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I have arrived at a frightening conclusion

I'm going to start over in Final Fantasy XIII

I came to this conclusion strangely during a match of Bad Company 2. I was thinking about the game and the fact that I haven't played it in well over a month. A few months actually. The reason being is a boss that I was stuck on, and once I took a little break from the game to do other stuff I just never returned. 
 Alright, let's take it from the top! Tell me your names, left to right!
 Alright, let's take it from the top! Tell me your names, left to right!
I don't hate the game. Quite the contrary actually. I really enjoyed my time with it, but I made some mistakes during my original playthrough that resulted in me making this decision. Probably the biggest mistake was not fighting every group of enemies I came across. There were times when it would be late at night and/or I wanted to stop playing so I would rush on to the next save point, and in the process would run past many many enemies. Because of this, I was probably really underleveled when I came to the boss that I never beat, and probably won't beat on this playthrough. Granted I was only 20 hours into the game, but I never even reached Gran Pulse (to be honest I'm probably right at the doorstep of it, but I don't know for sure). 
I have decided to restart my playthrough mainly because if I went back into the game now I will have forgotten everything that occurred in the story. That was the major killer for me. I'm not really playing this game for the combat or the act of running forward; rather, I'm doing it for the story. But it's gotten to the point where I really can't recall much that has happened in the story. It's been that long. 
So, it is with great regret that I must start over. This time however, I plan to fight every single enemy I come across, and maybe do some grinding in the process. Because when I meet up with said boss again I want to murder him/it into tiny little pieces. 
(Only problem is that I'm getting Persona 3 FES next week which will might take up a lot of my time....hmm) 
Also, don't ask me who the boss is. I don't remember the name or what he/it looks like. :(


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Edited By natetodamax

I'm going to start over in Final Fantasy XIII

I came to this conclusion strangely during a match of Bad Company 2. I was thinking about the game and the fact that I haven't played it in well over a month. A few months actually. The reason being is a boss that I was stuck on, and once I took a little break from the game to do other stuff I just never returned. 
 Alright, let's take it from the top! Tell me your names, left to right!
 Alright, let's take it from the top! Tell me your names, left to right!
I don't hate the game. Quite the contrary actually. I really enjoyed my time with it, but I made some mistakes during my original playthrough that resulted in me making this decision. Probably the biggest mistake was not fighting every group of enemies I came across. There were times when it would be late at night and/or I wanted to stop playing so I would rush on to the next save point, and in the process would run past many many enemies. Because of this, I was probably really underleveled when I came to the boss that I never beat, and probably won't beat on this playthrough. Granted I was only 20 hours into the game, but I never even reached Gran Pulse (to be honest I'm probably right at the doorstep of it, but I don't know for sure). 
I have decided to restart my playthrough mainly because if I went back into the game now I will have forgotten everything that occurred in the story. That was the major killer for me. I'm not really playing this game for the combat or the act of running forward; rather, I'm doing it for the story. But it's gotten to the point where I really can't recall much that has happened in the story. It's been that long. 
So, it is with great regret that I must start over. This time however, I plan to fight every single enemy I come across, and maybe do some grinding in the process. Because when I meet up with said boss again I want to murder him/it into tiny little pieces. 
(Only problem is that I'm getting Persona 3 FES next week which will might take up a lot of my time....hmm) 
Also, don't ask me who the boss is. I don't remember the name or what he/it looks like. :(
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Pro Tip: Don't.

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Edited By natetodamax
@LordXavierBritish said:
" Pro Tip: Don't. "
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I really need to finish that game, I think I stopped playing on the airship thingy. Haven't touched the game in months.

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@natetodamax said:
" @LordXavierBritish said:
" Pro Tip: Don't. "
I don't even have the patience to purchase FFXIII. 
At this point I must assume that you are a soulless half-human and must be taken out of your miserable existence immediately before you can be allowed to do more damage to yourself.
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Edited By natetodamax
@TheSeductiveMoose said:
" I really need to finish that game, I think I stopped playing on the airship thingy. Haven't touched the game in months. "
I think I was on an airship too.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
@LordXavierBritish said:
I don't even have the patience to purchase FFXIII. 
Then how can you talk shit about it? You don't see me insulting Halo: Reach, do you? Pro tip: do. Advanced pro tip: you were definitely playing wrong. You're generally not supposed to make a habit of running away from battles in JRPGs, a realization I came to one day while playing Breath of Fire II.
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Edited By rjayb89

I'm not a huge proponent of Final Fantasy XIII for its linearity and simplicity (Crystarium and battle system) but I found the story tolerable.  By no means do I mean that as a negative trait of the game, I thought it was visually amazing and all else fell flat, but obviously I should stop there since I shouldn't be reviewing the game here.  You know, on a game site.
Anyways, I'd suggest you purchase a turbo controller.  Sure, maybe you'll press L1 or LB every once in awhile but if you're going to grind?  You're gonna need the turbo controller.  Also, you might enjoy the ending since I believe you like this Vanille.

