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Yeah I'm gonna need that jersey on the store pronto.

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Edited By peacebrother

@icyeyes said:

I also think Jeff is giving the game way too much credit for being super skill based. Seems like you could easily exploit the game's simple AI by being more cautious than gung-ho. Immediately jumping back and firing after kicking a door will probably prevent most damage. Then you can just peek around the side and pick off targets one by one, easy peasy. Most enemies also seem like sitting ducks at range.

Yeah but that's boring and why would you do that.


And since the majority of your score comes from your time, not only is it boring it's actively sabotaging your score.

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@elite49 said:

The boss battles look great but the "run and gun" levels look really bad almost as if they were tacked on... huh

It's almost as if...

I remember when they announced they were adding traditional platforming levels, and felt like the internet noise machine got the better of them. Having played the final game, they should have stuck to their original vision, because the bosses are out of this world incredible.

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Edited By peacebrother

@chummy8 said:

This looks like a game I might end up buying only for the graphics and not the actual gameplay. Which, IMO, is kind of a bad thing.

I mean, shit, if this was some kind of exploration based rpg or character action game, I'd probably preorder. But 2d sidescroller/boss rush? No thanks. But this game took forever to make and I can only imagine how long a bigger game like this would take.

I always love what brings people to games, and how varied our approaches and interests can be. I feel if it was exploration based RPG, that would be the reason I wouldn't buy it, and the fact that it is a boss rush in the Contra-style is a major plus for me. I adore the way it plays, and the type of game it is; the only knock against it is that I think it would have been an even better package if the run and gun sidescolling wasn't included and they kept it as a boss rush like they intended. So I would disagree that it's a bad thing or a good thing, it's just a thing, as the thing driving you away is the thing keeping me here.

Best time to be playing video games.

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People talk FXAA being just a blur filter, and that annoys me, what it does is basically does a pass over the image looking for edges and jagged lines and attempts to soften those, but since it's applied per pixel it ends up softening the image a bit. And honestly even as someone who personally isn't the biggest fan of FXAA it barely blurs the image as much as people act like it does, but it really depends on the implementation.

As far as I recall, No Man's Sky implementation of FXAA helps a ton with the shimmer on grass. It's not as successful with extreme jagged edges, but the grass shimmer is something it handles well.

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@tothenines said:

As an Xbox One owner I'm not even the slightest bit upset.

I might even consider buying the slim for its reduced size and way bigger hdd.

Make that two of us. I still absolutely love my Xbox One and am on board with them continuing to respond to market demands. Now that they've addressed basically everything on existing owners' wishlists, I'm cool with them offering new versions that up the hardware to potentially bring in some new owners. The bigger hard drive was needed (though my 2 TB Seagate has been great), and apparently the size was an issue for some people (though that's still a weird complaint to me). As for the "Scorpio" model, hopefully that grabs some of the PC/VR market. I'm not optimistic there, though, as the PC master race crowd seems FAR more interested in mocking existing console hardware than embracing a more powerful version of it, while the Oculus stuff so far hasn't been overly impressive, IMO. Regardless, I'm interested to see how these versions fare. They're giving people what they claim they want. Unfortunately, sometimes that still isn't good enough.

The PC crowd probably isn't interested because current PC hardware is probably already outperforming the eventual 3rd iteration of the Xbox.

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Dan is so wonderful for the first ten minutes.

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Edited By peacebrother

All this Souls talk and content is bumming me out that I never got around to finishing Dark Souls II. Maybe if it goes on a flash sale one day, I'll start a new character on PS4. Still have Bloodbourne to get though as well...

You could just play DS3.

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Edited By peacebrother

Building a PC this generation was the best gaming choice I've ever made.

Won't pick one up myself, as I already own a ps4. Don't really see any way this could backfire as they plan to keep it coexisting with the original ps4 model. For anyone worrying that games won't run well on the original ps4, developers go where the market is. Already 40 million ps4s out there.

Games *already* don't run well on the PS4.

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