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Places to see in NYC.

So with our NYC trip coming up really soon, my friend has been looking around for new places to check out. We've been there twice so far in the last year, so we have seen all the typical tourist traps.

Multimedia 1.0

18 St Marks Pl
If your dig is video games, you can get some nice vintage/imports at Multimedia 1.0 on St. Marks. Their import games tend to be cheaper than J&L in Chinatown. It's very easy to miss because the store is literally no wider than two people standing next to each other. But it is filled wall-to-wall with vintage video games and video game accessories. Last time i was there, they had an Intellivision brand-new, in the box. Shit was expensive though.
That should be a pretty cool place to check out. Its not offten that you find a true Mom and Pop gaming store, let alone one that has anything of worth. I'll be keeping an eye out for a few items while I'm there. Its vary unlikely that I'll buy anything though. The closest thing we found to a gaming store last time we went was a Indian owned corner shop. They had everything from pens to Oriental rugs to Resistance: Fall of Man for $100! I believe they also had another PS3 game there for over $80.

Toy Tokyo

121 2nd ave
They sell, well, toys. Lots of them. But not just any toys. Have a hankering for Batman figurines? They got 'em. Have a hankering for Kubrick Metal Gear Solid figures? They have them. Have a hankering for absolutely odd creatures whose only redeeming quality is that you've forked over good cash for them? They have 'em. The store is jam packed. Don't be scared of going up the dark and dank stairs, there is a good surprise waiting for you.
This shoudl also be a cool place to check out. I could always use more shit to cover my desk (shit that isn't papers for school.) Though, probably wont end up buying anything, unless there's something that really catchs my eye.
The last place he informed me of is a place we probably wont be going too, bit its funny to know that a place like this exists.

Search and Destroy

25 St Marks Place
Search and Destroy is this crazy thrift clothing store run by perverted Neo-Nazis (they have a life-size mannequin dangling from the ceiling wearing a gimp suit and a Hitler hat whose arm is posed into the "seig hiel" sign).
This is totaly the kind of place I would have to see to believe. Not the kind of place I'd want to walk in too though, just seeing it from the outside would probably be enough for me.
With my day off today I went and bought my self a decent (aka, generic Dynex brand) ear muff style head phones to use with my Zune on the 2 1/2 hour train ride down. I can't use ear buds, the damn things never stay in, and behind the head style headphones tend to pinch my ears, so these should work out just fine. I'm going to have to find something to put on my zune to keep me entertained while we ride down. Sadly I don't have a portable gaming device. I'll be sure to steal a camera from some one in the house to use, something I also don't have which would be vary useful on these trips.



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Edited By ParadoxControl
So with our NYC trip coming up really soon, my friend has been looking around for new places to check out. We've been there twice so far in the last year, so we have seen all the typical tourist traps.

Multimedia 1.0

18 St Marks Pl
If your dig is video games, you can get some nice vintage/imports at Multimedia 1.0 on St. Marks. Their import games tend to be cheaper than J&L in Chinatown. It's very easy to miss because the store is literally no wider than two people standing next to each other. But it is filled wall-to-wall with vintage video games and video game accessories. Last time i was there, they had an Intellivision brand-new, in the box. Shit was expensive though.
That should be a pretty cool place to check out. Its not offten that you find a true Mom and Pop gaming store, let alone one that has anything of worth. I'll be keeping an eye out for a few items while I'm there. Its vary unlikely that I'll buy anything though. The closest thing we found to a gaming store last time we went was a Indian owned corner shop. They had everything from pens to Oriental rugs to Resistance: Fall of Man for $100! I believe they also had another PS3 game there for over $80.

Toy Tokyo

121 2nd ave
They sell, well, toys. Lots of them. But not just any toys. Have a hankering for Batman figurines? They got 'em. Have a hankering for Kubrick Metal Gear Solid figures? They have them. Have a hankering for absolutely odd creatures whose only redeeming quality is that you've forked over good cash for them? They have 'em. The store is jam packed. Don't be scared of going up the dark and dank stairs, there is a good surprise waiting for you.
This shoudl also be a cool place to check out. I could always use more shit to cover my desk (shit that isn't papers for school.) Though, probably wont end up buying anything, unless there's something that really catchs my eye.
The last place he informed me of is a place we probably wont be going too, bit its funny to know that a place like this exists.

Search and Destroy

25 St Marks Place
Search and Destroy is this crazy thrift clothing store run by perverted Neo-Nazis (they have a life-size mannequin dangling from the ceiling wearing a gimp suit and a Hitler hat whose arm is posed into the "seig hiel" sign).
This is totaly the kind of place I would have to see to believe. Not the kind of place I'd want to walk in too though, just seeing it from the outside would probably be enough for me.
With my day off today I went and bought my self a decent (aka, generic Dynex brand) ear muff style head phones to use with my Zune on the 2 1/2 hour train ride down. I can't use ear buds, the damn things never stay in, and behind the head style headphones tend to pinch my ears, so these should work out just fine. I'm going to have to find something to put on my zune to keep me entertained while we ride down. Sadly I don't have a portable gaming device. I'll be sure to steal a camera from some one in the house to use, something I also don't have which would be vary useful on these trips.

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Edited By mike

You've GOT to take pictures of that Search and Destroy place.

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Edited By ParadoxControl

haha, I'll see if we even get there! Hopefully we do.