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A Life Update

 Hey GB community, I've been thinking about what to write for the past couple of hours, with nothing too interesting coming to mind. Many users have written about what they've been playing and so I thought I might as well write at least one blog to let you guys in on my gaming life for the past week or two. We'll see how this goes.
After playing hours and hours of Halo Reach, I thought I'd take a break from the blockbuster shooter and start back up some games that I put on hold during its release. One of those games being Civilization V. 
Having never played a previous Civ game, I had some idea of what to expect from the demo, but was still unsure as to whether or not it was the game for me. But, having heard Ryan and Vinny's high praise of the game, I thought I might as well buy it and give it a shot. After playing it for 12 hours or so, I can thankfully say I made the right decision by purchasing it. That game is incredibly entertaining, and quitting out of it to do something else is truly a test of my resolve.  Having completed my first game, I now

 This generally replaces sleep
 This generally replaces sleep
feel comfortable enough to put that game back in the shelf (of my steam library) for the time being to focus on a game I desperately want to complete: Persona 3.
I have poured around 65 hours into Persona 3, a game which I started in summer and still remains uncompleted. I guess it's worth noting that I didn't get the original Persona 3, as that version is crazy expensive. Instead, I got the cheaper but arguably better version: FES. When I'm not writing blogs, making videos, or studying for midterms, I'm generally playing Persona 3. For those who enjoyed the Persona 4 endurance run, but don't want to play a game they've already seen beaten, Persona 3 is an excellent alternative. The story is just as engrossing, and the combat is pretty much the same as Persona 4's. There is a some level grinding needed, but I it's okay with me as I usually just mute my TV and listen to the bombcast or songs on Grooveshark. Either way, it's one of the main contributors to my god-awful sleep schedule although I'm sure it's not the only one. 
 The question is: How important is HD?
 The question is: How important is HD?
Somewhat outside of video games, I've been looking for something to use to record game footage on a 360 and PS3. Thanks to Drew and Hamst3r, I've narrowed down what I'm looking for and have decided to get either something relatively cheap like a Dazzle, or something like a Hauppage PVR that can record HD footage but is more expensive than the Dazzle. This blog probably isn't the best place to ask this, but if you have used a Dazzle or a PVR to record game footage, please comment here or PM me about your experiences with the device and whether or not you recommend it.
Anyway, that's about all that's worth mentioning about my life for the past week. It's not the only stuff but I'd rather not bore you guys to death on the quality of pasta I had three days ago. I'm also going to be a bit lazy here and ask for some suggestions regarding the next blog topic. I spend more time than I would like contemplating what to write about and what better way of knowing what interests the community than asking you guys myself? Preferably it's something relating to video games but I'm keeping an open mind. 
So there, hope you guys at least enjoyed reading this update about my life to some degree. Until next time.