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Games of 2009, What I am waiting for

The last two years have been a fantastic era in gaming, producing some of the greatest games ever made. Will 2009 be as good? who knows, however it is shaping up quite nicely, despite the absense of the big names such as GTA and MGS.
So what am I waiting for in 2009? well there will probably be no surprises to anyone on the following list, but ya know, I am a slave to the big names! so we have:

Killzone 2

Didnt play the original, but I have to say that this looks amazing, and its a PS3 exclusive so it just has to be checked out, should be pretty sweet all in all, but will it stack up to the likes of Halo or Gears? only time will tell.

Street Fighter 4

I might not actually get this, as I have tendency with fighting games to get them, play them a bit then put them down, and also I suck so bad at them its untrue, but I grew up on Mortal Kombat and Street fighter and prefer thier wacky special moves rather than Tekken's more realistic style.

Halo 3: ODST

I am the first to admit that Halo 3: Recon was a far better name, but I am still looking forward to this as the Halo universe is one of my all time favourite universes across movies, books and games.

Halo Wars

As with ODST its Halo so is a must buy for me, but more over I want to know if an RTS on a console could really work, as I have always played them on PC and havent quite worked out if a pad would be good enough yet.

Mad World

My Wii has languished under my TV for too long, I am currently playing De Blob, which is pretty cool but the game I am looking forward to the most is Mad World, hopefully it will spark a revolution and Wii will have a decent selection of games that arent just mini games collections.

The Conduit

As with Mad World, The Conduit could provide a revolution on the Wii and get some kick ass games on the system. Metroid Prime 3 was a great FPS on Wii, so if they take thier cues from that, this could be pretty sweet, colour me intrigued.

Heavy Rain

Ok so much has been lauded about wether this will actually come out, I really hope it does, as Farenheit was one of the best games I played on PS2 and I really cant wait for this, as the makers have proven themselves masters of cinematic story telling.


This could be really sweet, and is the direction FPS's seem to be going in, so I think I might give this a try since I missed Fallout, and everyone needs to play one post apocolyptic FPS right?

Resident Evil 5

Love the series, so this is a fair no brainer, as it is for most people. Will the control's stack up in a post Gears world? only time will tell, but the current word is hell yes.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

The first one rocked, and the second looks to be more of the same, I just hope they dont artificially make the game longer, and that they keep to a similar or only slightly longer length as it added to the action movie feel.

Final Fantasy XIII

Another series I love, really cant wait for this. The power of the new consoles should really provide Square Enix the basis to generate one of the most beautiful worlds ever commited to disk. An epic in the making.

F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

The original F.E.A.R was a fantastic game that really did creep me the hell out, so I cant wait for this, should be a truely awesome experience. Just wish I had picked up the expansion pack.

StarCraft 2

I hope it comes out this year, the original is a fantastic RTS and this can only improve on that. I wont, however, be playing online, I'm just not good enough.


Being a child of the 80's this is a fairly obvious inclusion, and with Dan Ackroyd and Harold Ramis writing the script, this could be a fantastic nostalgia trip and decent game to boot.

Resistance: Retribution

If this is anything along the lines of the Killzone PSP game, it should be pretty dam sweet. Must have for the ailing portable.


Much Like Borderlands, this could be really sweet. It does have one advantage over Borderlands though: It is being made by id, and they do a dam fine job at games. So the war of Post apocolyptic FPS's begins!

Champions Online

I have only played the beta's of MMO's, partly because thats all I have time to do, and partly so I dont become hopelessly addicted. Champions Online could be the one I let slip and completely addict me. Time will tell.

Ok so thats all so far, this list will probably increase with announcments etc, especially around E3 time. Thanks for reading, what are you looking forward to?