XIII, which is probably weird for a 15 year old to get excited for (unless you live in Japan...)

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Song Of The Week

In order to celebrate the release of the debut album for Them Crooked Vultures, the Song Of The Week is the first one of said album and is my favorite on said album. Enjoy.