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@Video_Game_King said:

" @LordXavierBritish said:

I don't even have the patience to purchase FFXIII. 
Then how can you talk shit about it? You don't see me insulting Halo: Reach, do you? Pro tip: do. Advanced pro tip: you were definitely playing wrong. You're generally not supposed to make a habit of running away from battles in JRPGs, a realization I came to one day while playing Breath of Fire II. "
I'm not talking shit about it, every single review complained about how fucking long it takes to even get to the "full" game. 
Also, I don't really care if you insult Halo: Reach. 
Mostly because it isn't out yet and could be complete shit for all I know.
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Edited By ATrevelan

Let me guess, you're at Barthandalus. So am I, and I've been there for two months. I need to pick this one back up again.

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Edited By FunExplosions
@Video_Game_King said:
" @LordXavierBritish said:
I don't even have the patience to purchase FFXIII. 
Then how can you talk shit about it? You don't see me insulting Halo: Reach, do you? Pro tip: do. Advanced pro tip: you were definitely playing wrong. You're generally not supposed to make a habit of running away from battles in JRPGs, a realization I came to one day while playing Breath of Fire II. "
Whoa whoa whoa. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the moon this morning.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
Are those the same reviews that use the phrase "30 hour tutorial?" If so, they're Glenn Beck. (I use that term whenever I think something is wronger than wrong.) I'd say it gets pretty good about 8 hours in (I think)(it's a 50 hour game, it's not that long).
That's my point: if you haven't played a game, you can't talk crap about it, since you have no idea what it's like. Video doesn't cut the job, because trust me, watching somebody play a game is VERY different from actually playing. Reading about it is worse, since you don't have anything that can be called experience with the game on any level. You also can't talk crap about it if you play the game only so you feel justified about talking crap about it.
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Edited By natetodamax
@ATrevelan said:
" Let me guess, you're at Barthandalus. So am I, and I've been there for two months. I need to pick this one back up again. "
I believe that's the one, yes.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
You mean the on the back half of the Terminator line? I don't even touch that place, it's...kinda scary...
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@Video_Game_King said:
" @LordXavierBritish:   Are those the same reviews that use the phrase "30 hour tutorial?" If so, they're Glenn Beck. (I use that term whenever I think something is wronger than wrong.) I'd say it gets pretty good about 8 hours in (I think)(it's a 50 hour game, it's not that long).  That's my point: if you haven't played a game, you can't talk crap about it, since you have no idea what it's like. Video doesn't cut the job, because trust me, watching somebody play a game is VERY different from actually playing. Reading about it is worse, since you don't have anything that can be called experience with the game on any level. You also can't talk crap about it if you play the game only so you feel justified about talking crap about it. "
I'm not talking shit about it, I'm saying it is long. 
And 8 hours is kind of a long fucking time for it to get "good", which you just said yourself. 
So I guess you are Glenn Beck.
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Edited By Make_Me_Mad
I beat Barthandalus.  What happens after that?  You get stuck in a big dungeon full of monsters for the express purpose of grinding some levels.  No joke, the actual story as laid out in the game is "Whoever sent us here wanted us to fight our way through so we'd be more powerful".  It wouldn't have been so bad, but the Crystarium gets fully opened up after that, so every character has access to every class.  Problem is, the first 4~5 levels of all the non-standard classes for each character cost somewhere in the 3~4 thousands of points to move a single space, and they usually only have one or two stat boosts per level.  You can't get the class abilities and actually make use of the unlocked classes until you pour literally several hundred battles worth of experience into each one.  I gave up at that point, because the crystarium is not a fun way to level up.
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Edited By DrPockets000

Be ready to grind a lot in preparation for some of the later bosses.  It gets a little tedious.

