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Best of 2009

PistolPackinPoet: Best of 2009
I only added games that I've tried out and played. I feel like if I haven't tried the game out or played it to completion or near completion, it wouldn't make sense to just put a game on my top ten list. SO HERE WE GO

List items

  • What can you say about Batman: Arkham Asylum that already hasn't been said? It's a goddamn Batman game! This game has everything: the single player experience, the creepy atmosphere, most of your Batman: The Animated Series characters, great music and most of all it makes you feel like your Batman. Now this game isn't perfect. There are flaws in character designs, boss battles, and lack of other villians for potential bosses, but the polish of the game really makes it seem that Rocksteady knows what they are doing with Batman. This game's atmosphere will suck you right in, and it will keep you playing more with Riddler's puzzles and challenges. This game has everything you want from a Batman game, so this is obviously 2009's Game of the Year!

  • Strangely, very few games live up to the hype. And Modern Warfare 2 had major shoes to fill after how great of a game Call of Duty: 4 was. And yes, I have to say, Modern Warfare 2 is living up to the hype. The campaign is stupidly crazy (in a good way) where you are going through many missions that seem like scenes in a Michael Bay movie. The game was less about a war, but more like an action game. I mean I know it doesn't seem plausible that so much things could happen in World War Three, but it could happen. Also, Special Ops is a great alternative to Zombie Nazis. Although you can only play with 2 players, its a fun experience which can be very challenging at times. But the thing that really grabs your attention is the Multiplayer. The multiplayer experience is the most intense, fun, and infuriating multiplayer experience since Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords. It's both annoying yet gratifying, but it keeps you wanting to come back for more.

  • Unfortunately I never bought the full game and only tried out the demo. But what I've played was amazing and addicting. The physics in the game is the main reason why Trials HD is both fun and frustrating. Figuring out what speed would launch you at a specific length off a ramp is an example of how Trials HD of the game being both fun and frustrating. I've spent countless of time trying to land a triple backflip off a huge ramp many times when I'm bored. So this is why the game deserves a spot on one of the best games of 2009.

  • I know what everyone is saying about the game that it was a massive disappointment. The A.I in the game is atrocious while the lack of fear made it seem like a frustrating game with only a B-Movie plot to keep your interest. Also the item system was such a downgrade with the departure of an innovative item system in Resident Evil 4. Though what really shines in the game is how amazing the game seem cinematic. Although it was disappointing that Capcom decided to go the route of an action movie, it was a fun ride with some tense situations. Playing with a friend really helps the experience from battling the first swarm of enemies to fighting the final fight with Wesker. It was a fun experience.

  • To be honest, I never played a Monkey Island game. But the series has really grown on me after playing through the first 3 chapters. The humor alone deserves a mention of the top games of 2009. The characters all have a trait that draws you into them and the puzzles, although not very challenging, really helps in the revival of the adventure game genre. I hope Telltale Games continue with this series because it's awesome.

  • I played this game for the PC and although its all quest, its a great game. Even greater if playing with other people. The amount of loot is amazing, but the fact that there are so many variations of guns is amazing. Yes, Gearbox is cheating where they say its a lot of guns, but damn, there are a lot of variations of guns. I just hope that Borderlands 2 has a story.

  • Now, I really suck at Marvel vs. Capcom 2. But that doesn't stop the fact that it is one of the best fighting games of all time. I mean look at the list of characters you can team up with! You got Wolverine teaming up with Ryu. You got Cyclops and the Hulk. The game is amazingly addicting even though I personally suck at the game. The gameplay is easy to handle while you don't need to do combos to do massive damage. My only gripe about the game is that all the characters are unlocked once you bought the game.

  • Ah Sims. The series where you are brainwashed after watching your sim do things that you would normally hate doing in real life. The game keeps you focused in the actions of your sims on hours upon hours. The features that were introduced make it feel like an actual sequel to Sims 2. Having the traits system really adds to the game's charm. Also adding sims having a collection of fishes, rocks, and bugs really reminds me of playing animal crossing on the ds. Really, this game is one of the best pc games of 2009.

  • Talk about a time waster. I didn't even buy the game and this game was so fun and addicting. One night I played from 9 PM to 1 AM in one sitting and didn't know that the time past by. Because this game is like cocaine to a crack addict, it deserves a spot on my top ten.

  • Now, to start my top ten games of 09, I gotta say that GH: Metallica really is a surprise to me after GH: Aerosmith turned out. The song selection is amazing while the gameplay is both fun and challenging. It's also a great challenge when playing with someone else. It's addicting trying over and over to complete songs because it feels like you accomplish something.