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@jedikv said:

It's great that you enjoy it (sincerely) but Jeff and Brad have talked about the serious technical problems (beyond just the animations) that have plagued this game. I know a good friend of mine who never finished it cos his PS4 copy would either not allow him to complete certain quests or just randomly crash. After a couple of random save wipes he just went back and replayed the first 3.

@sharkeh said:

Andromeda is good and I don't get people still shitting on it. Sure there were some dodgy faces and animations at launch but they've been improved. I really like the story and the writing is totally fine at least on par with the other games. Madness.

As someone who played through the game I just wanted to say that I agree with what Brad and Jeff said and I would also add that in my opinion the writing was for the most part of a lower quality than the rest of the series and the Dragon Age Inquisition style open world design (that I liked in Dragon Age) they used either does just not work very well in Mass Effect or they did a bad job of implementing it. Either way I much preferred the mission based structure of previous games.

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For the most part Dan`s I don`t get this conversations on the podcast range from mildly amusing to boring for me (when they go on way too long), but the roleplay/DnD conversation was kind of infuriating. It`s such a simple concept that I feel like if he hasn`t understood it yet he will never understand and there is no point in continuing to have these conversations.

@heyooo said:

It's always nice I can completely disregard a person's comments when they start using asinine terms like "mansplaining". Nier is not perfect, but the fanservice parts with 2B are for the most part completely neglible (ESPECIALLY compared to other Platinum games) and if that's the immutable criticism Abbey has against the game (from which I am to understand she hasn't actually devoted much time to and can't actually really give a fleshed out opinion besides "I didn't want to play it because its miniscule doses of fanservice offended my sensibilities as a woman") than I look forward to her arguments being completely eviscerated during the Giantbomb GOTY talks and Nier earning a solid place on the list :)

Automata has a ton of serious problems and I kinda think it`s bad, but fanservice is not a big problem in that game. The only time it gets a bit ridiculous is when 2B blows up and loses her skirt and I think that happened to me once in my time with that game, so it was not a big deal.

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@sharkman: But isn’t the Christian thing to do is be the gracious person and do the right thing even when others don’t? Why engage in this tit for tat when you could lead by example? And for the record, I do try to watch my language around religious folks.

I don`t know know if this was what sharkman was getting at, but the thing I got out of his post was that if you are trying to be a decent persona and not make other people feel uncomfortable or unwelcome being fine with using exclamations like "GD" or "JFC" yourself or other people using them is kinda shitty and hypocritical.

I am not a religious person myself, but I have seen people occasionally post on the forums here about them being uncomfortable with the GB guys using that kinda language. Unfortunately they get shouted down immediately and almost no one seemed to take them seriously which I think is a real bummer and since reading some of those posts I have been trying to avoid using those terms myself.

While I think except for the occasional "Dong Song" slip up the GB guys are generally pretty good at not being insensitive toward others this specific thing is something they have not done a very good job with and it`s something I think it would be cool if both they and the community would consider the same way they consider laughing at "Dong Song".

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Edited By odinsmana

Good write up! Cool to hear you`re enjoying the game.

Starting on 5 seems like it might be rough from a story perspective since that game builds on the story of the five previous games and it kinda throws into the deep end. Have you had a lot of problem keeping track of all the characters and their role in the Yakuza? Of course watching Beast in the East might have helped out on that front.

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That intro is still amazing!

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I do actually think there is a lot of nostalgia for the PS1, but it`s from the Youtube community/content creators as opposed to the games press. While it seems like the vast majority of the gaming press grew up on either the NES or SNEs and therefore have heavy nostalgia for that period and those franchises a lot of Youtubers grew up with the N64/PS1 and have nostalgia for those games.

As someone who did not grow up with the NES I will also say that from my perspective at least I think people are exaggerating heavily when they talk about how well those games have aged. While there are some standouts a lot of the games I have seen and played from that period have aged very poorly from both a graphical and gameplay perspective.

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@sub_o said:

  • Sadly throughout the series you will keep going back to Kamurocho, but there's always changes to the environment.

With the exception of 4 they also always add new locations that you go to as well, such as Okinawa in 3 or Sotenbori in 2

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@onarum said:
@spacebacon said:

Interesting that some people found the eating to be too unpleasant. I didn't even notice it. Or I mean I did notice them bringing in food but didn't take note of the conversation changing in quality or enjoyability. But then again I didn't use headphones. That's the kind of thing that would usually be unpleasant with those if anything.

Some people just keep constantly looking out for things to be mad about, I find it's best to just ignore them

While the eating didn`t bother me too much some people obviously though it was grating or annoying. Just because someone does not share your opinions does not mean they are only looking for things to be annoyed at. If a lot of people found the eating to be something that diminished their enjoyment of the video we should at least consider if we could solve their problem. It`s only polite.

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@mirado said:

I always thought a fair amount of my hate for this game came from the fact that we didn't get a proper launch day Mario game like 64 (although I do love Luigi's Mansion), and after waiting for a year they gave us thisinstead, but now it seems like no, I was right and this game is pretty trash. Sometimes fun, sometimes clever, sometimes cute, but mostly trash.

It makes all the glowing reviews a bit baffling. I can be kind and see myself giving it a 7/10 (graphics and charm marred by a poor camera, some wonky controls, and a smattering of questionable design choices), but take a look at this video and tell me where all the 9.5/10s come from:

Even Jeff gave it an 8!
Even Jeff gave it an 8!

We haven't even seen my least favorite part yet: trying to steer a little boat on a lake of lava with one bump against a wall killing you, which I think is a required part of the game as it may come right before the final boss. I distinctly remember that thing handling like a nightmare, and I was fairly decent at the rest of the game, so it makes me wonder if the crew will have the same problem with it that I did.

I think it was on the recent PAX West panel Jeff talked about how got an 8 even though he didn`t care much for it. The reason was that Gamespot gave the game points in different categories and then would put them together to form a review score. I wonder if other outlets at the time used a similar system? If so that could explain it since for example the graphics and sound of the game is pretty good for it`s time.

It could also just be that Nintendo games always get good scores no matter. Skyward sword has a 93 on Metacritic even though it seemed like a lot of people found it disappointing. I don`t know if it`s just nostalgia or if people are afraid of fan outrage, but it seems like even heavily flawed Nintendo games tend to get amazing scores.

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Good episode! I do feel though that Vinny basically just playing by proxy does go a bit against what the series is about.

@teddie said:

Man their sniper is essentially useless without the move+shoot ability. I made the same mistake on my first sniper, but never again.

Squad sight is the only way to go though. You might have to sometimes use turns to maneuver them, but the accuracy they get and the area they cover is more than worth it. Combined with Double tap it also allows them to do insane damage in one turn and just rip through squads of aliens.