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Edited By adoggz
If you want to play FF13 then you deserve to play FF 13.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
You were kinda talking shit, weren't you? Lemme kinda were, at least to natetodamax.
Damn. Lemme come up with some...oh, OK, how about this: the first 8 hours aren't bad. The first hour or so is, but once you land in that crystal lake, it gets OK. It's not until you hop onto a huge robot that the game becomes awesome. It's like Final Fantasy VII in quality over time.
I'm not Glenn Beck. I may have created Girl Beck, but that does not make me Glenn Beck.
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Edited By Hailinel
@LordXavierBritish said:
" @Video_Game_King said:
" @LordXavierBritish:   Are those the same reviews that use the phrase "30 hour tutorial?" If so, they're Glenn Beck. (I use that term whenever I think something is wronger than wrong.) I'd say it gets pretty good about 8 hours in (I think)(it's a 50 hour game, it's not that long).  That's my point: if you haven't played a game, you can't talk crap about it, since you have no idea what it's like. Video doesn't cut the job, because trust me, watching somebody play a game is VERY different from actually playing. Reading about it is worse, since you don't have anything that can be called experience with the game on any level. You also can't talk crap about it if you play the game only so you feel justified about talking crap about it. "
I'm not talking shit about it, I'm saying it is long.  And 8 hours is kind of a long fucking time for it to get "good", which you just said yourself.  So I guess you are Glenn Beck. "
You haven't played it, so how can you possibly know what the pace is like?  Does it take a while before you get your full party together?  Yes.  Does that mean that the game is a boring tutorial up to that point?  If you think that, you're crazy.  There is a lot of plot going on in the first twenty to thirty hours of the game.  There were some crazy intense parts, and the battles, on average, are some of the most engaging in any RPG I've played.  It's a really fun game.  Would I classify it as the best Final Fantasy?  No.  Then again, that's difficult company to beat.  The day Square Enix releases a Final Fantasy that exceeds Final Fantasy VI, a game released in the early '90s, I will shit my pants because god damn, that's some heavenly mana right there.
Seriously, it never felt like it took long to get going because, well, the game is always going.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
@Hailinel said:
" The day Square Enix releases a Final Fantasy that exceeds Final Fantasy VI, a game released in the early '90s, I will shit my pants because god damn, that's some heavenly mana right there. "
That will be the day they announce a Final Fantasy VI remake for the 3DS, in the style of the SGI demo, only better. That will also be the day that Nintendo announces a Fire Emblem game for the 3DS, a game that needs to happen and will rock. That will also be the day that I (along with everybody in a two mile radius) die of an explosive orgasm.
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@Hailinel: I never said it was boring. 
I said it was long. 
I swear to god, it's like you people speak a different fucking language.
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Edited By Ace829

Can't we all just get along?

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Edited By Hailinel
@LordXavierBritish:   Long != Boring
A game can be a hundred hours long and never be boring, or be no more than four hours long and be the most boring thing in existence.
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@Hailinel: Okay. 
I still don't understand why you are pissed off at me.
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Edited By Hailinel
@LordXavierBritish said:
" @Hailinel: Okay.  I still don't understand why you are pissed off at me. "
I'm not pissed.  Merely annoyed that you're taking this stance without even bothering to try playing the game yourself.
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@Hailinel: I can't say the tutorial period is long without playing the game?
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Edited By IBurningStar

I seem to recall the game doing a very poor job of establishing itself at the beginning, so coming back to this after putting it down for a while and being completely lost sounds about like the thing that would happen. Some say it takes about 8 hours for the game to get good, others say its closer to 30. Either way, it is a lot to play through. Could be longer if you don't remember what some things are and have to go and read the walls of texts the game provides for you. So if you are going to go through all of this again then I hope you really like the combat system. It is going to be the only interesting thing going on for a long while. Now, if you are on the fence about the whole battle thing then...oh boy. The story isn't really that impressive and the characters are somewhat...bad. In my opinion, at least. 
If you really want the story that bad then allow me to suggest you look it up on youtube or some place.

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Edited By zityz

Here's the downer about all of that; once you get to Grand Pulse, things don't get that much better. I got to this one boss that had like 2,000,000HP and he's not hard just uses bullshit tactics. So I put the game down and I have zero interest to go back to it.
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Edited By Hailinel
@LordXavierBritish said:
" @Hailinel: I can't say the tutorial period is long without playing the game? "
I find all the complaints about the "tutorial period" absurd, given that I thought that the game was well-paced.  And no, I don't feel you can justify any complaint regarding any section of the game in terms of its length without experiencing it for yourself.
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Edited By natetodamax
@Hailinel said:
" @LordXavierBritish said:
" @Hailinel: I can't say the tutorial period is long without playing the game? "
I find all the complaints about the "tutorial period" absurd, given that I thought that the game was well-paced.  And no, I don't feel you can justify any complaint regarding any section of the game in terms of its length without experiencing it for yourself. "
Can it even be considered a tutorial? When I first played, I never once thought of the word "tutorial". Just because you can't use every ability at the start doesn't mean the entire thing is a tutorial until you do.
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Edited By Hourai

I started my game up today too after taking a 2 or 3 month break. I kinda regret quitting at the last chapter, because now there's only a few hours left when I want more, and it'll be hard to give a shit about what happens in the ending since so much time has passed. But I don't have the balls or time to restart a 50 hour game. Gran Pulse (Chapter 11) is the worst grindfest in recent memory. It's basically 10+ hours of running from place to place killing specific monsters for these quest things. It's only "open world" in that you can take on grinding missions in slightly different orders, or wander around doing nothing. Hopefully you can make it through that, 'cause Chapter 12 is pretty cool. 

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Edited By sjosz

I arrived at the point of fighting the last of the Eidolons that shows up (Vanille's) and after getting kicked in the teeth by it several times, I decided that this was not the Final Fantasy I know and love, and that's what I went out to buy this game for. I am simply not a fan of the way this game works, and it has taken me over 35 hours of playing it to come to that conclusion. I feel your pain.

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Edited By Steve_C

DON'T! Just read the codex. It's all documented there, but the story's nothing to write home about anyway.
You can just do a bit of grinding to get reacquainted with the battle system, not that's it's even fully unlocked where you are. On top of that you'll then be able to beat the boss.

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Edited By natetodamax
@Steve_C said:
" DON'T! Just read the codex. It's all documented there, but the story's nothing to write home about anyway.  You can just do a bit of grinding to get reacquainted with the battle system, not that's it's even fully unlocked where you are. On top of that you'll then be able to beat the boss. "
I don't know. I firmly believe that I skipped enough fights to completely screw me. And I really don't feel like reading through all of the codex, watching a youtube, or reading about the story from some other source. That's not really how I like to experience stories.
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Edited By Hailinel
@Sjosz said:
" I arrived at the point of fighting the last of the Eidolons that shows up (Vanille's) and after getting kicked in the teeth by it several times, I decided that this was not the Final Fantasy I know and love, and that's what I went out to buy this game for. I am simply not a fan of the way this game works, and it has taken me over 35 hours of playing it to come to that conclusion. I feel your pain. "
I found Vanille's to be the easiest one.
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Edited By x_XJules

I actually didn't grind a lot in the game. I battled every enemy I came across and that was enough to keep progressing in the story.  
The only place where I did any grinding was in Gran Pulse, but that was mostly because of all the quests and because I really wanted to be able to defeat those really large dinosaur things (I never did though, lol).   
Ehhh, actually maybe I do remember doing a little bit of grinding. I was really obsessive about filling out the sphere grid. Or, whatever it was called in XIII. Crystarium?

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Edited By natetodamax
@x_XJules: Yes, the Crystarium. My only problem with it really was that they didn't really seem to give you any hints as to what certain characters are good at. For example, I figured Lightning would be my main Commando until I got Fang, at which point I realized that Fang was clearly going to be a better Commando.
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Edited By raccoonusdoodus

You got stuck on a boss before Gran Pulse? ...yeah maybe starting over would be a good idea. Even if you got past the boss you're stuck at now, the bosses of Chapter 11-13 are rough. Like, REALLY rough. Another option would be to run back and fourth on the level your on right now and just grind a bunch, that wouldn't take as long. And the story is great, it would be a shame if you pressed on though the rest of the game without understanding what's going on. So yeah, it's up to you, but restarting FFXIII sounds like the right thing to do. I'm on my second playthrough right now and loving it. It's a fantastic game, in my opinion.
EDIT: Is this the boss you're stuck on?

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Edited By x_XJules
@natetodamax: Haha, yea, I understand that. I think some of the characters really got jibbed too. The only times I ever used Sazh and Vanille were when I was forced to. 
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Edited By sjosz
@Hailinel:  I should clarify, it's not that particular boss that just eluded me or anything like that, it's just that a lot of the bosses up to that point had been a very stark contrast to the regular enemies you came across. The gaps in difficulty were one of the reasons that made me put down the game indefinitely.
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Edited By SSully
@LordXavierBritish said:
" @Video_Game_King said:
" @LordXavierBritish:   Are those the same reviews that use the phrase "30 hour tutorial?" If so, they're Glenn Beck. (I use that term whenever I think something is wronger than wrong.) I'd say it gets pretty good about 8 hours in (I think)(it's a 50 hour game, it's not that long).  That's my point: if you haven't played a game, you can't talk crap about it, since you have no idea what it's like. Video doesn't cut the job, because trust me, watching somebody play a game is VERY different from actually playing. Reading about it is worse, since you don't have anything that can be called experience with the game on any level. You also can't talk crap about it if you play the game only so you feel justified about talking crap about it. "
I'm not talking shit about it, I'm saying it is long.  And 8 hours is kind of a long fucking time for it to get "good", which you just said yourself.  So I guess you are Glenn Beck. "
Agreed. Imo if a RPG cant hook me in the first 2-3 hours its not worth it. Oblivion had a long intro, but by the time i was out of the sewers i wanted more. Hell 8 hours is the length of some full games these days. 
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Edited By NikoAlexander57
@natetodamax said:

  (Only problem is that I'm getting Persona 3 FES next week which will might take up a lot of my time....hmm)  

Buy a capture card. Find a friend on Giantbomb. Boom, first GB community endurance run right there.
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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

Good luck, man.  I pretty much had to take a break after the boss battle we both had trouble with, or else I was going to be in serious danger of OD'ing on XIII.  I should get back into it, but it's not callin' my name quite yet.

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Edited By Video_Game_King
A.) The first 8 hours aren't completely bad, as I said before.
B.) The game's 50 hours long. If the other 42 hours rock, why should the first 8 matter?
C.) Damn, good point on the other game thing. However, let me say this: no RPG is 8 hours long. That would be a crap RPG. It wouldn't be fair to compare Final Fantasy XIII to, say, Kane & Lynch 2 (4 hours long, from what I hear), so that limits us to RPGs. Most RPGs claim to be 100s of hours long, and even if they are full of shit, they are long enough that the first 8 hours begin to matter less and less.
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Edited By WalkerTR77

I went on hiatus a few months back at the airship, I've just returned and I'm really enjoying it.

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Edited By pweidman

Go back , it's a good game worth finishing and oh so amazing to look at.  I beat it but just couldn't stick w/the post story grind for all the achieves.  God, just leveling all the weapons must take rediculous amounts of grinding and hrs and hrs of gameplay.  And the game was good from start to finish.  Yeah linear first half, but so what.  Great battles galore and much of the story and character development happens in that half of the game.
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Edited By Kazona

Why can't we say something about a game unless we've played it? If we honestly shouldn't give our opinion on something unless we've played it, then these forums would be a very quiet place.  
If 90% of people who played the game say, "it takes a long time to really get going," then, hey, the game probably takes a while to really get going. I don't need to have played the game to come to that conclusion. It's simple logic. If you don't care that it takes several hours before it gets to the really awesome stuff (which is pretty subjective), then that probably won't deter you from playing it. If it does bother you, then you probably shouldn't buy the game.  
Personally, I don't like games that take a long time to get to the good stuff, so this game isn't for me. And I see nothing wrong with voicing my opinion about that.  
I mean, come on, isn't the point of reviews so people can make an informed decision about games without having to buy every single one of them?

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Edited By Cornman89

Already made my peace with FFXIII, not even going to get back into it. But, OP, I seem to remember that during the GDC presentation that some guy said the number of enemies in an area and their placement were modulated precisely to get you through the boss at the end of said area. I assume that, to some degree, every RPG with non-random encounters is this way, but it seemed more concrete in FFXIII simply due to the fact that you'll never return to most of those maps, which means the expectation is that you won't grind until CH 11. So yeah, fight everything. Or most of everything.

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Edited By danielkempster

I wish you the best of luck with this, Nate. Final Fantasy XIII is, for all its faults, a great game that is worth experiencing. If you take your time and take on every enemy you come across, you should definitely be sufficiently prepared to take on Barthandelus come the end of Chapter 9. The game puts a limit on how far you can advance along the Crystarium in each chapter, so use that as a guide - if you're near the end of all your open Crystarium paths, then it's safe to say you've probably got a good chance of taking down the end-of-chapter boss. If you've still got a way to go, it might be worth backing up and farming some more CP. This was the tactic that I ended up employing, and it served me pretty well right up to the end of about Chapter Eleven.
My advice, not that I'm sure it's worth much, would be not to pick up multiple JRPGs at once. It's a surefire way to burn yourself out on both games, and it can also get pretty confusing trying to wrap your head around two lengthy stories and two battle systems at once. As a result, I'd recommend you to leave Persona 3 until you've wrapped up FFXIII, or vice versa. 
Once again, good luck. I hope you get to see the end of Final Fantasy XIII some time soon.